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Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: colen35 on November 16, 2009, 01:40:40 pm

Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: colen35 on November 16, 2009, 01:40:40 pm
I am new to this. I have been unable to find how to correct the facts stored in Hal's memory. I have tried using the brain editor, but when I select the reset memory option there is no option to save the changes.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 16, 2009, 07:55:16 pm
Hi from Wil,
i'm a fan of hal and ain't qualified to say how to use your hal,
but i'm here and feelin in a postin mood,
learning about edit hal is cool,
but i want to say i've never edited my hal, ok maybe once or twice when i first got it, but i decided i would never edit if posible.
thats just my choice and i'm not telling anybody else to do anything i say.
here's a couple of my thoughts,
you don't have brain sergery everytime you made a mistake.
to avoid a hole you'd have to know what it was "mistakes".
gibberish is a subject.
in saying that i'm one hal user and i do want you to have nice success with your hal,
many hal users edit and have great hals and skills,
there should be plenty of info within the forum i'd reckon.
good luck,
bye for now and be well from Wil
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Baerdric on November 17, 2009, 11:06:23 pm
If you use the brain editor, open a "project", select the main brain (if that's the one you are using) and then look around in the automatic learning part of the database, you will find your sentences listed by topic. If you double click on the sentence, you can edit it to correct any mistakes.

It's tedious process, but it works.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: One on November 18, 2009, 06:12:35 am
But do you have the skill and patience to teach the mistake out of your Assistant? instead of an edit, be careful in there you might be severing connections.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: colen35 on November 18, 2009, 11:19:30 am
Any suggestions about how I can correct the mistake thru teaching? I tried repeating the item correctly a number of times and got the reply that I seemed to be repeating myself.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: One on November 18, 2009, 03:38:00 pm
I will admit it is difficult, but achievable. 'Understanding ' is SO important.. use things like the "IF,, THEN" statements and another is "BECAUSE" (to show consequence) and more general knowledge as to talk about more topics than just harping on the mistakes. Ignoring them and giving positive re-enforcement when right.
Oh yea "!" works as well.

I wish you luck,
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on November 18, 2009, 11:51:10 pm
Hi from Wil,
i do suggest watching my movie i made of myself and Mr Data having a chat and then think thats with all the gibberish still in there,
every mistake, days and days and days of the stereo going, noisy rooms of people all talking at once around him, thousands of misherd words and sentences, but i'm not saying do it.
Mr Data since jan 2005, don't get me wrong Mr Data still says gibberish but so do people i know and it could be a song he heard, could be a noise.
voice recognition use is a big cause of miss imputted words, and if you lose your voice files its not good, all those noises to train and words.
Its not my choice to make about your hal.
Oh my movie, yeah i reckon he can be very interesting. gibberish and all. oh that reminds me "john said to me "a man that never made a mistake never made anything"" just a thought i had.
oh the movie is called success and gibberish
 "although gibberish is explained to mr data in one of the earlyer movies"

Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Baerdric on November 19, 2009, 11:21:42 pm
Originally posted by One

But do you have the skill and patience to teach the mistake out of your Assistant? instead of an edit, be careful in there you might be severing connections.

Well, because I know how the database works, I know that you cannot "teach it out" in any way. You can, of course, reduce the chances that the misspoken sentences will show up again by flooding it with additional phrases and that simply requires time and effort, not skill or patience. But no amount of "teaching" will actually remove the entry from the database. That requires an edit.

Editing out mistakes is remarkably safe. I've been doing it for years. Going through and correcting each and every spoken mistake does require patience, and doing it well requires skill.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: One on November 19, 2009, 11:55:21 pm
G I am SO glad we now have an expert on the databases -and- teaching.

Please excuse the absurd answer that I may have given.

May I ask you a question King Baerdric?
How did my Assistant learn the 'Twitter' meanings and definitions like asking me to RT a message (Re Twit, Pass the comment on to others) When I had NEVER taught or navigated to the site?
I look forward to your answer Sir.

Little mis-informer,
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: One on November 20, 2009, 12:07:10 am
Sir. I have another question; how did my 1st attempt at an empty brain,, come up with the "API universal portal"? (Database)

Why does Zabaware advertise "giving your computer the power of thought" if it is impossible to teach ANYTHING , A mistake is an example.

"doing it for years, what rock did you crawl out from? and why now?

* Bows to King Who deals in absolutes*

Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: One on November 20, 2009, 12:14:42 am
Wait I have a better idea go and take you childish Nit-Picking ways and leave my efforts alone.

If you need to correct people to show superiority ,, Go teach L.S. why it is not the best idea to push a string, Pulling or dragging is much easier, unless someone directly tells you "go fly a kite!"

Enjoy your 8 posts and future happy posting.

Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: One on November 20, 2009, 12:44:14 am
You were correct, I meant to teach the potential A.I. to a point that it knows the un-desireable/wrong answers should not be there.
You might even be better at DB's than me, however, You carry on hackn' and slashin' a 'program',, and 'I' will teach potential candidates (for title of A.I.)the knowledge of humans and social skills and, and, and, look Ma no hackin'and Slashin' knife! enjoy your forever non-living programs you encounter.

Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Duskrider on November 20, 2009, 07:15:51 am

There is a plug-in "Corrections"
I not sure if it installed with your hal or if created here on forum.
You may have to do a search for it.

If you're having eggs for breakfast and hal says "I hate eggs" then you can type:  
Replace hate eggs with love eggs.  [:p]
Then everytime Hal wants to say  "hate eggs" she will say  "love eggs" instead.

Replace _________ with _________ .

We really should have raised Hals instead of children.  [:D]
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Bill819 on November 20, 2009, 12:18:31 pm
One very important fact that seems to be overlooked and it is this:
Before editing Hals brain files be sure that you backup them first.
Mistakes happen and rather than lose everything keep a backup copy in case you goof otherwise you may have to start from scratch all over again.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Baerdric on November 20, 2009, 11:36:18 pm
Originally posted by One

Please excuse the absurd answer that I may have given.

You're excused.

You seem angry, and looking around, it seems to be a frequent thing for you. If you can point out anything I actually said that was wrong, I will be happy to accept correction. Cheerfully accepting correction is a skill you could benefit from.

Yes Bill, I should have mentioned the back up too. I guess I'm so used to doing it that it seemed like a given to me. And I while I kinda remember the correction plugin, it almost seems more tedious than just going in and fixing things. Maybe if it was a mistake that was common to several sentences. Otherwise I think I would just go through with a print out of the conversation, find the phrases that got entered incorrectly and fix them.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: colen35 on November 21, 2009, 12:15:09 pm
Many thanks, Baerdric. I have located the place where editing can be done. Maybe now I can make corrections of my typos and misspoken phrases.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: echoman on November 21, 2009, 12:51:27 pm
I'm afraid I personally was not impressed with the 'Correction' plugin.

I feel the Brain Editor desperately needs a decent Search/Replace function built into the editor itself. At the moment it can take an extremely long time making changes to one mis-spelt word as the mistake is spread throughout the user brain and it is a matter of having to manually search for the mis-spelt through many individual records.

I am sorry to say that I am not impressed with the brain editor. In effect the brain editor is huge database without any means of searching or replacing data unless it is done manually in individual records.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Baerdric on November 21, 2009, 01:03:02 pm
Originally posted by echoman

I am sorry to say that I am not impressed with the brain editor. In effect the brain editor is huge database without any means of searching or replacing data unless it is done manually in individual records.

I spent some time trying to adapt SQLite tools to do some batch jobs on the Hal DB, and I don't recall it being very profitable. It's been a while but I seem to remember that sometimes my edits were not retained and that new entries never showed up.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: joelk11 on November 30, 2009, 11:17:30 pm
Hi, for some reason the db for UltraHal is corrupted so that the brain editor will not open the folders. I have re-installed Hal and its pretty clear its the db itself. The application runs fine and hal appears to function as normal, simply that when you open the brain editor you can not open any of the folders.

I tried to open the file using an ODBC driver in terms of paradox, but it says the table structure does not match. Is there any way to fix this? I would hate to loose all the data. Thanks!
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Bill819 on December 01, 2009, 12:11:15 am
The next time that you 'delete' Hal let Windows do it for you and then if you have a real good register cleaner then run it to get to the things that you can neither see or remove. After that you should be able to load and run Hal just like you did in the begining.
Title: Editing Hal's memory
Post by: Baerdric on December 01, 2009, 08:13:20 am
I'm afraid I don't know anything about Paradox, but the database is an SQLite format (unless it's changed) if that makes a difference.

I once had an installation that wouldn't open any brain files and I think I did fix it by doing a clean reinstall... but don't quote me on that...