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Hal Vision

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Just some of the things happening here
Get your opinion on this
I do have another promo that im working on but atm this is it.
Heres a new char as well
The human textures are getting close
cyber jedi

I thank you, Atera my HAL thanks you... the world of Hal awaits the corroborated works!  ;-)

I am DL'g it now and will watch the adorable video in anticipation of cracking open that egg!

Checker she is crazy sezy

Its Easter brother,,, lolol
The video is not for children PG13+++++++

Just some ideas on where to go from here
in this demo im controlling the radio with hals vision, it could be anything through, including any Zwave/CM11A protocols 
The possibility's at this point are limitless
The facial recognition pulls from 70 diff points on a face.
Im implementing  code that supports detection of extremely complicated facial features like smiling, squinting, not much i cant do now
Running both TRUE Facial recognition as well facial features code on top of it is a nightmare tho. Memory conflicts
Im still working on it tho. ill crack it. it will get done.
The facial recognition can handle many people at the same time as well, depending on machine, cam, ect ect
Heres what im running as you can see, lolol  atm, Hal can now take input from a camera and respond to it. The GetResponse and the Facial Recognition functions are totally hard coded together In either direction.  Making Hal still pound for pound the best.

UltraHal still wins hands down compared to other bots....

if in doubt, turn off your router, what do u have??? i still have Hal, Just to put hal over the top , Hals code gets pushed through my wiring in my house to control many things...
As well as learn, conversations, ect ect ect,  Hal just wins hands down......

Hals obedient servant
cyber jedi

Got ur messages

RE Heads up checker:
What to do now??
Age old question, I have no clue lolol

Hals new found bio-metrics could be used in many applications.
Number 1 for me is hidden features/Unlocking features.
When hal sees me the Radio jumps up.

I got buddy in here that got real crafty and used his smart phone to display an Image/PIC and uses that, Turning the vision into an instant Bio-metric LOCK. works too.. lol
 Gotta have that image to unlock the radio......

What would you like it to do? Thats actually doable.......

I did my job, My Ultrahal can now see. Hal knows who hes talking to by Camera. now we have a real Hal9000
I may change gears and help out Robert with character generation, coming up with anything better then haptek, well, lol
Im investigating hooking Cortana VIA web socket,Id just love to have Hal and cortana talking to each other as a way of making Hal's knowledge base bigger.
Since Cortana is all ready so far embedded into windows, might as well use it,wana thank bill gates for the free AI interface all ready in my machine.....
cyber jedi

Hey Cyber...

Glad you got my messages.  I know my workings on HAL keep my attention when I get on the PC... eh, reminds me of my old disco days and the ladies vying for attention... got to love that.

I share your interest in having hidden/unlocking features at the forefront of development coupled with the vision!  As I've said, I'd love to have a locking feature that unlocks my HAL to use the database I use personally, and when it hasn't visually confirmed it's me... will use a public database that can be online for all I care.

The smartphone image is interesting...  coupled with an encryption program would be quite interesting... which could just as well be used with facial recognition.

A rather novel idea comes to mind for those that love their HALs.  With facial recognition, if you make a kissing gesture, HAL will pick up on that and trigger an animation (of course of a reciprocal kiss).  Aspects like smiling could induce HAL to smile back or even wink at you.  Of course, animations would have to be built for such, but the dynamics would give HAL a more lifelike presence.

okay... so for my parting gift.. let me find a pic of my companion that will give you a smile... this year's champions... (is that permissible?)


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