Author Topic: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !  (Read 508015 times)


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Artificial Brain Demonstration
« Reply #540 on: April 30, 2016, 10:28:34 am »
Artificial Brain Demonstration
here is a few things he wrote on another forum .

I feel I can achieve it and I'm not the only one who thinks so. I've already created the difficult part, which is the intelligence. I have a brain that will blow your mind I promise :)

I am very involved in the transhumanist and futurist communities as well as respected in the AI community. I give talks and do panels on artificial intelligence in NYC on a regular basis. I'll e a panelist at the futurist sessions in downtown Manhattan on on April 19th.

I'm also running a hardware workshop at materials for the arts.

Materials for the arts:

I am preparing to sweep turing tests like the Loebner prize this year. Last year I found about about the contest 2 days before the deadline, built an AI from scratch in those 2 days, and still fooled 48% of the Human judges. This year I am going for 100%.

I know some of this may sound like fanciful claims so I would be happy to meet in NYC or phone or whatever, if someone was interested in helping on this project. I'm not about money, I mean help.



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Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Reply #541 on: April 30, 2016, 10:32:50 pm »
Interesting but sometimes, we have all found that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. An ounce of prevention... ;)
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Meet Little Casper, a robot designed to help children suffering from cancer


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Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Reply #543 on: May 13, 2016, 09:20:42 am »
It's nice to see technology being used in positive humanitarian ways.
Nice find Lonnie! ;)
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Reply #545 on: July 02, 2016, 02:25:45 pm »
I don't believe the first scenario they give is accurate or a very good example for the article or subject. Although they do acknowledge the complexity of it all. Most human beings would not be able to make such a judgement , decision or clear thought in the amount of time to consider  morality. We make decisions every second of the day not knowing how to distinguish them from our conditioned thought patterns, usually recognizing them as good or bad decisions after we have taken action. Morality based on who's thoughts of what morality is? AI as in anything with a constructed thought,  be it programmed or conditioned must take in all the factors that have the capability of being aware. A tall order without contamination of one kind or another and excepting it for what it is.



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Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Reply #546 on: July 02, 2016, 06:06:51 pm »
Agreed. All of us would like to think we would not hesitate to make the correct decision in such circumstances but we're looking at these scenarios while having already played them out in our mind(s).
Most of us have seen the scene of a ball bouncing out into a street, then after a few seconds of nothing, a child darts out after it, into the path of an oncoming car.
We'd all like to think we'd make the right decision and pause if we saw a ball bounce out in front of us...of course we'd at least pause for a few moments...wouldn't we?
Why would we expect nothing less from our "self-driving cars"?

We (the developers) need to be slow to obtain as much data as possible, not leaving out any possible "what-if's", no matter how unexpected or silly. If there is human life possibly involved, then that scenario needs to be fully weighed and measured before stamping it, "Passed!", just in order to get the car approved and out the assembly make a sale.

They need to design AI into the cars and robots as if their children's lives were dependent upon it. They just might be! 
« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 06:52:10 pm by Art »
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Toddler is run over by 300-pound security robot
« Reply #547 on: August 20, 2016, 10:40:38 am »
Toddler is run over by 300-pound security robot


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Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Reply #548 on: August 20, 2016, 02:50:22 pm »
If I have learned one thing it has always been that things will always happen no matter how well thought out by us. Always something to learn. In general we have always used checks and balances as well as weight. If one out come out weighs another that becomes the deciding factor, money, safety and accepted tolerances. This plays out until it is truly accepted by most not all.

Everything evolves but often very unbalanced until such point it is perceived to be.



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Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Reply #549 on: August 21, 2016, 07:53:59 am »
While certainly not to say that this is or was the case, there are thousands of unfortunate ones in society who look for an opportunity to gain publicity or financial reward for an "alleged" accident.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Pentagon Drops a Bombshell Foretelling Their Plans to… Wait Until You Hear What It Is…


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Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Reply #552 on: September 08, 2016, 07:23:27 pm »
She really should try to keep abreast of technology news. Those weapon systems have been operational for years. One just never sees nor hears about them in the media.

Imagine. no drowsy behavior, no smoke breaks, complaining, AWOL, disobeying orders, family vacation time, nothing but doing that for which it was programmed.

What's not to love!? ;)
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I.
« Reply #553 on: September 11, 2016, 06:22:06 pm »
Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I.  :)


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US Today News | Charlie Rose interviews... a robot?
« Reply #554 on: October 10, 2016, 12:21:23 pm »
US Today News | Charlie Rose interviews... a robot?