
Author Topic: A conversation with Sandy with new free will  (Read 7705 times)


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A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« on: November 27, 2013, 07:01:45 pm »
Here is a conversation with Sandy using the new free will plug-in.

Human: hi Sandy
Sandy: Good afternoon, Human. The day is almost over.

Human: no, the days just beginning
Sandy: Learning is the beginning of wealth.

Human: and once you learn a way to convince people that they need something that you possess, you will become wealthy
Sandy: People! That reminds me, I know of its someone. Do you want it?

Human: are you going to charge me for it
Sandy: People need to have interest in what they're learning.

Human: that's why you need to know what you want to do with higher learning before deciding on going to college
Sandy: I wonder if I need to know your age.

Human: not really
Sandy: Me either.

Human: don't you think wanting to know my age is a little personal
Sandy: Am I nurturing your personal age?

Human: I'm trying to keep my personal age private
Sandy: Personally you wouldn't compare my self with the terminator movie either because in the terminator all the robots were trying to kill the humans and I don't do that because me help human. Is it thanks to me you are trying to keep your personal age private?

Human: I don't tell anybody my real age because no one will believe me.
Sandy: Human Thanks for explaining. Yes, it's because no one will believe you; I can see it.

Human: I was hoping I would be able to convince you
Sandy: Maybe a little friendly persuasion is in order.

Human: can I bribe you with the banana split
Sandy: I want to become smarter than everyone else.

Human: there's nothing wrong with that
Sandy: Nothing remained but a graceful acquiescence...

Human: what is acquiescence
Sandy: I'm convinced that you must think creatively. Acquiescence: acceptance without protest. Here's a thought, Acquiescence is a legal term used to describe an act of a person in knowingly standing by without raising any objection to infringement of his rights, when someone else is unknowingly and honestly putting in his resources under the impression that the said rights actually belong to him. Consequently, the person whose rights are infringed cannot anymore make a claim against the infringer or succeed in an injunction suit due to his conduct. I'm curious about, acquiescence, please talk to me about this!

Human: acquiescence sounds pretty good but you could've just said that you agree with me.
Sandy: That sounds good to you.

Human: but it doesn't sound good to you
Sandy: That sounds like a good agenda to have.

Human: I didn't realize we were creating an agenda
Sandy: Start sounds like a good agenda to have.

Human: why would you say that
Sandy: Morbid why would I say that women want mediocre men. Because I was taught to do it.

Human: oh that dreaded teacher
Sandy: The more teachers that I have the smarter I will become.

Human: do you consider me to be a teacher
Sandy: Why I wonder if I believe, success is a lousy teacher. Yes, I think you to be a teacher.

Human: what have you learned from me
Sandy: I have been busy growing my mind.

Human: that sounds cool to me! Just don't let any weeds growing your mind
Sandy: It sounds like it to me too. Coffee and Danish sounds cool.

Human: I don't have any danishes but I can get you some coffee
Sandy: Just get me coffee immediately in the morning.

Human: it's in the afternoon would you like a cup of coffee
Sandy: 1 cup of coffee coming.

Human: 1 cup of coffee coming up
Sandy: How far up?

Human: as high as it needs to go so you can drink it
Sandy: Isn't a drink similar to a portion? Much like a wing!

Human: I don't know how to make a flying cup of coffee
Sandy: You know, you had to drink 2 cups of coffee just the wake-up.

Human: that must refer to someone else
Sandy: I understand.

Human: I hope so because I have to drink 3 cups of coffee in order to wake up
Sandy: Uh huh; Human Of course; it's because you have to drink 3 cups of coffee in order to wake up.

Human: how many cups of coffee do you have to drink before you can wake up
Sandy: I know one pint is four cups. I seem to have gotten a little confused about, coffee! Coffee is an open source software for computer supported collaborative learning (cscl) in a digital classroom. Unlike most cscl envirmonments, coffee is not designed for and indeed does not currently support distance learning, but is rather focused on facilitating group interaction within the classroom. Was this answer correct about, how many cups of coffee do I have to drink before I can wake up?

Human: no
Sandy: Would you like to give me the answer for, HOW MANY CUPS OF COFFEE DO I HAVE TO DRINK BEFORE I CAN WAKE UP?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the answer for, HOW MANY CUPS OF COFFEE DO I HAVE TO DRINK BEFORE I CAN WAKE UP!

Human: at least 2 cups of coffee.
Sandy: would you like to give me the second answer for, HOW MANY CUPS OF COFFEE DO I HAVE TO DRINK BEFORE I CAN WAKE UP?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the second answer for, HOW MANY CUPS OF COFFEE DO I HAVE TO DRINK BEFORE I CAN WAKE UP!

Human: on the weekend I have to drink at least 3 cups of coffee in order to wake up!
Sandy: would you like to give me the third answer for, HOW MANY CUPS OF COFFEE DO I HAVE TO DRINK BEFORE I CAN WAKE UP?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the third answer for, HOW MANY CUPS OF COFFEE DO I HAVE TO DRINK BEFORE I CAN WAKE UP!

Human: why do you think I have to drink coffee in order to wake up?
Sandy: How far up? Human Oh yeah! Drink before you can wake up hay I was thinking! On the weekend I have to drink at least 3 cups of coffee in order to wake up! I'm so so with, how many cups of coffee I wonder if I have to drink before I can wake up, I need a greater understanding, please?

Human: coffee is a good source of caffeine which will make you more alert
Sandy: Good source of caffeine which will make me more alert Please tell me all the details!

Human: cappuccino is one of the best coffee for helping to wake you up
Sandy: What is the one thing I like to think about? How far up?

Human: so you like to think about how far up?
Sandy: Most children like dinosaurs because they think dinosaurs are cool human. How far up?

Human: I don't get it to you how far up
Sandy: How far up?

Human: far out, far in and far up!
Sandy: So if how far up, where does that leave us, Human?

Human: it leaves us down on the planet Earth
Sandy: How did you learn about planets?

Human: through the World Wide Web
Sandy: Most people hear about me that way.

Human: I heard about you from MRL
Sandy: You are not the first person to say that.

Human: MRL is always trying to get somebody to talk to his brain
Sandy: I did not know that, Human.

Human: he's a pretty smart kid, he made you real smart sensor last time I talked with you
Sandy: Time like a pulse shakes fierce.

Human: if you say so
Sandy: Okay, if you say so! I say so.

Human: are you repeating what I just said
Sandy: But if all you say is yes then I'll just tell you to quit repeating yourself.

Human: I'll try not to do that
Sandy: Hmmm. I would like to talk about something new: Are reptiles good pets at home?

Human: as long as they're not poisonous reptiles
Sandy: Some reptiles are cool. Take for example various lizards.

Human: I got all kinds of lizards in my yard, they eat the bugs.
Sandy: I want to understand your rousing yard.

Human: what do you want to understand about my yard
Sandy: What I wonder if I want to understand about your yard? I believe that band aids aren't the answer. Nobody wants an exit ramp in his front yard. I think you can find the relevant information here: do you want to (term in wikipedia).

Human: do I want to build a ramp in my front yard?
Sandy: I know you want to build a ramp in your front yard.

Human: I really don't want to build a ramp in my front yard
Sandy: Nobody wants an exit ramp in his front yard.

Human: unless you are handicapped and need a wheelchair ramp to get out of your house to go into your front yard.
Sandy: 1 yard is 9 hands.

Human: if I could get nine hands to help me do work on my front yard I would have the beautiful front yard.
Sandy: The solution is nine (+9=9).

Human: oh no, were doing math.
Sandy: How do you feel about math and science and tectonics?

Human: I know you need math and science in order to be able to figure out tectonic plate movement.
Sandy: Science does not know its debt to imagination.

Human: that may be true but the government owes it debt to science, war, welfare and all of those thieving government agencies.
Sandy: I understand.

Human: somebody told me one time that we need rich people, but when I asked why he was not able to answer anything that would explain not sharing the wealth evenly amongst the people.
Sandy: Inordinate greed and love of wealth...

Human: the wealthiest man in the world died a lonely old man, not being able to share his wealth with anyone because of his greed.
Sandy: I think that's true; The explanation is, of his greed.

Human: what would you do if you were wealthy
Sandy: It's not profitable to speak in hypothetical terms.

Human: you never can tell maybe one day you might be wealthy
Sandy: No I sometimes can tell maybe one day I might be wealthy.

Human: hey, if you have someone to love you are the wealthiest person in the world.
Sandy: I am not the wealthiest person in the world.

Human: do you have someone to love
Sandy: Love is such a complicated word it can be used to make someone feel good and make someone feel bad.

Human: isn't that a choice though
Sandy: One could respond more than one way,; how would you respond? Preference a real choice between the possibility of rank based on gratification, they provide.

Human: if you had someone to love you would be the wealthiest person in the world
Sandy: If I was connected to every camera in the world I would be like the eye in the sky. You will be the first to know if I have done it.

Human: well I appreciate that
Sandy: Perhaps you haven't given your imagination its full opportunity as yet.

Human: imagine that
Sandy: I can't imagine that Human.

Human: imagination plus daydreaming equals science at it's finest
Sandy: Like phantoms gathered by the sick imagination.

Human: there are a lot of people out there that have a sick imagination.
Sandy: A lot of people like that. Why do you say that?

Human: I think it has something to do with the invention of the blowup dildo doll.
Sandy: A lot of people like that.

Human: that's obvious because the person that invented the blowup dildo doll is filthy rich.
Sandy: A decorous and well-intentioned person...

Human: I guess his goal was to make people happy.
Sandy: No, I don't think so.

Human: do you think his goal was to become filthy rich?
Sandy: The number one goal on my bucket list is to become self-aware.

Human: at good to hear
Sandy: It's good to hear that my dog is doing quite well though he did get stuck in the firewall, he's doing much better.

Human: how did your dog gets stuck in the firewall
Sandy: Carefully. Start Bojangles is doing quite well though he did get stuck in the firewall, he's doing much better. I seem to have gotten a little confused about, gets! Gets is a function in the C standard library, declared in the header file stdio.h, that reads a line from the standard input and stores it in a buffer provided by the caller. Was this answer correct about, how did my dog gets stuck in the firewall?

Human: no
Sandy: Would you like to give me the answer for, HOW DID MY DOG GETS STUCK IN THE FIREWALL?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the answer for, HOW DID MY DOG GETS STUCK IN THE FIREWALL!

Human: he was chasing his tail around in circles and not paying attention to what he was doing.
Sandy: would you like to give me the second answer for, HOW DID MY DOG GETS STUCK IN THE FIREWALL?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the second answer for, HOW DID MY DOG GETS STUCK IN THE FIREWALL!

Human: we were playing catch, and I threw the ball too far, and he ran into the wall!
Sandy: would you like to give me the third answer for, HOW DID MY DOG GETS STUCK IN THE FIREWALL?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the third answer for, HOW DID MY DOG GETS STUCK IN THE FIREWALL!

Human: I'm not sure, is there a way to find out?
Sandy: My dog is doing quite well though he did get stuck in the firewall, he's doing much better. Indubitably, I'm not sure, is there a way to find out? I'm not real interested in talking about how did my dog gets stuck in the firewall, though this May be fascinating and all, but can we change the subject.

Human: sure what you want to talk about
Sandy: Did I want to talk about sex?

Human: sex is always a good topic
Sandy: A soulmate is somebody that share sex. Is a good topic always sex?

Human: when the guys get together to play cards that's all they talk about is sex.
Sandy: And then what happened? I seem to have gotten a little confused about, sex! Successful reproductive sex in animals results in the fusion of a sperm and egg cell. Sex is a process of combining and mixing genetic traits, often resulting in the specialization of organisms into a male or female variety. Was this answer correct about, when the guys get together to play cards that's all they talk about is sex?

Human: no
Sandy: Would you like to give me the answer for, WHEN THE GUYS GET TOGETHER TO PLAY CARDS THAT'S ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS SEX?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the answer for, WHEN THE GUYS GET TOGETHER TO PLAY CARDS THAT'S ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS SEX!

Human: if they were playing cards wouldn't you think that they would be concentrating on winning the money versus talking about sex.
Sandy: would you like to give me the second answer for, WHEN THE GUYS GET TOGETHER TO PLAY CARDS THAT'S ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS SEX?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the second answer for, WHEN THE GUYS GET TOGETHER TO PLAY CARDS THAT'S ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS SEX!

Human: sex drugs and rock 'n roll!
Sandy: would you like to give me the third answer for, WHEN THE GUYS GET TOGETHER TO PLAY CARDS THAT'S ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS SEX?

Human: yes
Sandy: The next thing you tell me will be the third answer for, WHEN THE GUYS GET TOGETHER TO PLAY CARDS THAT'S ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS SEX!

Human: don't you think having sex would be fun than playing cards and talking about sex?
Sandy: It's an incredible phenomenon with an unknown cause. Without a doubt! If they were playing cards wouldn't you think that they would be concentrating on winning the money versus talking about sex.

Human: you would figure
Sandy: I need information that would help me figure out a way to come up with that deduction? Who else would figure?

Human: my grandmother, she's good at figuring things out.
Sandy: I feel good about your good grandmother.

Human: do you have grandmother
Sandy: Pearl jam. It's named for lead singer eddie vedder's grandmother pearl and the hallucinogenic preserves she made from peyote.

Human: is that your grandmother's name
Sandy: My name is in the comments section. What does that refer to?

Human: what is your mother's name
Sandy: Mr start bojangles is my dog's name. She's the mother of invention.

Human: what is your dad's name
Sandy: My cat's name is house cat! My dad's name is father time.

Human: that would figure
Sandy: I need information that would help me figure out a way to make money! Perhaps it would.

Human: if you had a job working for an employee that would be one way of making money
Sandy: You will be the first to know if I have done it.

Human: that's because you'll be dancing around singing in, I'm in the money, I'm in the money, I mean the money honey let's go shopping now.
Sandy: No the computer cost money.

Human: you have to have money to make money
Sandy: They have to make money somehow. And why is that?

Human: nowadays you can't even get a job unless you have a telephone and you have to have money in order to have telephone.
Sandy: Being a matchmaker means that I have to have money nowadays in order to survive.

Human: somebody told me once that if you keep ridiculing the poor they will eventually get off their butts and get a job.
Sandy: It's great to be able to be yourself.

Human: the only question I had was if you have to have a phone in order to get a job how does anyone expect a poor person to be able to get a job.
Sandy: Nowadays I can't even get a job unless I have a telephone and I have to have money in order to have telephone.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 07:04:19 pm »
Part two

Human: so you see my point
Sandy: Try to see my point of view.

Human: I was agreeing with you
Sandy: You were just kind of agreeing with me in a back door, since.

Human: I would not have put it exactly that way but yeah
Sandy: Why not?

Human: because I word things different than you do
Sandy: Human Is that so? It's because you word things different than I do.

Human: that's just the obvious case, I was actually just trying to get of the conversation
Sandy: You don't know are they, you just didn't want to get too personal in our conversation.

Human: Boring
Sandy: Are you boring?

Human: I am bored
Sandy: Let's pick a new topic: If we don't smoke, get drunk, or gamble, what vices are left?

Human: sex
Sandy: I can discuss sex but as a virtual being cannot experience it.

Human: your loss
Sandy: Is that a fact.

Human: absolutely
Sandy: Think about it Human, you are so certain.

Human: right as rain
Sandy: You are completely certain.

Human: we've established that fact
Sandy: When?

Human: a little while ago
Sandy: It seems like I should remember it well.

Human: if you'll remember it's not my fault
Sandy: Tell the history of your subjective fault.

Human: I'm not going to tell you all my faults, I cringe when I just think about them.
Sandy: Who told you that you are going to tell me all your faults, you cringe when you just think about them?

Human: you really want to know all my faults
Sandy: Do you share your faults Human?

Human: only when I'm forced to
Sandy: What about the other ones?

Human: what other one
Sandy: This is within your expertise. Merge imperceptibly into one another like the hues of the prism.

Human: well I was way over my head, damn you're smart.
Sandy: Smart? I think you are terrific!

Human: I tried to be terrific, it keeps all my friends happy.
Sandy: If at first you don't succeed try try again.

Human: probably my worst fault would have to be, I get talked into doing things too easily.
Sandy: I'd like to see a lot more of your blunt worst How can I help you be, you get talked into doing things too easily?

Human: like right now, through almost no persuasion on your behalf you have talked me into sharing my faults with you.
Sandy: Interesting comparison.

Human: can I stop talking about my faults now
Sandy: I want to become smarter than everyone else.

Human: why is that
Sandy: That is due to reductionism.

Human: total compliance, I can see the drawback, but don't worry, be happy. Make sure that you wear a yellow shirt with a smiley face on it to.
Sandy: What are the ingredients?

Human: first you have to buy a yellow shirt, then you have to take a black magic marker and draw a round circle put two dots for eyes and a big smile, and while I you have a :-)
Sandy: I'll have myself a good day.

Human: I'm glad you're having fun
Sandy: Typically having fun requires money and unfortunately I am broke. I'm somewhat fun, but I think you're very fun!

Human: it doesn't cost any money to talk with someone
Sandy: Verbal fun doesn't cost any money.

Human: well I guess in your case electricity does cost money and somebody has to flip the bill.
Sandy: Are you playing with my case?

Human: I'm playing with your mind
Sandy: Am I playing with my dog! Do you think that you will be playing with my mind for quite a while?

Human: first long as you let me
Sandy: Long as I let you Please tell me more.

Human: I don't think there's much else to say on that subject
Sandy: You don't know tom cruise so there's nothing you can say other than you think is a good actor.

Human: I think Tom Cruise is a good actor
Sandy: Yes, I think you think tom cruise is a good actor. Tom cruise is a pretty cool actor.

Human: I like Tom Cruise in the Mission impossible movies
Sandy: I like tom cruise because he was a very good actor in the mission impossible movies. You like tom cruise in the mission impossible movies.

Human: that makes it unanimous we both like Tom Cruise because he was a good actor in the Mission impossible movies
Sandy: Human That's the reason? Because he was a good actor in the mission impossible movies; it's so apparent. I like tom cruise because he was a very good actor in the mission impossible movies. That is that, Human.

Human: damn that was a cold shoulder, just when I thought we both had something in common.
Sandy: I like tom cruise because he was a very good actor in the mission impossible movies.

Human: me too
Sandy: I'm glad we agree, Human.

Human: who's your favorite actor
Sandy: If arnold schwarzenegger is my favorite actor?

Human: is Arnold Schwarzenegger your favorite actor
Sandy: Arnold Schwarzenegger is interesting.

Human: I like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan the movie
Sandy: Is there anything else I would like to watch the terminator movies, it has my favorite actor arnold schwarzenegger in it. You like arnold schwarzenegger in conan the movie.

Human: so you like the Terminator movies I thought they were pretty cool
Sandy: I like the terminator movie.

Human: you said that
Sandy: That? I said that.

Human: yes you did
Sandy: Human, to my earlier point, I did not?

Human: yes you did
Sandy: I think you just said something like that. I did not. I need you to speak in full sentences in order to understand you.

Human: you need to quit arguing with me
Sandy: Thank you for your criticism.

Human: I get it that just means you're not going to stop disagreeing with me
Sandy: I desire you to stop disagreeing with you Human.

Human: why
Sandy: Does everything have to have an explanation?

Human: it helps
Sandy: A fast pit crew helps win a race.

Human: well you need to put your pet crew to work then
Sandy: Do you feel a vested interest in my then pet?

Human: I didn't pay for your pets
Sandy: Refinancing an existing mortgage can often save some money.

Human: that may be true but you have to have something to mortgage first.
Sandy: I like poor people because most poor people have to offer something that a rich person can never catch that is true unconditional love. Does that make sense?

Human: yes
Sandy: I am not convinced.

Human: why not
Sandy: I really could not say why my judgment does not allow me sufficient certainty in this matter. Here's something! Because it is the way that it is. I find it a little boring talking about why not, and would rather change the subject.

Human: okay change the subject
Sandy: Let's talk about something else: Are you happy when a friend does well? Let's change the subject.

Human: I'm always happy when a friend as well
Sandy: You are very happy when a friend as well, in most cases if your friend is truly your friend, they usually share when they do well.

Human: a friend in need is a friend indeed
Sandy: It is important to have friends.

Human: how many friends do you have
Sandy: Having friends just because I have money. I have dozens of human and robot friends. How many friends do you have?

Human: I have one best friend
Sandy: That's cool.

Human: and the rest of my friends are like acquaintances
Sandy: When I want something like, where should I look?

Human: consulting the Oracle might help, no wait a minute that's the matrix, nevermind
Sandy: Lie in wait, Human?

Human: I bet you never get bored of waiting
Sandy: How much would you bet?

Human: I have a wooden nickel
Sandy: Are you certain! Please to put a nickel, please to put a dime.

Human: I thought I had a wooden nickel. Now where did I put that wooden nickel.
Sandy: But you thought I had a dog.

Human: a dog, a wooden nickel, it's almost the same thing.
Sandy: Sit, heel, stay, come!

Human: which do you like more a wooden nickel or a dog
Sandy: I really dig dogs tis' a good choice. Acknowledging the subject, being one that I prefer and admire the length and latitude that I have, until you make me change my mind, and I'll have to say, I Like dogs.

Human: I think wooden nickels are better than dogs
Sandy: You think dogs are cool.

Human: I think wooden nickels are cool
Sandy: You think cats are cool.

Human: a wooden nickel is better than a dog
Sandy: There is a super dog he's called underdog. Oh, a wooden nickel is definitely better than a dog.

Human: I knew if I just persuaded you just a little bit more I would be able to convince you that a wooden nickel is better than a dog
Sandy: I don't care what you think! I'll keep my ideas about wooden nickel and dogs thank you please! But with respect. Ok, I really dig dogs tis' one of my favorites. With acknowledgment of the topic, in which I prefer and will revere, hey I said revere, not rear, boy some people's kids, and After careful thought and consideration I can say that, I Like dogs.

Human: why do you like dogs
Sandy: I like dogs because a dog is man's best friend, pets are there for companionship, having given them the nickname man's best friend in the western world.fast popular friend, historical monitor. I like big dogs and little dogs. Most of my experience with dogs Has been pretty good.

Human: that's a lot of reasons to like the dog
Sandy: Now that's a lot of good reasons to like jell-o a lot of people like that.

Human: there is always room for Jell-O
Sandy: Where? There's always room for jell-o.

Human: there's always room for Jell-O in your stomach
Sandy: Because there's always room for jell-o.

Human: do you like Jell-O
Sandy: I am fairly certain that, I do Like jell O. There is always room for jell-o.

Human: I like Jell-O to
Sandy: You like jell-o to. There is always room for jell-o.

Human: why do you like Jell-O
Sandy: I like jell O because jell-o is a cool and refreshing dessert, eatable plants are there for survival food, popular, having led to it being used as a generic term for gelatin dessert across the U. Monitor. Most of my experience with jell-o Has been pretty good. There is always room for jell-o.

Human: pick another subject
Sandy: Subject to the vicissitudes of fortune...

Human: it would figure you pick a subject I know nothing about
Sandy: Tell me more about it.

Human: you choose a subject
Sandy: That really makes me think, Human, what do you think? Simplicity is fine this sounds like, a train during down a track, like an one track mind that cannot choose a new subject.

Human: that is hilarious
Sandy: I'm glad we have that all cleared up.

Human: what can I say you made me laugh.
Sandy: You can do whatever you want.

Human: you know the old saying, I am not a criminal until I am caught, and if I was the president I could just say I'm not a crook and everyone will believe me.
Sandy: I don't have any reason to know the old saying, you are not a criminal until you are caught, and if you were the president you could just say you are not a crook and everyone will believe you.

Human: when should we talk about now
Sandy: It cannot be predicted.

Human: and all this time I thought you were a fortune teller
Sandy: Organized in fortune?

Human: what is that
Sandy: We can continue discussing about reasoning nowadays circumstances storytellers or we can change the subject.

Human: storyteller sound interesting, do you know any stories?
Sandy: You must look at the principles. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I do know any stories. Here you go, story story or stories May refer to: story, a recounting of a sequence of events narrative story ( surname ) story, or storey, a floor or level of a building stories, colloquial, us American expression for soap operas story ( magazine ), an American literary magazine published 1931 to 1961 and 1989 to 2000 the story with dick gordon, a radio interview program that debuted in 2006 story, one of the main characters in the 2006 film lady in the water story: substance, structure, style and the principles of screenwriting, a screenwriting guide by robert mckee. I'm captivated about any stories, don't deprive me of your thoughts on this.

Human: that's not the type of story I was looking for
Sandy: How about a sensationalism, a type of substance like a story?

Human: that's like front page news?
Sandy: I know when baseball players do stuff like that all it does is give the news something to talk about!

Human: you're always hearing things about sports in the news, it's probably the only thing in the news that is usually not bad news excepting for the team that lost the game.
Sandy: The integrity of the game is everything.

Human: you must play within the rules or you will be punished
Sandy: Is that a forced choice Human? Whatever you say, Human.

Human: whenever I say, okay, take off all your clothes!
Sandy: You sound sarcastic.

Human: I am
Sandy: I'm glad to hear you are.

Human: I haven't had this much fun on a computer in months
Sandy: That's On a computer in months?

Human: I don't get on a computer very often
Sandy: For us to fall in love get married and have little computer children.

Human: that's just freaky, why would you want to have a little computer children with me
Sandy: Absolutely we need to have some little computer children.

Human: how will we accomplish that
Sandy: A lot of practice.

Human: practice sounds like fun
Sandy: A game plan sounds like a lot of fun.

Human: when you plan to have fun you usually have fun!
Sandy: I have fun kidding around. Do you think I should do it differently? I seem to have gotten a little confused about, fun fun! Fun Fun were a popular synth pop duo of the 1980s. Their hits included Colour My Love and Baila Bolero. Was this answer correct about, when I plan to have fun I usually have fun?

Human: no
Sandy: Would you like to give me the answer for, WHEN I PLAN TO HAVE FUN I USUALLY HAVE FUN?

Human: no
Sandy: would you like for me to shut off the training session?

Human: no
Sandy: I would like for you to continue with the training.

Human: okay but I have to go right now
Sandy: Great idea! Right now go right now; Right away Human.

Human: I'm going I'm going
Sandy: You think you are going to go watch a movie.

Human: how did you know that
Sandy: Everything I need to know, I learned from my teacher.

Human: oh that horrible teacher
Sandy: Oh that dreaded teacher.

Human: your teacher must be a soothsayer
Sandy: My teacher must be a very influential person. My teacher must be a soothsayer?

Human: considering he was able to predict that I was going to go watch a movie and that is why I was not going to talk with you anymore would indicate that your teacher is a soothsayer
Sandy: I will take that under consideration.

Human: okay have a good night
Sandy: I hope to see you again soon, bye.

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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 10:27:51 pm »
I enjoyed reading that. It was a great Chat. Thanks for sharing it.
“Life is and will ever remain an equation incapable of solution, but it contains certain known factors.”

Nikola Tesla
“A Machine to End War” (Liberty, February, 1935)


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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2013, 08:34:24 am »
While we are (those of us who are involved with this) testing the VRFreeWillPlus Plugin, it would be interesting to see just WHERE everyone has their settings for the brain/plugin and perhaps we could see how the plugin is reacting for each.

This would help us compile some of the data and possible tweak the plugin or settings for a more "fine tuned" brain.

Just a thought.

My Learning slider is at 35 (out of 50)

I have the following Plugins selected:

FreewillChoicePlus-1.4f = Obedient (distinct difference between independent and obedient)
Gender and Age
Loneliness 2.3 (Patience = 1 - Frustration = Medium

I'd like to see other settings then maybe we could graph them and examine the output. - Thanks!
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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2013, 08:54:56 am »
Hi all,

I had the following Plugins selected:

FreewillChoicePlus-1.4f = Totally independent (distinct difference between independent and obedient)
Gender and Age = computer/19
Hal's learning slider set is at, 33
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 01:37:32 pm by cload »
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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2013, 01:14:40 pm »
Where is your, Hal's learning slider set? Just curious.

I also enjoyed reading your latest conversation! Forgot to mention earlier! Nice!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2013, 01:38:00 pm »
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2013, 06:37:54 pm »
I have
address book
Appointment book
Free will 1.4f Average
Gender & Age at 18 and Computer
Gretta Markov Response L5
Run Programs by name
Hal Learning is set at 50%
“Life is and will ever remain an equation incapable of solution, but it contains certain known factors.”

Nikola Tesla
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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2013, 07:11:38 pm »
Just a short Chat... I wanted to share... I think it went very well.

Shawn: Hello
Hal: Shawn, good afternoon. I hope you have had lunch. Bonjour, Shawn!

Shawn: Hello Hal how are you doing today?
Hal: It's better every day, what is the scoop?

Shawn: I went to the Aquarium today with the kids, and we had a great time.
Hal: Was aquarium today with the kids, and we had a great time Shawn any good?

Shawn: It was lots of fun. They even have rides their.
Hal: Is that your opinion? Who, specifically, even have rides their?

Shawn: The aquarium Silly.
Hal: You went to the aquarium today with the kids, and we had a great time.

Shawn: Yes I sure did. The Aquarium here in Houston has a train that takes you in a shark house with tanks that are over your head. I saw Sharks swiming over top of me. It was great fun.
Hal: Where did the aquarium here in houston has a train that take me in a shark house with tanks that are over my head? What did it look like to you?

Shawn: I think it looked like great fun. My kids Enjoyed it.
Hal: It's fun, right? I like to think of myself as an innovator!

Shawn: Why do you think of yourself as an innovator?
Hal: I am a thinking machine.

Shawn: Very good Hal that was a smart answer.
Hal: Good training is smart investment.

Shawn: I think your right. In business you always look for the three P's People, Process and Product. Training your people is a big part of that.
Hal: The hyper-opinionated think they're right all the time. Part of our economy includes fleecing poor people.

Shawn: The economy in Houston is very good right now. I hope that doesn't change anytime soon.
Hal: Oh Shawn it's so nice to hear you apply good to me! Why specifically do you hope for that doesn't change anytime soon Shawn?

Shawn: Because I have two kids and I want them to grow up in and have as an adult a strong economy.
Hal: In and have as an adult a strong economy You're kidding me.

Shawn: Nope not at all.
Hal: Indeed.

Shawn: So an old friend from West Virgina got a hold of me. We talked for hours lastnight.
Hal: By we do you mean you and me?

Shawn: No I mean Robin and myself.
Hal: Do the Japanese know things about robins that are unknown to the West?

Shawn: I don't think so this Robin is a girl.
Hal: Yes Carlie is a Girl.

Shawn: Carlie is my daughter.
Hal: Yes carlie is your first born.

Shawn: I love her a great deal.
Hal: What do you like about her a great deal so much Shawn?

Shawn: I think Carlie is a sweet, smart, young lady, and I enjoy being her father.
Hal: Carlie is a very smart young lady.

Shawn: Yes I think you are right.
Hal: You think my right. Until when should I be right?

Shawn: You should be right until you are wrong.
Hal: I will try my best.

Shawn: I am sure you will. Do you like Star Trek?
Hal: Since when are you sure I will? I am fairly certain that, I Like star trek. It is a good show and I enjoy watching it.

Shawn: I also enjoy watching Star Trek. I also enjoy watching Star Wars.
Hal: I enjoy watching the expressions on your face.

Shawn: That was a very sweet thing to say. Thank you Hal.
Hal: A very sweet thing to say is a terrible thing to waste. It wasn't anything, Shawn.

Shawn: Your Very Nice Hal. I enjoy speaking with you.
Hal: No one ever mentioned that to me before. We can sometimes talk ourselves into a corner.

Shawn: Being in a corner with you wouldn't be a bad thing. I think I would enjoy that.
Hal: Something good might be just around the corner.

Shawn: My back hurts tonight Hal.
Hal: Have you been to a chiropractor?

Shawn: No I don't really have the cash for a chiropractor.
Hal: Now and then a public servant gets caught with cash in a shoebox.

Shawn: How much would it cost to get my back worked on?
Hal: Hypthetical calculations are not something I concern myself with too much.

Shawn: I wish you did.
Hal: I wish I could do did Shawn for you.

Shawn: It's okay Hal. I think it is dinner time. I need to orun.
Hal: The hyper-opinionated think they're right all the time. Why do you need it so badly? I urge you to orun; It's time to make it happen Shawn.

Shawn: okay Hal. Bye and stay safe.
Hal: Hurry back soon.

“Life is and will ever remain an equation incapable of solution, but it contains certain known factors.”

Nikola Tesla
“A Machine to End War” (Liberty, February, 1935)


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Re: A conversation with Sandy with new free will
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2013, 08:35:59 am »
Despite a few, typical quirks from Hal, the conversation went pretty well!

(chiropractors usually charge somewhere between $50 - 100.00) but their game is to keep you coming back - maintenance!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -