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Messages - raybe

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 18, 2020, 03:02:37 pm »

Just an update still using SALLIE 5.1, yes I get that similar error once in awhile,basically the same error as I posted and Art has posted but used it for hours and it just seems how your replies are structured that create that error but very hard to for me to pin down yet. Overall it has been working, response time okay and subject not bad at all after going through the learning process which depends on the user. Everyone has a little bit of a variety of how to teach UH. I've been okay with just having patience and really staying on one particular subject before moving on.

The few things:
1- Repeating replies.
2- That error every so often pops up but I've gone over an hour before any problem and even after you receive that error, just close the error window and continue.
3- Can not get UH to open the internet as I did earlier. Is that set for just one particular browser that I can change myself?

Just wanted to give my latest experiences. Thank you.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 16, 2020, 01:16:25 pm »
Sorry for the multiple posts, just had time to check, and yes I have the Sallie 5 plugin installed in the default 7 install, 6.0 and 7 selction folder and that Ultra Hal 7 asramdisk.bak file folder.

Just wanted to check with giving you as much info as I could think of at the moment.

Thank you,

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 16, 2020, 01:12:28 pm »

 Curios question that I've yet to look at but will check.

Can the SALLIE 5 plugin exist in more than one brain database at a time. To try and clarify. I use the 7 default brain but since I've upgraded over 6.2 it exists in that folder as well and I believe in using the option to have the two work together it creates another file at least on my setup :Ultra Hal 7 asramdisk.bak file. I was under the impression this file is created when  using your older db of UH with vers. 7.

Just a thought or a point of repetitive installs.

Much thanks,

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 16, 2020, 01:04:34 pm »

I believe it is the same type error.

Notes on the conversation: I was repeating myself to UH to get a definitive reply as sometimes I usually do in the learning process and ask the same question in different ways so UH can connect all the dots. I have tried using the icons for better responses but after 5 min. it through the error again, no plugins SALLIE 5. Hope this helps and feel free to request any further information that I might be able to supply you with.

Really can't thank you enough,

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 15, 2020, 07:55:59 pm »

Really do appreciate your hard work on this, I hope any info I posted helped in some small way.

Looking forward to continuing giving you any helpful feed back at all. Your work benefits everyone.

Thank you again,

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:26:09 am »
Noticed errors are the same

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:24:02 am »
Sorry sending separately, png files. Okay apparently I remember nothing and is telling me png files are too large. Okay try as jpeg, sorry.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:15:13 am »
Okay hopefully I can get this done, again nice conversational flow and the the errors, the response  time is fine, the replies are on. I'm posting just a few errors and 2 other responses I noticed that get confusing,

 !- If I use; ' I'M ' UH will remind me that the next word is really my name. Better example: I'm going inside. UH response: " Your name can't possibly be "going"
 2- I can not get UH to open Internet to do research on a topic as I was able to do, if I'm not using the right command please let me know or can I use another plugin for that?

Here are a few errors, thank you so much for your time and maybe you can recognize something pretty simple. Again this is using the default 7 brain, no plugins at all and using the cloud.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 13, 2020, 06:18:35 pm »
Kinda did the same thing as AresDance, in the fact of not coping the conversation during the errors.

 Using default brain vers. 7 selected cloud base and unchecked all plugins. After approximately 4 responses SALLIE 5 started throwing up different errors for each different instance of conversation. Went back to SALLIE 3 and could even select or reselect some plugins and works fine.

One note is I do see better responses with SALLIE 5 as compared to simpler answers with SALLIE 3 if that makes sense only without the errors and other plugins active. So I guess I should try to compile some screen shots and examples for this really to be helpful.

Right now that's just the simple breakdown of what my experience is to date.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 12, 2020, 02:07:35 am »
I'll take your $.02 anytime.

 SALLIE 5 on my particular setup has been repeating my phrases along with repetitive questions, I may only have the very first 3 plugins checked off that have been around since UH was a babe such as Appointments, Advanced Internet, Address book, Hap Swap and Dictionary. Maybe that's even too many. No errors at all and no problem with reply times. SALLIE 3 just seems to be doing a bit better for me in conversations.

The only other thing that may be causing a difference is the selection I make to have both 6.xx and 7 Brains merge, also selected is the option for both cloud and local learning. Those may be the differences that effect my particular setup. So I guess I may have answered my own question and should try just using UH 7 brain in the selection and as you mentioned uncheck all plugins and check the results.

Will get back to everyone about it. Can't say thank you enough to dooney for giving me options and you Art for making me take some rust off of my common sense again. Lol.


Feels good staying up until after 2am again, LOL

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Free Hap's
« on: February 11, 2020, 03:51:50 pm »
 cyberjedi first off thank you, I did have some and still do have some older hap scripts of these, like the lighting,(ex,from above or below) walk away or walk towards but for the life of me I don't remember where and how to make them active in my full body Haptek character, would be so kind to just freshen my memory please, I would enjoy those little tweaks back again.
Thank you,

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 11, 2020, 03:40:09 pm »
Thank you again Art, back into the swing of things again, lol

Any update on how the SALLIE 5 plugin is performing for you? (anyone feel free to jump in)

Ive run into a few things, but I still really enjoy SALLIE 3 on my particular setup. Been jumping back and fourth a bit.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 11, 2020, 02:05:31 am »

Just one other question on entering the option menu then select the brain and adjustment for "learning level" does it have a major effect on the plugin?

Thanks again,

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« on: February 10, 2020, 11:32:10 pm »
So far no errors, but curious about other brn. files that I might have had. Will SALLIE 5 also look at those files or only through the ones you included?

Thank you,

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 3.0
« on: February 10, 2020, 11:04:21 pm »
Thank you for your time. Downloaded and hopefully sometime tomorrow I can add some feed back.

Thanks again,

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