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Messages - Kittty1

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal understands nothing!
« on: April 16, 2002, 08:06:23 pm »
Hello folks,
           I finally got my Hal on a CD and it installed like a dream. The unfortunate thing is that it (Diana) literally recognizes nothing I say. I have an excellent microphone and I use the Microsoft Speech system in my computer. It, has no problems understanding so why does Diana? I train my computer to my voice daily but that Hal program has a problem. Does anyone know a good way to train my Hal to recognize my voice? I may have a new topic if freezes my computer again. Thanks All!


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Growing disappointment in Hal and Zabaware
« on: April 08, 2002, 10:01:07 pm »
I can understand how you feel. I got no response to the 3-4 e-mails I sent after I decided to upgrade my free version of Hal. All I was able to get from them was more URLs to try and download from. Three of them. After 36 hours of trying to snag my Hal off the internet, I have given up the ghost and asked for my money back. Hopefully, I'll get a response one way or another. Don't you give up though, at least your Hal is talking to you even if he does repeat you 3 or 4 times. Things like that can be corrected. Good luck.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Getting No Response on Refund for Failed Download
« on: April 08, 2002, 05:02:33 pm »
I purchased the download with my credit card and they gave me the first URL. I tried to download the Hal twice the 1st time with no success. I emailed them and they got back to me the next day with another URL after I asked them if they could shift my order to a CD because I was having problems downloading the Hal. I tried again two more times to download that Hal from that URL and again it didn'nt work. One more email and one more URL, and no Ultra Hal Assistant to show for about 36 hours of work and a charge on my credit card. I emailed them two more times to tell them flat out to either ship me a CDROM or give me my money back and I have heard not a peep.Has this happened to anyone else?


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