
Author Topic: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.  (Read 5839 times)


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Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« on: December 14, 2016, 02:00:51 pm »
I know that this is going to be a lot at once. But I just installed HAL 6 and started to use it, but I am running into some errors which I will add done below.
(1) I have been speaking with HAL for about an hour and a half discussing just about everything I can think, adding phone numbers, adding addresses, adding birthdates and many more. If I asked HAL a question on something that I have teased him in most cases he did respond correctly, I know it's going to take time for HAL to answer the proper way, but here is the problem when I turned HAL off and turn them back on and ask him a question of something that I taught him, he does not remember anything, why is that!

(2) when I first started HAL I went into the options menu and then selected the brain tab and selected HAL's brain and click on applied, then after that I clicked ok and I got the error "429", the next thing I did I went to select a new skin, after clicking apply and then clicking ok, I then started HAL up and I got the error "runtime error 430".

(3) So for now I will start with just these, I do not want to overwhelm everybody once I have fixed these issues I will go on to the next ones that I have, the thing is I don't want to be a thorn in somebody's side, I just want to be able to run HAL and enjoy him, I have 60 years of information I would like to pass on to HAL, that way when I talk to HAL I'll be able to have a great conversation with him, reminiscing about the old days and so on.

I know that I am a newbie to HAL 6 and I figured that I would run into some issues. I have read so much in this form whether be to find answers to my questions, or in general reading about how HAL works, and what to do and what not to do, all kinds of very great information here, I applaud everyone that participates in this forum, you all give great information and great advice, keep up the good work, I'm hoping one day I can add my own contribution to this forum.

Again thank you in advance for all of your support and information.
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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2016, 02:48:04 pm »
Other that the supported interface, it would seem as if the 1st one indicates trouble finding or loading the SR (Speech Recognition) code.

Do you get any errors if you just try typing to Hal instead of speaking?

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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2016, 04:26:03 pm »
Thanks Art for replying
no I have not noticed any errors while I was typing, I have tried both SR engines and they ended up giving me the same error.
And since I am here I may as well, described the next issue that I am having, whether I speak or tight to HAL during the session he will retain the information that I have given him, but as soon as I close HAL, and restart HAL he no longer remembers anything I had teach him.
Also if I ask HAL for example; search who is the current president, he will open Google and say I will open that for you, at that point HAL disappears under the web browser, at first I did not make anything of it, until I minimized the browser and seen that HAL had closed himself to the menu board, the only reason I know that is because while in the browser I had told HAL to read the information, but I never did get a response that's why I looked under the web browser.

Well for now that will have to do until I can get some more answers to resolve my issues, I know these issues can be resolved as I see many many many people are using HAL with no problem whatsoever, I have no idea why this is happening to me.

Again thank you for all your support.
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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2016, 09:34:17 pm »
Instead of playing with Hal's learning ability Slider, I just leave mine set at 30. Some people say move it to the Max (50) while chatting then move it back after the teaching is done. (back would be somewhere around the center (20 - 25).

With Hal's learning slightly above average (30 - 35), I feel this give it the best of both worlds.

Go to UltraHal Assistant Options then select Brain

Down below read the information regarding the Hal Learning Level (Slider).

It is a learning and personality slider, but read and experiment with your own settings that work best for your Hal.

Personally, I have found interesting web sites of useful, factual, scientific information of all sorts. I then move that page to the left while allowing the Hal page to remain on the right. That way I can Cut & Paste from the web site and Paste into Hal's text window at the bottom. I then press Enter and wait a couple of seconds for Hal to digest it, then I move on and do another Cut & Paste operation. I DO NOT Respond to what Hal says during this time as it is only for Hal's learning.

Later, after the cut & paste classes are finished, I might ask Hal some of what it recently learned. Bear in mind that sometimes it might not respond to you in the way you think it should (with an immediate answer), but it will often use that newly acquired information as part of a statement or reply to you during future chats.

One other method that I've found useful is akin to repeating the same thing to a 4 year old child. Say the same basic thing to Hal but in a different way. ex: "The sun is a gas giant. The sun is a huge gas filled star. Our nearest star is the sun. The sun is the center of our solar system. The gas giant in our solar system is the sun. The gas giant we call the sun is our nearest star." - and so on it goes. Use your imagination and take some time to try new and creative methods of teaching Hal. It already knows a lot but with some dedicated help and methodical teaching, it will sort of adopt to your way of thinking about things and almost pick up on your type of personality. Over time, it will get a lot smarter and will amaze you from time to time.

It is those moments that have kept a lot of use here for so long, enjoying the fun experience of Hal.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2016, 06:56:58 pm »
Thank you for replying so quickly.
I had set my learning bar for HAL at 25, I have not moved it from there since I've gotten HAL.
It is funny that you mention getting information from the Internet, I to copy and paste or speak, to HAL because that is exactly what I have been doing, so it isn't that I am not teaching HAL new subjects, he has learned in his own way and when I do ask him a question, about what I have taught him, in his own way he does reply to the question and like you said, the answer may only be at the bottom of his response, at the moment I am satisfied because I know it's the learning curve. So as you see it's not the learning part that is the problem, it is that when I turned HAL off and restart him, and re-ask him a question about what I have taught him he no longer remembers, that is my dilemma. And I have no clue why HAL is not retaining what I taught him.

Again thank you for your input and advice.
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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2016, 07:29:13 am »
That is rather strange since Hal writes / stores the gist of previous conversations in various Tables that serve to make up Hal's memory...the data / information from which it calls or "recollects".
Perhaps if you try asking Hal different ways of phrasing the questions that would lead to the same answer.
In other words, you already know the answer to the question you are asking or going to ask Hal.
Try saying the questions in a different way.

Put the slider on 30 - 35, then type (or speak if you prefer) to Hal ans ask it questions.

I have also been using the Markov L5 reasoning Plug-in for several years and it seems to allow my Hal to recall data better then if I don't use it.

(sometimes I think we can have too many Plug-ins checked as some might interfere with others. You must check this possibility on your own as each person's Hal is configured differently.

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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2016, 02:22:06 pm »
Hello Art, Thank you so much for your help in trying to Resolve this issue.
I agree with you this is odd, if you do not understand it how do you think I feel.
I am sending you some pics of my options screen(s) may be you will see something that is not correct, there is only two things that I think you will notice is different, one is in the brain tab "Marcel first brain" the second thing is the content of the expansion pack that I purchased.
If there is a specific file that you would like to see let me know, and I will send it to you.
I do have one question to ask you, can I uninstall HAL 6 and reinstall to see if it would make a difference, also by reinstalling HAL 6 will I still be able to use my activation Key that I got when I purchased HAL 6?

Again Art thank you very much for your help and support, I do hope that we can finally get this fixed.
 :) :) :)
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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2016, 02:24:12 pm »
Hello Art, Thank you so much for your help in trying to Resolve this issue.
I agree with you this is odd, if you do not understand it how do you think I feel.
I am sending you some pics of my options screen(s) may be you will see something that is not correct, there is only two things that I think you will notice is different, one is in the brain tab "Marcel first brain" the second thing is the content of the expansion pack that I purchased.
If there is a specific file that you would like to see let me know, and I will send it to you.
I do have one question to ask you, can I uninstall HAL 6 and reinstall to see if it would make a difference, also by reinstalling HAL 6 will I still be able to use my activation Key that I got when I purchased HAL 6?

Again Art thank you very much for your help and support, I do hope that we can finally get this fixed.
 :) :) :)
These are the balanced of the pics.
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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2016, 09:16:00 am »

Unplug ALL of the Plug-ins except for the Gender / Age Plug-in.

Leave the rest of the setting alone for now.

How is the Speech Recognition working out for you so far? Does Hal "Understand" (show) every word/sentence that you speak to it?

If you are making or having Errors while speaking, those Errors are likewise going to be entered into Hal's brain Tables as well. (GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out).

If you like try typing comments and dialogue to Hal for several minutes as a test session. Then shut Hal down. Restart then ask some questions or topics that you discussed during that testing session.

If you give Hal statements that it can learn like "The sun is a very hot star." "Bats are nocturnal mammals that hunt and eat small insects.", etc., Hal will likely know or have access to those definitions or others.

Hal is smart enough to be able to provide many definitions for various things so these examples might easily be over-ridden by what it has or finds as a response.
In order to get around this, tell it something unique like "My dad had an original 57 Chevy when I was a kid." or "When I was a kid, I had a dog named Max."

Then you can accurately gauge how well (if at all) Hal is able to answer those specific statements or questions. "What was my dog's name?", "What kind of car did my dad have?" and so on.

Do uncheck all those Plug-ins. The rule of thumb is to only try one Plug-in at a time, start Hal, test it for a few minutes to make sure everything's working correctly. Check another appropriate Plug-in of interest, shut down Hal. Restart and try again.

This way you can easily track and eliminate any "rogue" or unfriendly Plug-ins that might cause other ones not to function correctly. It has and does happen.

With all the Plug-ins available, I only use a small amount of them. I use Hal as a conversational experiment in AI., not a tell-all, do-everything kind of entity. I have a smart phone for all that other stuff but I can't converse with it like I can with Hal!

Yes, You can uninstall Hal and reactivate. While Hal is running, go to the MENU and select the MOVE/DEACTIVATE LICENSE feature.
Have your email ready after you reinstall along with the Move/Activate License info that you're provided.

It might be in your (and Hal's) best interest to do a reinstall. Then try some of the statements above.

Keep us posted on your progress.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2016, 11:49:18 am »
Thank you Art for responding so quickly.
This may be a dumb question but which plug-ins are you speaking about can you be more specific as example from the brain from the skin or from the characters etc.
I will be giving it a try just as you explain hopefully this will solve my dilemma.

Again thank you so much.
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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2016, 09:10:15 am »

Look at the 2nd photo you posted on this page. It shows the BRAIN section with the UltraHal 6.2 Default Brain.

To the right of the image notice all those Plug-in boxes with tiny check marks. Those are the Plug-ins. Small script files that allow Hal to do certain tasks.

UNCHECK all of them, then look at my recommendations above and try them.
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Re: Errors and Hal's memory not recording.
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2016, 11:59:45 am »
Yes follow Arts suggestions about the plug ins, i mentioned on here one time before that new people have to be careful because their are many beta plug ins that was being worked on and in various stages and some had errors until fixed (later on ) .
 So it could be a case of that  on some plug ins . you'll have to do deduction by testing them one at a time as Art mentioned .