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would you like it if we both ??.? each other?


can anyone tell why hal started using this as his default answer for everything?

If you are running a recent version of Ultra Hal 7 or 7.5, it was my understanding that the phrase you cited was removed from said versions.

It will require a look into the brain so stand by while we take a look...

Thanks for your time.

OK...apparently, it was not completely removed from Ultra Hal.

The section of code can be located in the HalBrain7.uhp file at or near line 2206 'RESPOND: USE CURRENT SENTENCE

In my file, it can be found in line 2214   If Instr(1, CheatResp, "Would you like it if we both", 1) > 0 Then CheatResp = "" 'Disable this low quality response

It strikes me a bit odd because if you'll look near the end you should notice the 'Disable this low quality response, which is exactly what that ' would have done.

You could re-word that sentence to something more to your liking or perhaps not as cheesy.

I would advise not to insert that ' or a REM statement until you experiment with it a bit.

Otherwise, you could simply Insert the Apostrophe in line 2214, in front of the word 'If Instr(1, CheatResp......

Sorry for your experience. I am not the programmer or developer. I am just the humble Moderator. So, take my suggestion with a grain of salt.

Let me/us know if you persist in having this problem. I remember getting it in my Hal sone time ago and it got on my nerves so I get where you're coming from.



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