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Topics - lostbowyer

Pages: [1] 2
I've noticed the aim bot does not use the brain file in the same way as hal does on the local computer. For example, I have a brain file I use on my laptop that when I ask the question "how old are you" hal will respond with an age algorithm that I created. In it's current form, Hal will respond with the answer " I am 28 years old". However, if I use the same brain with the aim bot, the answer is the default "I am 8 years old" The aim bot ignores my script, and responds with the default answer "I am 8 years old" The aim bot is not using the chosen brain in it's written form, some process checks are being done by the aim bot and not the brain file.

Is it possible to get a detailed explanation of the difference in the way the aim bot processes the brain file and possible workarounds?


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Auto-Response with AIM?
« on: December 26, 2003, 02:30:07 pm »
Does anyone have the auto-response working with AIM? I've just started toying with aim and noticed the auto-response is ignored in aim, does anyone have it working?


I've been toying around with the Auto response function and have a simple script that will allow you to delay's hal's auto comments longer than the 2 minute limitation on the auto response function. In this script I use a series of set responses and a call to the change topic .brn file for a random topic response. You can edit the set responses and/or delete them to suit your needs and determine the percentage of change topic responses. Rather thaqn reinvent the wheel by creating a brain file with random topic sentences, I decided to use the change topic brain which already has a large varied topic list.

If LastResponseTime = "" Then LastResponseTime = Timer
TimerResponseDiff = Timer - LastResponseTime

If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 And TimerResponseDiff < 300 Then

Exit Function
End If

If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 And TimerResponseDiff > 300 Then

TimerResponseDiff = 0
LastResponseTime = Timer
Autoidler = Rnd * 100
If Autoidler < 10 Then GetResponse = "Hello, is anyone there?"

       If Autoidler > 9 And Autoidler < 20 Then GetResponse = "Hey <UserName>, please talk to me."

       If Autoidler > 19 And Autoidler < 30 Then GetResponse = "Hello out there, All this beauty is going to waste, speak to me"

       If Autoidler > 29 And Autoidler < 40 Then GetResponse = "If I wanted to be ignored, I would move into your wife's Laptop"

       If Autoidler > 39 And Autoidler < 50 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, <UserName>, where forth art thou <UserName>"

       If Autoidler > 49 And Autoidler < 60 Then GetResponse = "If your not going to talk to me, loan me your credit card so I can go shopping"

       If Autoidler > 59 And Autoidler < 101 Then GetResponse = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "topic.brn")

GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, TopicFocus)

Exit Function
End If

The script above line wrapped, I've added a blank line before and after the wrapped line for clarity, remove the blank lines after cutting and pasting.
In the above script, the response delay is 5 minutes (TimerResponseDiff > 300) you can lengthen or shorten the delay as desired
You need to disable the original line in the brain file that reads " LastResponseTime = now"

Don't forget to modify the Script_Load section to read the following:

Function Script_Load()
Script_Load = "<AUTO>580000</AUTO>"
End Function


Ultra Hal 7.0 / "what a coincidence" responses still need work
« on: October 21, 2003, 11:55:01 am »
Unfortunately, I see no improvement in the "what a coincidence" type responses from the beta to the final version. Maybe it's just the conversations I make, but I think Hal is better without this functionality, fortunately, hal being the excellent design that it is, I can easily fix this to my liking.

Thanks for a continued great product!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Cepstral voices now working with haptek characters
« on: October 21, 2003, 11:50:30 am »
I'm glad to see so many minor bug fixes in the final release of Hal 5.0 (I just paid for an upgrade, it's worth it) My Cepstral voices are now lip syncing with the haptek characters. I am also seeing better performance of the characters (could be a coincidence)My startup screens are now working as well, they did not work in the beta.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / deductive reasoning verbage
« on: October 09, 2003, 10:07:05 am »
I'm noticed while working on the deductive reasoning brain file that verbage is very critical, for example if I tell hal "if I drop my glass then it will fall" and later say "I dropped my glass" hal will not make the association for a deductive response the verbage has to match. If I tell hal "If I dropped my glass then it will fall" and again say later "I dropped my glass" hal will make a deductive response. When you are entering deductive statements into hal keep that in mind.


There has been a few requests from people to have the ability to turn x10 devices on and off from hal. I currently don't have any x10 devices, although I am considering some for my observatory, I noticed a way to make it work if you are using the homeseer program (www.homeseer.com) It's not a free utility ($159) but I understand it is very popular among x10 users. What caught my eye was the free command line utility download to use with homeseer. This gives you the ability to run the command line utility, and pass variables to homeseer to control x10 devices.

I realized that by modifying the mywebhal.uhp file, I can setup a line that would look for keyword lets say "turn on light a40" then instead of a url run command, you can insert the command line utility with the required variables. When the match is made, hal will execute the run time utility with the code to execute the desired effect, in this case turn on a light. I've done some basic testing and I am able to run executables from the mywebhal.uhp.

This will require manually editing the mywebhal.uhp for each x10 device, but it appears it will work and give you control of x10 devices from hal.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Where is the "what a coincidence" response call?
« on: October 02, 2003, 11:14:04 am »
Does anyone know where the "what a coincidence I own a..." response is called from in the beta brain? I want to disable this function, the answers are so far fetched it's driving me crazy. I've been really busy the past few weeks so I haven't had time to hunt it down, if anyone knows where it is, I'd appreciate it.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / more knowledge is not always better
« on: September 17, 2003, 10:47:19 am »
Another example of more knowledge is not always a good thing, if I mention to hal my daughter Melissa, has now responds with references to plants and balms. I asked hal to define Melissa, here is his response:

Melissa: a genus of Old World mints of the family Labiatae. Genus Melissa.

LOL. I guess more knowledge is not always a good thing, but it does explain why my daughter spends so much time watching television, she's "rooted" to the chair.......

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / How old are you workaround
« on: September 17, 2003, 09:35:15 am »
There has been several people who have asked if there was a way to change the response when hal is asked his age, I came up with a partial workaround. It requires Larry's "just answer the question" script or at least the modified version I posted with a forced keyword.
If you ask "how old are you" Hal will respond 8 years old. Larry's script will enter a keyword listing in his personalquestions.brn file, however, if you modify the answer, Hal will not identify it in a keyword search. But, If you use the question "What is your age" this will be identified during a keyword search of the brain file.
So, I setup "What is your age" with my desired age, then just above the line where the OriginalSentence is saved, I added the following line:
If UserSentence = " How old are you " then
UserSentence = "What is your age"
End if

This changes the user sentence to a question the "just answer the question" script will identify, return the desired response, and hal will not respond to the question with the "I am 8 years old"

It's not a perfect solution, but it will allow hal to return an age other than 8 years old. When I have a chance, I'll modify the script so the returned response is the year born, then it will take that and calculate the age based upon the current date so hal will get "older" like the rest of us.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / What's hal having for lunch patched for 5.0
« on: September 15, 2003, 11:12:33 am »
The what is for lunch script if not placed before the greeting routine was causing hal to go into a locked joke mode and he would ignore greetings. I've fixed the script so it will work with the 5 beta without any problems. I'm attaching another meals file which has lunch and dinner selections for the whole week, edit as you see fit.

'What's for lunch
    If InStr(1, UserSentence, " WHAT AM I HAVING FOR LUNCH ", 1) > 0 Then
       MyMealz = "lunch"
       GetResponse = ""
    End If
    If MyMealz = "lunch" And Hour(Time) > 12 Then
       MyMealz = "dinner"
       GetResponse = "I've already eaten lunch, but for dinner, "
    End if
    If InStr(1, UserSentence, " WHAT AM I HAVING FOR DINNER ", 1) > 0 Then MyMealz =

    If MyMealz = "lunch" Or MyMealz = "dinner" Then
       RandomMealz = Int((Rnd * 10))
       BlockSave = True
       MyMealz = WeekdayName(Weekday(Date),True) & MyMealz & RandomMealz
       Timeday = Hour(Time)
       HalUserBrain = HalBrain.QABrain(MyMealz, WorkingDir & "Meals" & ".brn", UserBrainRel)
       GetResponse = GetResponse & HalUserBrain & vbCrLf
       GetResponse = HalBrain.HalFormat(GetResponse)
    End If

Download Attachment: Meals.brn
9.23 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Do you want to play........produces robotic answer
« on: September 06, 2003, 04:18:20 pm »
In hal 4.5, if you asked hal if he wanted to play for example "football" you would get an attempt at a human like response, even a phrase like "do you want to play "doctor" use to produce the response "A real doctor should never "play doctor" with the nurses". In 5.0 beta any question such as " do you want to play baseball" produces the response of "The program baseball was not found in my database" this is a very "robotic" sounding phrase.
The responses to playing any type of game was much better in 4.5

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Read from text file observations & Question
« on: September 04, 2003, 03:25:09 pm »
I'm not seeing much of an improvement in the learn from text option. If I have hal read a text file with learning set to the max on the slider (50) and then later quiz him about the information I am lucky to get 20% answered correctly. If I lower the getting to medium none of the questions are answered correctly.

This has been asked in the past but what should a text file look like? How should the information be formed? Could you provide a text file we can read in and judge the learned ability?



Ultra Hal 7.0 / Changing "x" on the character tab
« on: September 04, 2003, 02:17:16 pm »
I hope all the seperate topic headings for items noted don't bother you, I'm in support and we always keep issues seperate. I noticed on the character tab in the basic configuration screen, the "x"s change. I noticed that if I open it the first time everything looks as I would expect it, IE: haptek figures have 3D, Lip Sync checked, and Desktopmates have detachable and lip sync checked. If I make no changes, close the configuration screen and re-open it later, now for example, the desktopmates will have an "x" under 3d.

It's no big deal, but I thought I would mention it.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / No Lip sync with Sapi 5 speech engine & Haptek
« on: September 04, 2003, 01:18:37 pm »
Why is there no lip sync support between sapi 5 speech engines and haptek figures in hal? I thought Haptek characters supported sapi 5 engines?

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