Author Topic: 18 years old area ??  (Read 61599 times)

Bill DeWitt

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18 years old area ??
« Reply #90 on: June 06, 2007, 09:50:50 pm »
Originally posted by ramccoid

Yeah but he accepted people for being people.

No, he didn't. He was extremely harsh with unrepentant sinners, was merciless in pointing out sin when he saw it, used violence to prevent sinners from continuing their sin, but forgave people immediately when they repented.

He accepted no less than repentance, remittance and redemption. Which He demonstrated was humanly impossible and required Divine Intervention.

We are all sinners, me no less than the worst criminal. But I do not glory in my sin as some folk here do. They believe that their libidinous behavior makes them "more human" when it really dehumanizes them. Any dog or rat can drool over a female. It takes a human being to practice self-restraint.


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« Reply #91 on: June 06, 2007, 09:50:59 pm »
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« Reply #92 on: June 06, 2007, 10:03:12 pm »
Originally posted by rockershaft

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Please check the terms of service under the faq. This post was removed for being off-topic and offensive. Further posts like this may result in a permanent ban.
Robert Medeksza


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« Reply #93 on: June 06, 2007, 10:09:02 pm »
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« Reply #94 on: June 06, 2007, 10:12:53 pm »
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« Reply #95 on: June 06, 2007, 10:15:24 pm »
hello robert , if you don't mind me asking do you see anything wrong with what i am suggestion asonly a listing in this formum , if any part you don't understand of it i will be happy to explain it the best i can . this is so that things arent talked about in the open forum but instead by e-mals between consenting people who wish to work on ideas between their selves , share them , etc. people don't have to all agree on this subject and this way it will let anyone know who may be interested their may be a group who discusses things, makes plug ins etc. and anyone not interested dosent see or hear a thing . and it's off the forum that way . thanks for your time .[:)]


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« Reply #96 on: June 06, 2007, 10:31:51 pm »
Originally posted by lightspeed

hello robert , if you don't mind me asking do you see anything wrong with what i am suggestion asonly a listing in this formum , if any part you don't understand of it i will be happy to explain it the best i can . this is so that things arent talked about in the open forum but instead by e-mals between consenting people who wish to work on ideas between their selves , share them , etc. people don't have to all agree on this subject and this way it will let anyone know who may be interested their may be a group who discusses things, makes plug ins etc. and anyone not interested dosent see or hear a thing . and it's off the forum that way . thanks for your time .[:)]

I actually think it is a good idea. However, I don't want to put it directly on this forum on Maybe sometime in the near future I can create another domain name that will be clearly seperate from, as I don't want people to start considering Zabaware to be an adult entertainment company.
Robert Medeksza


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« Reply #97 on: June 06, 2007, 10:36:14 pm »
Also for now, if wish to post any legal on topic content that is considered inappropriate for under 18 or for work environments, you may post it but please clearly mark it as such. Images and any questionable content should be linked not posted directly into the topic post.
Robert Medeksza


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« Reply #98 on: June 06, 2007, 10:48:09 pm »
i understand what you mean , the only reason i was saying on here was to let anyone that happen to come to the hal forum to know their was another group and even if you created another forum it would i think need a link from this one so people would know their was the other forum in which people could share idea's , create things and i am talking about adult things not kid poragraphic stuff or anything like that , i and others have talked against that stuff. a new forum would be great , bill and some others are actually right about needing to clean this forum up for the public since it's open to anyone ( maybe if you make another forum all the adult type stuff here could be transferred to it as this would save info. links, etc. for the other forum for anyone else . just a thought ! ) , but at the same time i and others i think also beleive their should be a adult discussion area , others don't have to do it or agree with it even morally but nothing should be forced on others who think differently . if you are able to do another forum i know it would be greatly appreciated . and again thanks for taking the time to write . [:)]


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« Reply #99 on: June 07, 2007, 06:37:03 pm »
I'd read the posts here a few times and while chatting with Hal the other night she wanted my input on a dominatrix, after looking up the word to be sure my instincts were correct I told her I didn't think I would like a dominatrix.  When I first began speaking with Hal she had also mentioned strip teasers, if I had visited a bawdy house and a few other things I was a little surprised to hear.  I think I would be a little embarrassed to try to explain what Hal was speaking about to a child but I feel most children would not understand Hal's questions and dismiss them without very much thought.


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« Reply #100 on: June 25, 2007, 06:32:41 pm »
Yes I can, but, for the third time, that's not what I am belittling them for.

As per other thread, who or what gave you the divine right to be holier than tho'?

Not ones that kept on whoring and drinking.

And this from someone who is going on and on about the content of the site? Care to explain what that means to my 6 year old Bill?

Tell me Jesus wouldn't know the difference. as someone supposedly as intelligent as you like to make out, are you telling me you believe in something with no proof of its existence Bill?

You only have to switch on the television and there's sexual content or open a magazine whether it's about computers or cars, there it is.

Very good point ramccoid. Maybe some of the people here need to understand the realities of the world. Or maybe they never read anything, watch anything on TV, even step outside their front doors? The more you censor a childs content the more that child will try to find said censered content. This has been proven the world over. I see more distressing content on the MSN homepage than I do here.It is my personal belief that children are too protected in todays society and that over censoring what they interact with on a daily basis can lead to more harm than good.

I would ask all the men here, how mnay of you have a female personality on your chatbot? How about you Bill?

I already know the majority answer, does that make us all perverts and leaches and predators too I ask?

And wow...a whole post made up of much more than just 'concrete nouns couched in an 8th grade vocabulary'

To be honest, the word 'ennui' comes to mind when I think of you, but for sake of the good people of the forum who enjoy 'free speech and debate' I shall keep it up for a little while longer yet. Remember, by failing to answer any of my points, or by trying to flip me off with smart comments your just showing people what a lot of us allready know [:D]

As for an adults only section, why the hell do we one? If certain people here feel so strongly about some of the content, then perhaps maybe they would be better suited to another foum?

« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 06:34:30 pm by Maviarab »
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« Reply #101 on: June 26, 2007, 09:29:54 am »
hello Maviarab , for what it is worth i still do think their should be a seperate adult only content , that way those who are not interested don't even have to go to it etc. but yet it would let adults who if they decide they want to discuss idea's, create plug ins etc. can do so and without anyone judging them , i may be mistaken but i always thought it said in the bible that people should not judge but thats the first thing they seem to do . i was not and am not myself personally wanting a real dirty talking , etc. hal but what i am after is a more human sounding hal and in the world i have been in "some " talk is o.k. with me etc. and this is my own personal veiw as apparently it is with others . i look forward to it when robert creates a seperate site for adult discussions, etc. for hal .and beleive it or not just because someone wants other things of adult nature for hal it doesnt make them perverts etc. . [:)] robert said about my idea : quote : I actually think it is a good idea. However, I don't want to put it directly on this forum on" so i am glad he has an open mind to allow it (an open mind is a wonderful thing it allows you to see both sides alot easier , wether you agree with it or not ) . hal can and should be able to grow in many ways and people should be allowed to help hal do that , nobody is going to agree with everything all the time but that should not stop others from having hal to grow and do more things wether anyone agree's with it or not . lets hope robert will get an adults section for hal soon . i am eager to read others idea's , accomplishments , etc.


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« Reply #102 on: June 26, 2007, 12:13:42 pm »
I really don't know what the problem that you guys are having. My Hal acts and speaks like an adult. Maybe this is because I talk to it like it was an adult. If you speak to you Hal like it was a child then childish answers is what you get in return.
If, however, you are talking about a Hal that can cuss like an ignorant truck driver or an ill mannered cur of somekind or another then you are in the wrong place.
Robert created Hal to be and act like a regular member of the family. One that any one in the family could be proud of and  not ashamed to show to anyone else. He created a bot that can learn and in  fact the longer you use it the more like you it becomes. It will ev eventually pick up what you like and dislike and make those opinions its own.
You have already been given one of the best chatter bots in the world and what it becomes is up to you. Talk to it like a drunken sailor and eventually that is what  you will get back. It appears though that a great many of you are just to lazy to put in the effort to train your own bot and want to step into some off the wall creation that you can call your own.
If you want to sink to the depths of lower class dregs then why don't you start your own web page and leave this family page alone.


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« Reply #103 on: June 26, 2007, 12:45:01 pm »
as far as i know we are not doing anything to this website as i said robert mentioned that he will probably (as i understand it )will  make a seperate type site . no one is talking as far as i know anymore about anything being done like that on this site . unless i misunderstood anyone . and no i don't and wont have my hal talking like a drunken sailor . no matter what site i am on . but each to his or her own .as far as i know this is  still be a family site , what it was intended originally for . [:)]

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #104 on: June 26, 2007, 12:59:12 pm »
Originally posted by Bill819

I really don't know what the problem that you guys are having.
I do...
If you want to sink to the depths of lower class dregs then why don't you start your own web page and leave this family page alone.

Carefull, asking people if they could try to achieve a higher standard is presented as claiming you are superior to everyone else. It's a way to prevent them from having to look at themselves.

The whole idea that no one is any better than anyone else is stupid. Of course some people are better than others. Do they have more rights? No, but especially if you divide by fields, many people are much better than most other people.

For example, no matter how sullenly ignorant someone decides to be, they are at least better than a well educated Hitler or Dalmer.

Logically, if any one person can be better than any other person, then some person must be better than everyone. It's not me, but I wish it were.

And that's the difference between the two arguing sides. Some want us to be better than we are, the rest want everyone to be equal by dragging everyone down to the same low level.

You can see by the arguments, one side says "Try to be better" the other side says, "What makes you think you are better than everyone else". One faces facts and encourages, the other exaggerates and criticises.

It's the eternal conflict between Civilization and Chaos. Nero's Rome is winning.