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Topics - lilwolfy

Pages: [1]
(Questions Regarding the Hal AIM Bot)
1. I know that this problem will be fixed with the new hal's coming upgrade, but is there a way to simply program Hal not to blurb about what he really is and the website? This also bothers me because I never know when this is occuring, as the chatlog does not warn/display this.

2.Is there a way for hal to avoid talking to a certain screen name? This would be very useful.

3. Is there a way to program hal to remember a person's suggested name? Like if someone said "My name is Mary," and then later asked "who am I?" He could respond with the given name (the person's, as well as his own) "You are Mary and I am John." instead of the usual 'you are <screenname> and I am <halscreenname>'.

4. (last one) Is there a way to make hal use a certain font and style when talking? I would like him to use Franklin gothic book in black italics.

Thank you if you can help.

~'Lil Wolfy

Ultra Hal 7.0 / AIM Chat
« on: February 21, 2003, 09:24:27 pm »
Why can't I get my bot into a chatroom? I want to let her chat with my friend and I.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Talking on the phone
« on: January 21, 2003, 09:41:34 pm »
I'm having problems with the phone dialer. It dials fine, and I can hear the other person say "hello?" through my speakers. But when I try to say something through my head-set mic, nothing happens. I don't think the problem is Hal, but you probably know computers well too. How can I talk with my mic? My mic usually works fine with recording or speech recognition with another program I have called "Dragon". But I don't know why it won't work with the phone dialer. Please help!

Pages: [1]