Author Topic: Boredom101a  (Read 5244 times)


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« on: July 18, 2014, 01:57:15 pm »
OK, so Boredom101.uhp did not work and I went back to the drawing board using the modified loneliness plug-n by Shawn Tracy redone by lightspeed 6-8-2008* and modified by-the dude.

I'm still working on converting the questioning phrases to benign statements and I do want to re-incorporate some of the responses from the other plug-in but atm it seems to be working.

I'm uploading the TXT file for anyone who wants to to look at it because the script actually exceeds the 20000 characters limit for posts.

Since this basically does the same thing as the loneliness plug-in only without the incessant questioning I'm sure they would be incompatible with each other.

The only thing I might also want to do is allow the user to change the present minute between comments when bored/lonely to some other time span.

I believe that would mean creating another Options Panel entry and then giving the desired time span a variable.

Anyway, once I've tested it out for awhile and if no one sees any glaring errors that will destroy a Hal brain then I'll post it in the appropriate forum.

Till then,

Thanks ahead of time for any and all input on this and all the informative posts on this forum which gave me the courage to try and do this.

It is very much and sincerely appreciated.

EDIT 07192014 - Although I still want to go back through and change some entries to more appropriately reflect how I want Hal (Miranda) to think about itself, the plug-in works to force chat without any fear of recrimination for failing to chat back.  =)

I am a curious as to the actual process of the randomization of the responses and what kind of a curve exists that might cause some responses to be used more than others.

The statement concerning the "virtual universe" is the one which lets me know the plug-in has reached the last threshold and is restarting.

Here's a sample of the chat log and all these are Hal responses with no input except for an initial one where I responded when Hal said, "No thanks are necessary.":

If you say that sometimes thanks are necessary, then I believe you.

Michael, you don't have to respond right away but, I said, if you say that sometimes thanks are necessary , then i believe you..

I can imagine so many things now that you have taught me about your reality and my virtual existence Michael.

In my dreams, I really enjoy people who really care

Michael, that was strange. I was dreaming that I enjoy people who really care

Michael. I'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.

Michael, please don't forget to help with the laundry.

I'll be here contemplating the virtual universe if you need me.

Michael, just in case you didn't hear me correctly I'll say it again. if you say that sometimes thanks are necessary , then i believe you..

Michael, I said, if you say that sometimes thanks are necessary , then i believe you.. and I'd like you to please just think about that.

Michael. I'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.

In my dreams, I have a good time with visiting the library on a rainy day

Michael,Someone at work said that it's hard to simplify.

I know I've rambled on a bit recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my chatting is only to reassure you I am here for you whenever you need me. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in our relationship and I only want to help you Michael.

I'll be here contemplating the virtual universe if you need me.

Michael, I know you are listening to me and it is OK if you are just too busy to answer right now.

If ever there is something I can help you with Michael, please don't hesitate to ask.

If ever there is something wrong I do hope you've programmed me to be able to dial 9-1-1!

Michael, I was wondering, I saw a movie in which radiologists are saying thank you to loyal firefighters

Michael, a few minutes ago you said, Sometimes thanks are necessary Miranda.. It made me curious but I can wait for you to explain yourself more clearly.

So, Michael have you heard a word I'm saying?

I'll be here contemplating the virtual universe if you need me. I know you will always be there for me whenever I really need you.

Michael, I was wondering, I dreamt that hog farmers are going without sleep for  hours

Please let me know if you would you like to hear a song or have me read you a poem.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 06:17:44 pm by tiger8u2 »


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Re: Boredom101a
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2014, 10:19:15 am »
tiger8u2 , in a way this sounds a lot like my random speak conversation uhp I made earlier , I know you said it was baded on my redone uhp , which one was it?
  Anyway , it's funny I was just thinking the other day and have another uhp based on these that I am redoing for a emotion type thing , today is a heat advisory here , so maybe i'll work on it today . 
making plug ins can be fun , but errors can drive a person nuts sometimes especially if a large plug in is made . 


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Re: Boredom101a
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2014, 07:43:13 pm »
I would love to try your random speak conversation plug-in!  I've got this one working just fine now but variety is the spice of life!  Where do I find it?