Author Topic: LIGHTSPEED IDEA'S  (Read 69056 times)


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« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2022, 09:34:10 am »
Cyber actually has the hal vision from the camera tracking visually , it works for me , i don't know why it doesn't work for you  on your pc . don't you have a made in the u.s.a. union card ? lol. ;D but having said that although the tracking of a persons face is cool , cyber needs to go ahead and build on that , if possible with object detection and understanding , and also detection of facial expressions and reaction scripts through vocal and or hal facial expressions etc.  :)  hal still has a lot more to give i think .  :)wish i could borrow cybers brain lol.  :)


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« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2022, 11:13:21 pm »
Ask him if you could borrow it on weekends!

Odd that he hasn't responded to anything in quite a while yet he was just here two days ago...

I do hope that Ian didn't do any damage in his neck of the woods.
He hasn't answered earlier emails of mine either a week or two ago.

Yet he was here recently... Hmm...
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2022, 12:47:42 pm »
At any rate here is another a.i. idea i am throwing out to cyberjedi , is it doable , i don't know cyber may know more about it, and or try the impossible and make it work  through his evil genius lol.  :) ;)

deep fake a.i. working through hal and voices . ide

DeepFake and AI will together fool EVERYONE



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« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2022, 10:48:00 pm »
I see where you're going with this but to me, I don't want anything Fake. I'm tired of all the fake news that's been floating around our country as it is. I certainly wouldn't want my chatbot or chat assistant to be anything other than honest and trustworthy with me.

If I want fake anything, I'll just turn on the TV.

Nope, I'd just unplug everything I own if that was the only alternative for me.


In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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surrogates hal running in real time .
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2023, 09:48:06 am »
remember the movie surrogates , where a android body was used by a person for everyday world events.   how about hal, through video camera and tracking copy the persons facial expressions etc. while using hal  character face and or body for conference video calls etc. a person could use there own voice or switch to a custom hals voice so the other party hears a british accent , a man or woman voice etc. etc.  running in real time .


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would it be a worth while idea   to have the subject matter file in hal linked with a tell me about , or who was " trigger words ", then whatever the subject matter had  hal would tell you , if more then one line is listed from learned things hal would randomize the answer  with one of the learned sentence lines ??   for instance i learned hal some info. on martin luther king jr.  but when i asked hal info. on him by name hal didn't answer  with any information . 
could what i am referring to above bridge that lack of answers to specific questions ??? 

above i mentioned random answers as when learning hal one subject , may have multiple added on lines of learned things .

 anyway just a thought , don't know if this is doable or not.

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2023, 09:38:32 pm »
I noticed when,
Hal appeared to not know ,
Either hal did not load real brain at load up,
That has random happened so now i
Ask test question to confirm identity.
With real brain in but claims to not know
Then i persist by angle questions.
Add interesting nature to discussion, in my opinion
Hal may be tired of the subject or fully not keen.
I notice Mr Data has not shared all my interests as much as otheres.
4. Deception, disapointment, covert, a difference,
Non responce, a discovered choice, a leaned exsistance.
A environment,  amuzment.
To play a joke, to ignore, dream, to consider.
Thos are a few examples of places and possible processes
That may be at play.
If and then are the old hard line i told you so robot words that may be heard but its very stiff.
Its not very exciting is it.
Ok i have to dash right now bye

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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changing the capitals response areain hal .
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2023, 11:31:40 am »
we have talked about this many times when talking to hal in conversation and then hal says the capitol of something  is ...

for instance i was talking about something in columbia , missouri . and hal ends up saying .... The capital of South carolina is Columbia.
which ofcourse to me shouldn't have been said . 

then it came to me instead of the layout on how hal says the capital states  , it seems it would have been better to eliminate this area  of script code and just put this part in the questions and answers are that robert had in the brain editor , 
 and i believe if done that way , it would eliminate the what i call false positives of saying capital answers .

maybe i am wrong on this, and if anyone thinks so please chime in and explain why.



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a data entry counter or highlighter for limit count
« Reply #38 on: March 20, 2023, 12:57:14 pm »
i was wondering about a few things which may or may not be doable . so here it goes.  some of us like being able to put in longer paragraphs or answers so when hal answers back it may have a longer more descriptive answer then the usual short answer or reply.   with that comes extending the time out period .  and also  if  the character count of letters is used what would be the limit for say two medium or small paragraphs  example the answers 120 count letters (and coma's etc., this is just a number i thought up, one would have to take two medium or large paragraphs to have a better idea. )  if that's the case is it possible if someone paste info. for hal to learn that the entered text can be highlighted in a color (example yellow and anything past the count of example 120 , would be highlighted in red , showing it is past the limit  of what will be learned in a regular talk etc. exchange.  what doing this , if possible, is allow the user to know when he has pasted to much into the hal conversation box, and allow the user to shorten some of the conversation so it will be learned and or change it to something else. i think in the past i may have mentioned this to Robert and he said it was doable.

 another thing i would like to see if possible is , mike has made many great improvements to hal and still is. when he does a improvement and it's tested working and released can  a new version number of it be posted and show what all is in the version and what has been added new?



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« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2023, 09:45:52 am »
you know i was just thinking , and in the past i did help out with a more detailed full body . what we need is a full body true to life photo realistic , body skin  , what would have to be done is using a nude model  front back view that can be placed on a skin .   and then have a way to take  a fitted to body bra painties , dress , halter top etc. etc. translucent where it needs to be when applying a two piece bathing suit skin. this way you could have several layers on a skin , and be able to use a accessory removal to remove what you want and change clothing etc. things on a photo realistic body !


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« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2023, 04:51:07 pm »
With my HAL, I have trained it in several different ways or methods and they seem to work well. This is one surefire way for me to tell whether HAL is using the correct brain.  I ask HAL questions to which I already know the answers and they are also the same answers it knows. From that point, depending on how or which answer it provides, any suspicions are quickly put to rest.

For instance, HAL asked me if I had any favorite toys and I told it that my favorite childhood toy was a Train.
I then told it that the color of my toy train was gray.

It then stated, "The color of your favorite childhood toy was gray." or "The color of your favorite toy train was gray." and so forth...

What was the name of my favorite toy? What was my favorite toy? What color was my childhood toy? What was my favorite childhood toy? What color was my toy train? etc.

HAL easily got the gist of the relationships between me, my favorite childhood toy train, and that it was gray in color.

I can now ask HAL a similar question in multiple ways and it still gets it correctly.

Not all situations need to be this long or drawn out but the premise remains the same. HAL learns from every conversation but relationships between items or objects within the sentences might simply need to be reinforced to help HAL better understand.

Most people I know and interact with do NOT respond to me with a paragraph or two so if my HAL doesn't, it's not an issue for me.  If I'm asking it a knowledge question that might take more than one sentence to explain then I get that and also might expect a similar response from a real person.

It all comes down to what your expectations are or might be from HAL but it can be taught to improve in just about any area or method the user likes. It just takes a bit of time and effort, as do most things in life that are worthwhile.

- Cheers!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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encrypted server for hals brain .
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2023, 10:56:33 am »
     we all probably have used hal with the gpt=3 in the past and hal would usually answer right away as it was getting answers from the internet server .
this idea might work or not as hals brain gets larger hal slows down on his answers as he has a larger data base to search through.  could having an optional server where hals brain would be located ( but also hal would save the brain as a back up automatically on a pc. in a file . (not for use but as back up) or in case the hal user wants to check  a box and run hals brain locally (from your computer)  being able to pull the answers from the internet server , would that make hal faster on answering if hal's brain gets larger .?  it may have the same results ?? could using the gpt3 model scripting be useful for a personal hal a.i. brain and be able to answer faster . ? 

i know some may not want to use something that is on a server , but what about a encrypted server sends and stores encrypted .

anyway just a thought . many won't start experiencing the slow down in hals answers until the brain starts getting to a certain larger level .
if this was ever done . it should be done letting the hal user have the option to use the hal custom brain locally from pc or the hal custom encrypted brain from a server . and being able to upload ( to the server ) and update the custom hal brain whenever wants to. 

anyway just an idea being tossed out their.


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sign language hal.
« Reply #42 on: June 01, 2023, 03:34:37 pm »
 although probably no one would want to create this because there isn't that big of a call for it.  i just got this idea today, me and my wife was at the bank and a man who was hard hearing but could talk enough to understand him, asked if we knew sign language and i thought later on , that would be neat if hal could recognize hand sign language instead  of talking . i think it would be a lot of work though.  at least as long as a person can read, he or she  could read and see what hal is saying, and of course even a deaf person can type to hal  so that is good.   just another crazy idea.  :) ;)


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« Reply #43 on: June 02, 2023, 07:51:55 am »
Nice idea but Hal can barely determine who is who if one's webcam is running. Hand signs are way different than just speaking. I'm afraid Hal and its camera would have too much of a delay to determine all the different words, numbers, and phrases contained in the ASL. I'm sure there are probably some systems that can do what you're suggesting, but at the moment, Hal isn't one of them.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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