
Author Topic: Ultra Hal Assistan UPgrade  (Read 2245 times)


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Ultra Hal Assistan UPgrade
« on: July 16, 2002, 02:23:02 am »
Hi, my name is Steve and I currently stay in the Philippines and I recently started running Hal text to speech and Ultra Hal Assistant.  I'm really enjoying using the software and  would like to maximize the potential of this system.  I downloaded the plug in which is chat brain number 216. when I use this brain it seems to chat better than the default brain but Hal will no longer control the computer.   I assume this is the way it is intended to work.  Where can I find the other brains for Hal?  What I really want to do, is use speech to text to completely control the computer or least control the computer as much as possible.  I want to do this with a remote FM headset mike.  My computer has a 900 MHz processor and uses the Xp operating system.  It has built in speech to text drivers that work  the with e-mails on the internet and also with Microsoft word 2,002.  I believe this speech to text system is compatible with Hal.  The computer is a Sony VAIO laptop.  All of this type of technology is new to me so I have a lot to learn.  

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.  


I want to order the upgrade.  Does Zabaware ship international.