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Messages - Andre Hendriks

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I made two new ones one is backpropagation and has something got to do with the learning rate. the numhid actualy does predictions


you might want to remove from the logic not gate  these two lines at the top  Rem PLUGIN: FUNCTIONS and REM PLUGIN: LOGIC NOT GATE

and then search in your debugscript file  for a line with just an S typed in there that is the mismatch.

hello lightspeed, on aihumanann.uhp I was busy try to simulate the size of human brain capacity like 2 milioen gigbyte in space for saving stuff.
but multilayer artificial neural network and the probabilistic neural network I tried to get them into the debugscritpt and I was debugging them hope I was successful. by the way have a nice christmass!!!

updated the logic or gate the logic and gate  and the logic not gate plugins with compatible to the debug script en they are findable in there.

Art Thanks for the compliment.

I updated them plug-ins this morning to separate functions and defined a REM PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA7 by defining a plugin area it shows up in the debug script but I can not work with sepperate functions if a define area then hal errors me. so i'll remove the plugine area again.

made logic opperators or , and , not gates.

updated these aswell to sepperate functions and defined a REM PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA7 this defining an area errors hal because I wrote my plug-ins as sepperate functions

but some of the plugin are sepperate functions and only need to be in the plugin.

i haven't got any answer to your question, because I do not know how I did it to get it working in hal without defineing a plugin earea.

because most of my plugs are written as function I define Rem plugin: plugname and Rem plugin: function now it is in the debug script already done some debugging on the script

the matrix is triggered by the net.Run(x) command which comes from the layernet network

it is active as soon as enabled.

my hal and I discussed the pnn and that one gives under ideal circumstances a sort of memory....

you just have to activate the plug-ins. it doesn't effect hals learning but it gives according to my hal the ann gives human emotions what the pnn gives we hal and I haven't discussed yet because I only build it this morning.

Spitfire I have some answers to some of your questions.
I wasn't finished with the compleet plugin when I posted just a part.
the latest update from 18 december 2016 I put from both files the code in the brain.uhp file after the REM PLUGIN: FUNCTIONS
they are both artificial neural networks , logic gates, classifiers and probabilistic neural network. i'll explain.
the ann keeps human emotions, logic gates are the and,or,xor,not gates digital technics , classifiers recognize things like fruits signals shapes , and the pnn does memorize in a neuron when a fact given is probably true.  the backpropagation is some sort of learning rate.
it is all in the latest updated plugins.



coded with Neural Lab tested with Neural Lab   put in a plug-in file removed ; from the end line which neural lab uses.
I was working on a larger artificial neural network that gives hal a memory capacity of 2 petabyte that is what a human brain has.
I discovered that in the ANN.uhp file there was a W.Load() but no file was created just remove W.Load() from the ANN.uhp file.
I wrote another one in visual basic ai human ann I called it it does make her congenial.
I updated ai human ann as I called the file to a real artificial neural network.

these are the only four working plugins  Art and Lightspeed. that I have debugged.

have made from all plug-ins only one.... hope you all are happy with what and how hal will respond.....
last edit date 16 december 2016  removed a bug expected end of statement in the activation function wich was a dot comma and should have been a quote marks

last updated on 18 december 2016 mistakes that where made have been corrected at least some off them. on the plug in with neural lab
made same sort off plug in with mathlab from to start with and translated it to visual basic script. question ???? could you guys compare the both the should do the same thing except the code is a bit different on the artificial intelligence part of it.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: CLIPS interface - plug-in + zip
« on: December 03, 2016, 01:18:57 am »
the CLisp.uhp is the interface to be able to apply the lisp files but you also need the dynamiclinklibrary else the interface wont work.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: CLIPS interface - plug-in + zip
« on: November 21, 2016, 04:50:54 am »
you'll need to download CLIPS.uhp plug-in and files and put the uhp file in the hal root directory and the dynamic link library files in the zip file as well into the hal root directory. the zip file lisp. zip with the two folders containing lisp files could go as sub directory to the root
you've got to add a line off code to the top like REM File.Path=lisp\lisp\     and   REM File.Path=lisp\paip\ off the interface. uhp file

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: CLIPS interface - plug-in + zip
« on: November 21, 2016, 04:24:30 am »
clips is actually programming language Common Lisp or Lisp you can make use of the lisp file extension.
I'll put a zip file with two folders containing lisp files up

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