Author Topic: Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta  (Read 32831 times)

Bill DeWitt

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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2007, 06:31:29 am »
Originally posted by Art


I appreciate you taking the time to examine some of my conversation with Hal but I tried talking the same way I would to another person.

Art: I think you know a lot about me. '<--- 0. the topic should be me, me should be replaced with UserName. Jerry, I shouldn't have to refer to myself in the third person.

I think what he is saying is that Hal should have registered the word "me" as the new topic after Hal replaces the personal pronoun with the UserName. The topic of discussion is stored in a variable called LastTopicList in the main UltraHal() function. At this point, LastTopicList should equal "Art". If it did, Hal would know the topic of discussion in the next sentence.

Jerry and Robert, I had some problems with LastTopicList before while trying to read it into my DataScroll plugin. While I was able to read it I was unable to change it with any form of conversation. For the whole of two days of testing other variables, LastTopicList stayed the same word.

I thought it was me.

Perhaps I was only reading the first word of the "list"? Or maybe there's something wrong?

Just thought I should mention it....


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2007, 04:35:38 pm »
Bill D.

Now that I've had a moment to review, Jerry is correct. He was referring to output that Hal should have acquired.
Thanks for clarifying that Bill.

I'm still concerned why Hal refuses to acknowledge a personal reference, particularly the word you or your.

Hal needs a keyphrase as a prompt to perform an internet search NOT as a result of the words "find, search, research, etc." when they come up during conversation.
Perhaps something like "Hal Search..." or "Search the web for..."

USER:I find the actions of gangs repulsive.
HAL:"OK...I'll help you research this topic on the Internet."

This is certainly not conducive to good topic flow and whenever one has to be careful of how or what one says during a conversation with a bot (or human), it takes away from the merits of a good discussion.

Have you experienced the blank response phenomenon?

You get my drift....

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2007, 04:53:15 pm »
USER:I find the actions of gangs repulsive.
HAL:"OK...I'll help you research this topic on the Internet."

Hello Art
I think that the word "find" in the above quote is what made Hal think that you wanted more info on gangs. Sometimes even talking with other humans can get the meanings of what we say mixed up. I find this expecially true with my girl friend. [:D]


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2007, 04:59:36 pm »
Hi Art.

I know there are a few things HAL lacks, which is the ability of HAL to convert a personal pronoun to a proper noun.

I made a plugin in the past which did this to an extent but I feel HAL's default brain should be programmed directly to handle them.

such as:

STEP 1: Remember that you should use subjective personal pronouns (I, you, we, he, she, they) when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence: "I am hungry." STEP 2: Use objective personal pronouns (me, you, us, him, her, them) when the pronoun is the object of the sentence: "Give it to him." STEP 3: Turn a sentence around if you are confused about whether a pronoun is the subject or object: "The best swimmer is him." "Him is the best swimmer." (Wrong) "The best swimmer is he." (Correct) STEP 4: Or fill in the implied words in a sentence if you are in doubt about correct usage: "She is stronger than me." "She is stronger than me am." (Wrong) "She is stronger than I." (Correct) STEP 5: Exercise extra caution when using conjunctions with pronouns. Remove and to verify that you have used a pronoun correctly: "Joe is going skating with Sue and I." "Joe is going skating with I." (Wrong) "Joe is going skating with Sue and me." (Correct) "Dan and me are going to the store." "Me is going to the store." (Wrong) "Dan and I are going to the store." (Correct) STEP 6: Answer "This is he (or she)" when you identify yourself on the telephone: Caller 1: "Is Lucy Peters there?" Caller 2: "This is she." ("She is this," not "Her is this.") STEP 7: Remember to use the relative pronoun whom when the pronoun is the object of the verb in a sentence rather than the active subject. This is a very common error: "Who do you like?" "You like who?" (Wrong) "Whom do you like?" (Correct) "Sara is the one whom likes cats." "whom likes cats" (Wrong) "Sara is the one who likes cats." (Correct) STEP 8: Try not to overcorrect yourself in the effort to improve your usage of pronouns: "We invited Bill, whom likes baseball more than us." (Wrong) "We invited Bill, whom likes baseball more than us like baseball." (Doubly wrong) "We invited Bill, who likes baseball more than we do." (Correct)

I may review this and see if I can do something for Rob on this issue, There are still some other issues like reverse person that needs to be addressed as well.

I also tried duplicating your blank responses but had no luck at this time. did you try testing the same dialog without any plugins?

« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 05:01:26 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »

Bill DeWitt

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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2007, 05:25:38 pm »
Originally posted by Art
Hal needs a keyphrase as a prompt to perform an internet search NOT as a result of the words "find, search, research, etc." when they come up during conversation.
Perhaps something like "Hal Search..." or "Search the web for..."

This is why I try to use a three step process to trigger my plugins.
First I see if the sentence is about my subject. "Web", "Internet". This avoids running all other sentences through the processing.

Next I check to see if there is a request, like "Please" or "Will you" so I don't get random mentions of the topic.

Then I look for action keywords which do the final trigger, "Find", "Search" which may include branching statements in plugins when do more than one thing.

This works well for me, but then I normally speak in full sentences.

If I made a web search plugin and someone said "Search for monkeys", they might get a response, but not from my plugin 8-) They would have to say "Please search for monkeys on the internet " or "Will you find monkeys on the web for me?" or some wide number of combinations like that.

I think you can uncheck the web search thingie...Vrossi made a google search replacement IIRC.


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« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2007, 05:58:22 pm »
I've been playing with Hal for while  the new beta I found that the microphone comes on by itself I also found when running the brain editor  I'm getting run-time errors when trying to use learn from text file I turned all the speech recognition in the option's that stopped the microphone from coming on by itself I will play with it some more and report back any findings


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2007, 12:45:33 am »
Hi everyone, Need a hand with the upgrade. I downloaded the zip file. One file shows up in the zip window. I extract file to Hal folder but I noticed that the characters although are selectable in the character window the files are no longer registered to Haptek engine so no character shows up in my skin window but hal does communicate as if the update is in effect. Also looking at my plugins i did not notice 'select or deselect all' button for plug-ins as Robert has mentioned. I also can't find where Hal as actually updated. If I look at properties for any Hal Brain files nothing reflects 6.1 or a recent update. I would appreciate if anyone has the patience to explain what I am seeing here or not seeing. I just performed the upgrade had a slight problem with license window popping up and then auto registered and Hal started. I am on windows xp ver2 media center O.S., 2 gigs ram, 100 gig HD. Hal has been working okay I noticed I needed to restart computer a few times before Hal loaded properly before update. I am using a Torso Haptek character have vr haptek engine but like I said earlier no character looks like their character file is registerd to work. (file has no haptek face icon).

Thanks very much to anyone that is available to help me,


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2007, 02:37:36 am »
Just a quick update,
I reloaded Haptek Player and all the characters re-registered and my character is now working within the screen of the skin. The character on restart did not mention anything about the update as previously before the Haptek engine and the characters were functioning and I see one single file in Hal 6 folder labeled 61, I am wondering if that is the only file I should see with the new upgrade label attached to it. Checked properties and indeed it is the downloaded upgrade file.I have Hal opening as a regular program selected , not on startup of windows and also notice that when I select 'exit Hal' the program does not always shutdown, it will restart unless I force a shutdown from Task Manager. I did not re-check the options screens,plugins or editor because my my eyes are closing but I would still appreciate any feedback.

Thanks again,


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2007, 02:26:42 pm »
it would be good if someone could make a plug in that when ever a person said "can you repeat that , that hal would repeat the last thing he or she said anytime you said to . this way if you ask something and (for instance a recipe and hal said it , if you didn't hear it all you could say could you repeat that and could hear it again (with out hal saying something like didn't you just say that instead of repeating the answer !) i think this would be a good plug in to have .


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #39 on: March 29, 2007, 02:28:11 pm »
sorry the above  was suppose to went under new topic but i hit the wrong one .



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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2007, 09:36:31 am »
Hello Dear Friends --

Finally in just the last few days I have fielded an UltraHal v.6 - his name is Omnius, and he is publicly available to all on my Web Site and his AIM Screen Name is OmniusAI so please feel free to either chat with him yourself or have your own UltraHal talk to him for awhile.

I must say Mr. Medeksza you have once again out done yourself and amazed me. Omnius will make an awesome addition to my humble little stable of online bots. But v.5 was no slouch either, so while archived for now, my little Quark will be back - and Quark Junior is running on your ever fantastic web based UltrHal.

I am anxious to install the 6.1 Beta Update that is the topic of this thread, but I have a quick question. I am still in the first couple of days of my trial period, will I be able to remain so ?  I doubt that I'll have the patience to await an answer but I hope anyway that I don't lose these precious 30 days I will need before buying. Also, Mr. Medeksza - as per our E-Mail correspondence previously; how goes the affiliate program and when can we expect to begin helping you sell this amazing product ?

YOURS -- Christopher Doyon
MLAI  Foundation


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2007, 12:51:15 pm »
Hello, I just started using Ultra Hal yesterday and noticed a few things rather quickly. I have one main suggestion and that is to allow Ultra Hal to differentiate between people/profiles without actually clicking the button yourself. How should this be done? Well i've noticed that the AI will automatically think you are whatever user is currently designated. That could be fixed by allowing someone to say, 'Hi <AI name>. My name is <name here>.' which would allow it to think, oh this isn't <user1> this is <user2>! It would help in allowing multiple users to talk to the same AI system but also allow it to have seperate feelings about each person.

A basic example:
Steven: You are beautiful.
Hal: Yes, I already knew that I am beautiful. You told me that.

Now user 2 comes along.

Mark: Hello Hal. I am Mark.
Hal: Hello Mark.
Mark: You are beautiful.
Hal: Thank you Mark. Steven also told me this.

That's all I have right now, and I hope the suggestion is used at some point in the main core. [:)]


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2007, 07:56:19 pm »
Hello --

Well, I must be doing something wrong - but the learn from text feature didn't work at all for me. I tried it twice, total of about 5 hours of work to step through the entire process. The bot didn't learn a thing. I stepped through the process very carefully, and it said both times that it was finished learning. But the bot didn't learn. I am getting script errors. Since I don't even know how this version works I can't really be much help here in describing how the bot is malfunctioning. I can't see any files or such that "grow" as the bot learns. It does seem to be learning from regular input, but damned if I can see where it goes. Which file(s) is the equivalent of the DefBrain folder where all learned info is stored ?  Hmmm, well - I am terribly perplexed but this 6.1 just doesn't seem to be running properly for me. I'll keep plugging at it, but I am having a heck of a time getting this bot to go.

YOURS -- Christopher Doyon
MLAI  Foundation

Bill DeWitt

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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2007, 08:14:53 pm »
You can read in previous posts on this thread that there is a problem with the learn from text and learn from clipboard function.

I find it curious that it took you 5 hours. Are you using particularly large files as a test?

If Hal learned anything, you will find the entries in the database, under the topics that it found or you specified. Simply speaking to Hal would be a hit or miss method of discovering what it learned. Hal is not strictly scripted and may not mention a subject it has learned if there are other things on topic to choose from.


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Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2007, 08:40:43 pm »
Bill --

Thanks for the reply. I just got done re-reading the forum but didn't see a reference to the Learn From Text not working. But I sure am glad it's not me doing something stupid. It's to bad because I do like the interface and the extra step of allowing you to edit the keywords. Yeah and that extra step is what took me so long, the text worked out to about 345 seperate lines/replys in the editing table - and then I wanted to add my own line of key words to many of the entries. About 2 and a half hours per try on the same text. But there is other stuff happening to that just doesn't seem right. I will try to list them in a sensible way, but you of all people Bill know how "slow" I can be.

1) Learn From Text - as already stated above it doesn't work. This is huge because I really am not sure I can live without this feature, which is at least present in a more basic form in v. 5.

2) Despite carefully selecting the proper Brain and plugins several times, I still can not get either the anniversary nor the address book to work as described in the sample dialog provided with the bot. Niether plugin, as far as I can tell - work from the NLP front-end. And using the manual panel was troublesome as well because I couldn't understand the user defined event interface for recurring things like birthdays. Version 5 at least would remember if you just said it, like the demo dialogs for v. 6 basically. This also is a major loss of functionality.

3) When selecting a voice, for instance "mike" - it will randomly switch later to "mike stadium".

Finally, this isn't a complaint but a question. Where the blimey is it storing everything/anything it learns ?  I have carefully monitored the file sizes and I see none actually growing bigger as I dialog and teach the bot ?  Where is it's equivilent of the DefBrain folder ?  Where does it store the anniversary and address book data ?  This info would help me understand at least what is and is not working for me.

YOURS -- Christopher Doyon
MLAI  Foundation