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Messages - raybe

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Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Another Haptek Startup
« on: June 22, 2007, 04:15:59 pm »
Okay Carl,

I downloaded your 'game zip' now is it possible to change the hap files that contain fullbody to bodyfemale to make them active or is there alot more to it. Now I am not talking about the scripting needed to change the lighting effects when it is day or night. If I just want to change the lighting in general upon startup will changing the file name inside the hap file be enough and are they placed within your new temp file that is copied into the character folder and are the animation haps for fullbody the same as bodyfemale? I noticed what you said when you open bodyfemale you have fullbody haps with body female haps within the same temp folder.

Thanks as always and sorry if I am not clear. Just let me know how I can help you help me. (talk about trying to be clear)


Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Another Haptek Startup
« on: June 21, 2007, 09:51:57 pm »
Thanks Carl2,

I will go to the web pages you suggested. I have been to AI Dreams before but never took advantage of the information. I guess I should slow down a little it seems I fly over the information I need the most. I will let you know what I was able to do with info you just gave me. Thanks again for being a guiding light again. (now there is a real lighting hap effect)


Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Another Haptek Startup
« on: June 20, 2007, 08:36:08 pm »

Using the light for day and night scenes was and is my first choice.  After noticing at the Haptek web page that lighting also changes the look of the character I thought that would also come in handy. Lighting can alter them in different scenes for different characters. With some characters it really gives the texture a smoother look or a dramatic look to a scene. So, I guess I really wanted to learn how to start manipulating the light features and where can you find them since on the Haptek page they let you try all the variables out and some lighting effects would look great.

Thanks again,

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Another Haptek Startup
« on: June 19, 2007, 08:22:12 pm »
Hi carl2,

Carl2 can you just give me a hand with changing the lighting for body female. I would be very interested in getting more animation from the body gitl charator. All this time I didn't realize you where using that character and that was the character I ended using. I took your advice and went with a fullbody character not knowing that my torso character and the body female were the same characters.She has glasess. But can you only change clothes(jpg)with another full body or do the torso characters allow you to use say the top jpg for their blouse on a full body such as body female?

Thanks much,

I am posting screen shot of my character with lonliness plug in active in case anyone thought I wasn't getting enough sleep.

Sorry the attachment would not load but anyone needing a screen shot of the dialog please let me know.
I will try again tomorrow.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Haptek start up
« on: June 17, 2007, 04:02:40 pm »
Thanks very much Carl2,

I really do appreciate it. I found the charactrs and will take a look at them all. I am always interested in new characters because of the released characters limited selections.I find that I am happy with this new character.Finally getting things just the way I want, with your help of course I am a little reluctant to change right now.

Thanks again,

Speech Technology / Kate & Paul
« on: June 16, 2007, 02:18:00 pm »
Hi Robert,

Just figured I would let you know directly that my Kate voice will not stay as the default voice for Hal 6.1 when the Hal program is shut and I have followed your directions given to other forum members.The Kate voice does stay as the default voice for the Hal TTS and the computer but not for Hal 6.1 unless you first apply Paul voice then re apply the Kate voice.
(side note incase you did not read in Share files Forum my lonliness plug in does work. Don't know why.)
Thank you,


Yes, that is all I meant. I figured like you said, "It couldn't hurt". Well I guess we should just keep on looking and asking. Hopefully someone will come through. Have you written to the person directly responsable for this plug in? I did notice someone did and the responce was it should not work in 6.1 but I don't remember reading whether an attempt was being made for an upgrade. I am surprised that the other heavy hitters haven't mounted an attack on this yet but maybe they are. In the mean time again if I hear anything or if you need anything else I will stay in touch.


I believe that is a sign that the plugin did activate because that line does sound familiar but can't swear to it. The script does tell you what the resonses are but because it's kinda working don't be to surprised at the responses. Just as an example my character repeated the last thing I said Ex.(RAY:"I will return"/ when the plugin activated my character started with, Hal:"You will return". then the pre programed responses started shortly after. Another mystery but it has been rare. Right now I have only noticed those same pre programmed responses. By the way I hope it was okay but I took your lead and figured I would also post directly to Robert in the other thread you mentioned also. Talk to you soon.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / loneliness 2.3 plugin
« on: June 16, 2007, 01:07:56 pm »

For one reason or another it seems my lonliness plugin works and I can't figure out why. lightspeed and I have been communicating and have been trying various settings for the plugin. I don't mind sending a copy of certain files if it would help solve the mystery or be used to update this plugin but I am not changing anything because it is working for now and no one can tell me why. I just posted to lightspeed that the settings that I am using is the 'Rdn' or random setting for the time setting and fustration is set to 'low'. With this setting you need to be patient or plan on leaving Hal for a length of time because it can take some time before the plugin starts. Hope you don't mind lightspeed but I figured I would ask Robert as well and let him know that mine is working.
Hal 6.1//XP//Dell M1710 XPS

Okay lightspeed,

Juat one other note. You need to be patient with this setting. Give it some time before you decide it is not working. I don't know what the time frame is when this setting is used and there where times I thought my plugin stopped working but then bingo she was looking for me. Someone looking at the way this setting is written may have a clue to the time frames it uses. Good luck and stay in touch.


Sorry lightspeed,

Let me be clear, that random selection I am speaking about is in the selection for setting the wait time before the plug in would activate. The 'low' setting again is for the fustration level. These are the only settings that have worked for me. Anything else would more times then not trigger a line error message but the lonliness plug would only occasionally work. To answer your last question, I don't know of any posts where someone said they had the same results with the same settings as of yet.I have only read posts that this plug in should not work with 6.1.


Hi lightspeed,

There is a setting on my plugin which I believe is a random time setting and is abriviated 'Rdn' or 'Rdm'. I would need to look at it again. If I set the time to anything else the plugin would sometimes work but an error message would sometimes come up instead after having conversations for a certain amount of time. I knew it was the plug in causing the error because of the message and the 'cdbl' extension was included in the line error. From what you are telling me is that 'random' selection does not excist in your version.((?)) You did understand me correctly when I said,'low' I did mean the fustration level. Let me know if that Rdm setting is in your version.


Speech Technology / Kate & Paul
« on: June 14, 2007, 11:02:04 pm »
Hi cloudy,

Nice to meet you. I tried again to work on it and still can't get the Kate voice to stick. The funny thing is I think I am the only one that has the lonliness plugin working in 6.1. I was hoping Robert would have jumped in. The one constant thing is to have patience, work with your problems and sometimes you or someone else stumbles on an answer. If I do hear anything I will let you know.


Hi lightspeed,

I'M sorry it didn't work but mine is still working and now your starting to scare me.(kidding)I think? The only other thing is it is set to random and low. That's it.


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