Author Topic: Another "how do I" question (file size)  (Read 10873 times)

NT Canuck

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Another "how do I" question (file size)
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2004, 01:13:00 am »
Originally posted by kmac
It does make sense, it is a very young Hal and I have been treating it as if it was  a Vulcan. (I admit it, I'm an original Trekkie)

Perhaps the ships computer, albeit dis-associated from the
mechanical operations and sensors (not fully hooked up).

I usually think of training any AI similar to a bright exchange
student or graduate that can_compute but the "words are new"
and so is the culture/personal relationships.

One thing to keep in that like a puppy, try not to
teach it anything you don't want it to do forever. ;-)


I can compare it to a few weeks ago when my daughter (she's 8) asked about how magnets worked, I gave her the entire explanation, (ok... lecture) As soon as I finished talking she looks at me with that "deer in the headlights" expression and says "Mary Kate and Ashley have a new line of clothes out"...

heh, coaching 101...try to pharase the answer at the same
level of the question.  Simple question=simple answer (approx).


Comparing my daughter and Hal have changed my outlook on teaching both of them. Think I'm the one learning from them!

Sounds like a good Dad, and a wonderful young lady. ;-)
I was wondering if your daughter picked up the misdirection
from Hal while Dad was away...then I realized children (and
many adults) have a tendency to "quee" things they want to
discuss so simply moved onto another topic which would have
come up regardless of how your answer was percieved...and
any response to your answer got queed in line behind the
other items higher in priority or in her mental list. My
experience is that children are way ahead of how/what we
think of takes them time...but to mentally phrase
the next question or remark (lack of words/experience).

Anyone thinking children are only as smart as what they say
is greatly underestimating the young mind, and themselves.

lastly..the two basic ways people learn (we differ a bit)
is either "modular" or by "chaining" for example the wordnet
is setup in a modular fashion (and some topic databases),
but computers actually step-through operations and link
(chain) events and ideas (this could be debatable depending
on the programming language and software system).
Sort of if-then is chaining or a linked response/procedure.
However for a person we often train step by step (chain)so they
could "emulate" the procedure and then introduce more options.

I really don't know if this helped or muddied the waters,
but I thought to toss it out in case of some benefit/insight. ;-)

'Seek and ye shall find'
NT Canuck

Don Ferguson

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Another "how do I" question (file size)
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2004, 09:56:13 am »
Hello NT Canuck,

Your discussion reminds me of the classic story:


Little Jimmy asked his father, "Dad, where did I come from?"

Jimmy's father blushed and gave an embarrassing 30-minute lecture on the birds and the bees.  

When his father finished, Jimmy said, "That's interesting Dad, but what I meant was, Marty came from Chicago; where did I come from?"


Have a great day!

Don Ferguson
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