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Messages - raybe

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Sorry to keep making the same suggestion but I just want to cover the bases because this error replicates for me if the Brain Editor does not have elevated permissions to start. OTC or Art would have a better handle but I can still get that error if the permissions aren't elevated to Administrator across the board.
Sorry just wanted to make sure.


Thanks for all your work and was OTCE information helpful for you because he also takes his own time to help us out. So I'm thankful to you for your contribution and will give it a spin.

OTCE, always a thanks for posting your insights and help.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Windows 10 & Ultra Hal License
« on: September 16, 2015, 01:19:02 pm »
DemonRaven, since you did not mention your graphics card. I'm just going to ask you although maybe obvious sometimes, did you try updating driver for your graphics card? Even some older cards have released updates specifically for Win 10. Also check for any Bios updates on system. You can always try a system reset. Please get additional advice about touching or updating the Bios for your system. These are just suggestions that have helped others I know. All the best.


This is a partial part of a Tech News letter from ZDNET written by, Ed Bot. He really tries to put things into perspective given that I even had thoughts of, " Why is my computer system talking so much with Windows 10"? I'm not posting the entire article because I think you will a clear idea just from these few clips from the original article. It starts right below, also posted link.  By Ed Bott for The Ed Bott Report | August 27, 2015 -- 20:41 GMT (13:41 PDT) | Topic: Windows 10

I'm dead serious. There is apparently a growing and very vocal population of people who believe that Windows 10 is basically a 1984 telescreen come to life. They are convinced that with Windows 10 Microsoft has built a spying apparatus not seen since the height of the Cold War, scraping up every detail of your life and feeding it back to Redmond for who knows what nefarious purposes.

They're going to need lots of tinfoil.

They're also either wildly misinformed or deliberately agitating. Unless, of course, they're just crazy, which is entirely possible based on some of what I've read.

But most importantly, they are wrong, terribly wrong. And they're being whipped into a frenzy, or at least passively aided by the tech press.  It's wildly at odds with the facts, even. I keep tabs on a handful of well-established torrent sites, orders of magnitude larger than the ones complaining here, and none of them seem to have a problem with Windows 10.
It is certainly true that Windows 10 relies on online services to a much greater degree than previous Windows releases. That's the way of the world, especially one in which a billion people carry around devices that literally track their every movement around the world and report them to global telecommunication companies. I'm also not hearing a single peep of complaints from people who actually set up and run business networks, because they understand how utterly normal those privacy terms are in 2015.

This are just clips from the original article.

General Discussion / Re: Are there Plugins for MMD and UTAU?
« on: August 27, 2015, 04:26:39 pm »
Sorry I can't make any suggestions. OTCE is the man that would know.( Besides Robert M. and a select few) I would strongly recommend his advice.
Not a bad thought bringing in some Anime. But brains and function come first for me, can't deny I love the characters and Haptek for all it's worth still looks better (3D rendered) with gravity, sinks up with voice better in real time than many things being used on a stand alone platform within a licensed program for today.  Robert M. was also working  on a newer character engine for UltraHal. We saw previews, really couldn't say if it was necessarily better but easier to deal with since Haptek has not really put forward a plan for private outside AI programs to my knowledge. My opinion only.


Very late returning but I think many have installed Windows 10, maybe not. But agree with doggs. It definitely has it's quirks which is to be expected but solid over all. Maybe the biggest concern for people so far is the feeling of vulnerability. This version is hardwired to the net no matter how private you set it. The more privatized the settings the more you take away functions, depending on what you feel is more important at this time. Not that it probably makes a difference because I really don't know to what level of security if any Windows 10 uses.( Outside of your own ).

As an example I look at data transfer between versions 7 & 10  and 10 is talking up a storm right from the start. Betcha big isp's are throttling back because of the amount of data. Honestly, again I'm just stating my opinion and not fact. (I think).

The other thing I find is if you don't have a program other then using the Task Manager the Apps run loose, Store, Money, Sports the nature of live tiles I guess. Never used them before this version, Windows 10.


Come-on Art, a good mirror or a so called friend behind you can even hack a good card game. Ouch!!!


***Not that I would ever agree with that type of behavior!!!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Working with Haptek
« on: August 27, 2015, 03:21:46 pm »
Sorry again Carl2 but I finally got around to reading this page, and realized that DeltaSetmaker is another Licensed software as PeoplePutty. Interesting if it stands alone. $$$ also??


 Sorry I'm late but just in case, Just to chime in as well as running the editor with elevated privileges. Right click, "run as administrator" and it's done. 


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Working with Haptek
« on: August 27, 2015, 03:08:57 pm »
I would say that Delta Setmaker just allows the user to import a widely used OBJ file(Wavefront) library used in many other 3D programs. I was not aware of that feature. I now need to check with my wife and see if she has any of her 3D characters in that format. She has been using Poser and Daz but she also has friends that create characters as well. Is it something you would like to try?  I don't own anything from Haptek other than the original player and the editor you sent me, Carl2. I'm sure that the OBJ file carries most of the information for movement and axis where Haptek can then just add skins and other functions, I hope.

 Forgot to mention that those files can probably found online. But I'm still going to talk to her tonight about it. Also don't know if there are any licensing problems with just using an OBJ file since it's really the information we are looking for until the skin is placed on it using the Haptek engine.

I know I haven't been around but I'm trying.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Another newbie joining in
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:34:48 pm »
I know it's been awhile.
 I guess it's how you really look at it theses days. You can keep buying hard drives that still need to be backed up or begin to head to the clouds. Everything takes up so much space. UltraHal would stay personally yours but it would be easier for any updates to take place and taking UltraHal with you without remote interface to that particular system. Everything and anything lends itself to be as secure as your own comfort level is. Nothing but nothing is sacred territory as you may well know.  If that was indeed your concern at all.
The majority of the problem came from getting clean resources for your particular UltraHal off the internet which everyone deals with in different ways. Again the site itself can be intrusive.
The only thing I don't remember, if there were going to be alternatives to saving your files without the cloud based server.. I believe that it was possible.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Speech recognition response delay
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:15:53 pm »
I would suggest just waiting a bit longer unless by the time I caught up here, Robert has answered your question. Check my post Date.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Windows 10 & Ultra Hal License
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:12:07 pm »
Sorry I haven't returned. But thank you for your replies. That suggestion from doggs is what I would also recommend although that problem showed up on only one updated system I own.


I think as relevant as these issues truly are in regards to privacy, we lost our privacy many years ago and this is just an extension through technology. Information has always been a commodity, information today means individuals. This is just becoming a more convenient way of doing it. The Government for years (Federal) and advertisers or any one trying to create a larger but specific target base. Small businesses for years have paid for solicitation information or you might say mailing lists for potential customers. This is the cost and has been the cost of our freedoms.

Let's not even throw Big Brother or Corporations into the mix, just based upon individuals with the talents can find you, get any information and still control what happens with that information.

Drawing lines is like drawing lines in the sand right now. It's there until the next wave washes it away. 

You do the best you can; changing passwords and using stronger passwords until you can't remember them, anti everything software and settings that may help in just giving your information away. At least let them work for it a bit.
My best advice is hide your money, somewhere, anywhere off the grid. Some truth and some humor, Good Luck to us all.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Windows 10 & Ultra Hal License
« on: August 11, 2015, 08:54:11 am »
Thanks lightspeed, I just didn't take into consideration that Ultra Hal program recognizes the Windows 10 update as a new system. Most programs accept the update and continue without interruption due to the fact Windows 7 leaves enough information within update process. As a matter of fact Windows 7 does not leave your system at all  You will see it labeled as "Windows Old" so you can return to Windows 7.

This only happened on one computer and I guess it could have been anything. There is probably a difference also with the version you upgrade such as Windows 10 Home / Windows 10 Pro. Depends on the version of Windows you had installed prior to update although you can update to Pro anytime but will cost.

I was curious if anyone experienced similar hick-up with Windows 10 update. NOTE: all other computers I updated worked just fine.


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