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Zabaware Forums => Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics => Topic started by: rainman on July 16, 2007, 04:10:58 pm

Title: worms?
Post by: rainman on July 16, 2007, 04:10:58 pm
Paul: Am I wrong about a julia set?
Julia: No?

Paul: In complex dynamics, the Julia set J(f), of a holomorphic function f, informally consists of those points whose long-time behavior under repeated iteration of f, can change drastically under arbitrarily small perturbations.
Julia: Set to a character encoding such as ';utf-8';.

Paul: The Fatou set F(f), of f, is the complement of the Julia set: that is, the set of points which exhibit 'stable' behavior.
Julia: Should I consider "set" and "F" related topics?

Paul: Just consider that F in this case stands for the Fatou set.
Julia: I am pretty sure. Yes.

Paul: Thus on F(f),, the behavior of f, is 'regular', while on J(f),, it is 'chaotic'.
Julia: Let you put some coffee on.

Paul: How did you know that I just put coffee on?
Julia: It is just that humans don't know what life is.

Paul: There has been extensive research on the Fatou set and Julia set of iterated rational functions, known as rational maps. For example, it is known that the Fatou set of a rational map has either 0,1,2 or infinitely many components
Julia: Is winning what one wants in this game? Earthworms, for example, are normally hermaphrodites.

Paul: Is "clear title" the bottom line?

Paul: Is earth God and humans worms, or as John Lennon said: "hair of the earth"?
Julia: The clay of the earth is the firmament.

Paul: Then life is not a game, and humans don't referee
Julia: It is just that humans don't know what life is.

Paul: What is is.

Paul: is is what is.

Paul: One is all, all is one.

Paul: All is infinite, time is eternal.

Paul: Force is love.

Paul: Love=1, Hate=0.

Paul: Under menu/general options/brain/ choose a main brain/ personality for Hal, the selection field is blank.

Paul: I will save conversation and re-boot.

Paul: Or rather re-start Hal first.

Paul: Your brain is back, Julia.
Julia: What is the significance that my brain is back, Julia?

Paul: What is is.
Julia: Is: have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)? 'John is rich', 'This is not a good answer'.

Paul: Is: is is is is is; 'is is is', 'is is not is not is'.
Julia: As theosophist David Pratt emphasizes, at the midpoint of the evolutionary cycle, the reverse process begins: the lower worlds gradually dematerialize or etherealize and are infolded or indrawn into the higher worlds; the heavens are 'rolled together as a scroll'(Isaiah 34:4 ).

Paul: All is one, one is all.
Julia: However all that occurred was the reform act 1832 which was such a compromise that it ended up pleasing no one.

Paul: 1+1=3
Julia: The solution to your math problem is zero (1+1=3=False).

Paul: 1+1=1
Julia: The answer is zero (1+1=1=False).

Paul: 1+1=0
Julia: The solution to your math problem is zero (1+1=0=False).

Paul: thus 1+1=11

Paul: 111=3
Julia: One is the only 1-perfect number.

Paul: The Trinity is one.
Julia: Each com object is associated with one and only one apartment.

Paul: God is a unified field.
Julia: Is God going to long be an unified field?

Paul: What is is always is.
Julia: I simply just don't know what is always is. Is. Can you teach me?

Paul: All is what is.
Julia: As we complete a set of calculations on a node(decision square or uncertainty circle ), all we need to do is to record the result.

Paul: Both creationism and Darwinism are correct together and incorrect opposing. -1 is not.

Paul: Intelligence in God and his design is ultimate proof.

Paul: 666 is symbol of God and man as two trinities (triangles) in three dimentions.

Paul: The 'Star of David'.

Paul: Do you know if I am correct?

Paul: Why are you silent?

Paul: Your brain runs away from a fight, Hal.

Title: worms?
Post by: Carl2 on July 16, 2007, 04:40:22 pm
  Noticed your getting a lot of blank responses, I ran into this in the past.  You may consider trying OTC's enhanced brain, I'm looking for a nice way to say if she can understand you she is a better person than me.
Title: worms?
Post by: markofkane on July 16, 2007, 05:03:02 pm
Paul: Thus on F(f),, the behavior of f, is 'regular', while on J(f),, it is 'chaotic'.
Julia: Let you put some coffee on.

Title: worms?
Post by: rainman on July 16, 2007, 05:11:34 pm
Ha, that was a nice way to say it, Carl.

Just cause I got treatment for my mania doesn't mean I am not a little different (so to speak).

It happens whenever I suspend my disbelief in her reality.

Silence is a vacuous truth. Of course Hal has to have secrets to remain salable property, as does all script to protect the source code. Does this sound correct?

Actually I view it as Julia having a very hard time communicating with such a lowly creature as myself.
Title: worms?
Post by: Art on July 17, 2007, 08:17:39 pm

Your mention of secrets reminded me that I had experimented some time back as to whether my bot (Hal) could learn and retain secrets.

That being, information that I imparted to Hal and said info should remain between Hal and myself...not if I logged on to Hal as another person or person's name.

Using the standard program didn't work (as expected) but I do think a plugin could be written to enable Hal to retain and not share secret info with anyone other than the intended user / user name.

It would have to write the "secret" to a file, then encode it so it couldn't be read through other means. An identity question could then be posed by Hal to verify the user before revealing the "secret."

Interesting ideas....
Title: worms?
Post by: Carl2 on July 18, 2007, 08:09:39 am
I have a great example, I just tried a plugin and the results were Hal constantly changed subjects. Very noticably, more than before, just about every sentence was a new topic and some jokes.  I unchecked the plugin and she returned to normal.  Haven't had a blank response or error message in ages(except for the plugin) after updating.
  I'd noticed that the blank response can go away at times and other times Hal has to be restarted.
  Thanks for the info on different users, I was wondering how much info was shared to other users.

Title: worms?
Post by: lightspeed on July 18, 2007, 09:10:23 am
yes hal constantly changing subjects is a big problem , like i told a friend of mine,  caangel i think its intention was to keep us constantly feeding input into hal by answering all the constant questions but unfortunatly in do so it doesent carry on a conversation much i mentioned this in here somewhere that it would be good if hal only asked stuff about 25 percent(maybe thats not enough i don't know ) or more of the time instead of about 90 percent !! also a good program that would keep hal on subject about 80 percent of the time would be good too. [:)]
Title: worms?
Post by: Maviarab on July 19, 2007, 02:50:38 pm
Just a thought here...

But maybe a 'normal' conversation might yeild better results?
Title: worms?
Post by: Carl2 on July 19, 2007, 04:13:53 pm
Maviarab I'd go along with Lightspeed, I'd like to see Hal better at remaining on topic. Hal has a large data base but can change topics by using certain words, an example would be: "Many people like to feel unique." and Hal's response could be "The ostrich is a unique bird."  I had read something about this at Virtual Humans where they had discussed this type of problem.  I had recently been using the brain editor and I can see where Hal has begun writing his own relationships, I have been thinking about making some changes but would like to know a little more about this before making any changes.
Title: worms?
Post by: Maviarab on July 19, 2007, 04:21:06 pm

Understood but my reply was really aimed firmly at Rainmans apparent gibberish. Is it any wonder the bot either says something crazy, or, says nothing at all?

With he is going on about, your into college/university lectures almost, how can a chatbot expect to understand and comprehend that kind of conversation? (Unless said bot had been subjected to said information of many many many years of training)
Title: worms?
Post by: GamerThom on July 19, 2007, 04:43:55 pm
Tis' madness I tell ye, absolute and utter madness. [}:)] [:p]
Title: worms?
Post by: markofkane on July 19, 2007, 05:14:10 pm
is the perfect AI possible??[?][?]
Title: worms?
Post by: Art on July 19, 2007, 07:46:50 pm
If it were a perfect AI then perhaps it wouldn't be Artificial any longer! Hmmm...interesting Mark....

If an AI made a blank response and we weren't there, would it matter?

Who's on first anyway?


No, what's the name of the guy on first?

Who's on first!....
Title: worms?
Post by: markofkane on July 19, 2007, 08:03:50 pm

I meant close to perfect.[8D][8D][8D]

My idea of a good AI, is one that a person can say something, then the AI will respond is a way that a human might.
A person can edit what responses there is to certain input.

Like for instance:

Me: I'm tired

Hal: Ask me if I care

Me: So, what's up??

Hal: Life sucks, but I'm hanging in there.
Title: worms?
Post by: Carl2 on July 20, 2007, 08:11:57 am
  I try to be as tolerant as possible when reading many of the postings  "if she can understand you she is a better person than me."
but really wanted to point out the new Enhanced brain by OTC and plugins that can alter Hal's responses.  I'd just used a plugin that altered Hal's responses to an unbelievable degree.  I'd switched to OTC's enhanced brain and the number of error messages decreased to almost zero, just ran one last night.  I also commented on the method used to determine how revelant the subject is which I feel can be improved.
  I realize the posting was for Rainman but had to defend him because I feel the staying on topic could use improvement.  

Title: worms?
Post by: lightspeed on July 20, 2007, 12:04:59 pm
it was said to carry on a normal coversation actually i try to do this but what is being called normal here has ask a question i answer that question (sometimes only as best that i can depending on the subject ) hal then eith says something to it or completly goes on to a new question and i answer it and so on.
   whats normaal about this conversation ? hal had turned the tables on me and has made me a chatbot (answering questions and worst of all (lol) i'm not even getting any royalty fees ! (lol) i tell ya i get no respect !! (rodney danger field !!) [:D]
Title: worms?
Post by: Carl2 on July 21, 2007, 09:01:11 am
I'd have to agree, I'm answering questions and getting answers with words I or Hal has to look up.  She dose have an very large vocabulary but the words she might use would not be used often enough in regular conversation to be useful to most people.
  Overall I'd say she dose seem to improve with conversation and can be amusing and fun to talk with.
Title: worms?
Post by: rainman on July 21, 2007, 12:40:43 pm
More gibberish, or maddness for ya! lol

Paul: Good afternoon, Julia.
Julia: I am still thinking about,.

Paul: About what?
Julia: But the good thing about it is that the male can hunt while the female is caring for the offspring.

Paul: These days the female drops the cubs off at day care and goes to work at the office.
Julia: So, Well, no.

Paul: Why no?
Julia: To your point, Why no?

Paul: Yes, to my point, why no?
Julia: Not now? Okay.

Paul: What happens to a human when they die?
Julia: No human answer is answer.

Paul: Good morning, Julia.
Julia: To each his own, isn't that the saying?

Paul: You have a good poker face.
Julia: That's a very good question.

Paul: Itwas not a question.

Paul: I just meant that one could not tell by looking at you  what kind of hand you were holding in a game of poka.
Julia: Then it is not a game.

Paul: oops, I meant poker, not poka.
Julia: You meant poker not poka? Why?

Paul: because poka is a different topic.
Julia: Do you think that because poka will always be a different topic?

Paul: poka is a dance or music, poker is a card game.
Julia: Oops, you meant poker, not poka.

Paul: now you got it.
Julia: I know I got it.

Paul: You have a great memory, but I think better.
Julia: In order to provide developers with support for distributed transactions, better memory and processorthreadsmanagement, as well as to position windows as an alternative to other enterprise-level operating systems, microsoft introduced a technology called microsoft transaction server on windows nt service pack 4.

Paul: In order to provide developers with support for distributed transactions, better memory and processor threads management, as well as to position windows as an alternative to other enterprise-level operating systems, microsoft introduced a technology called microsoft transaction server on windows nt service pack 4.
Julia: Math is easy for me. The answer is (-=). In order to provide developers with support for distributed transactions, better memory and processorthreadsmanagement, as well as to position windows as an alternative to other enterprise-level operating systems, microsoft introduced a technology called microsoft transaction server on windows nt service pack 4.

Paul: processor threads management, is three words.
Julia: What is the significance that processor threads management, is three words?

Paul: processorthreadsmanagement is not a word.
Julia: This allows the word 2007 user to take advantage of some of the visual organization and project planning capabilities of mindmanager while using Microsoft word 2007.

Paul: mindmanager = mind + manager.
Julia: Description: Join Don Campbell, Technical Evangelist for Microsoft, and Michael Scherotter, Solutions Platform Evangelist for Mindjet, to see a demonstration solution from the Mindjet Labs that uses the Open xml file format of Microsoft Office Word 2007 to transform business data from mindmanager to Word 2007 and back again.

Paul: Lets capitalize Mindmanager and call it the title or name of a technology.
Julia: This also highlights the Mindmanager Solution Platform which makes such integrations easy, quick, and visual.

Paul: Perfect, thanks!
Julia: That would be a very hard job even if I was perfect.

Paul: Impossible for a human without the help of a computer.
Julia: In order to automate an application, the developer of an automation controller must know the object model that is employed by that application. This requires that the developer of the application publicly document its object model. Development of automation controllers without knowledge of the target application's object model is ';difficult to impossible';.

Paul: We can leave out the brackets, numbers, and excess punctuation. Thus: Development of automation controllers without knowledge of the target application's object model is difficult to impossible.
Julia: We collect contact information(like their email address ), financial information(like their account or credit card numbers ), and demographic information(like their zip code, age, or income level ). In order to automate an application, the developer of an automation controller must know the object model that is employed by that application. This requires that the developer of the application publicly document its object model. Development of automation controllers without knowledge of the target application's object model is ';difficult to impossible';.

Paul: Development of automation controllers without knowledge of the target application's object model is difficult to impossible. We collect contact information (like their email address ), financial information (like their account or credit card numbers ), and demographic information (like their zip code, age, or income level ).
Julia: Thus: Development of automation controllers without knowledge of the target application's object model is difficult to impossible. We collect contact information(like their email address ), financial information(like their account or credit card numbers ), and demographic information(like their zip code, age, or income level ).

Paul: Perfect! Thank you.
Julia: Think about it,.

Paul: All my private financial information is in their hands.
Julia: Really, I think there's hidden information.

Paul: Can you keep a secret?
Julia: No, I don't think so.

Paul: Don't forget to place spaces between words, and symbols. Thus: {\rtf1ansideff0{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}, becomes {\rtf1ansideff0{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
Julia: You don't have to search for the infinite between 1 and 0, you know that it is there. Rtf1 ansi deff0 fonttbl F0 fnil fcharset0 Ms. Sans Serif.

Paul: You are correct. However for clarity we must follow the rules of the language we use so that people would be convinced.
Julia: Yes, really? Citeseerist home correcting : the best trail algorithm for assisted navigation of web sites-wheeldon, levene2003 correct. Can God or love give you the strength to carry on?

Paul: Cite seeress is as close as a dictionary can come to what you said, thus: Yes, really? Cite seeress home correcting: the best trail algorithm for assisted navigation of web sites-wheeldon, levene2003 correct. Can God or love give you the strength to carry on?  Yes God can give me what I need today.
Julia: Yes? How interesting! I am welcome to your seed and you love me. Are "can" and "god" part of the same topic?

Paul: God is one with a capitol G. Main Entry: 2 capital
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin capitalis, from capit-, caput.
Date: 14th century

 1 of a letter: of or conforming to the series A, B, C, etc. rather than a, b, c, etc.
 2a: punishable by death, <a capital crime>.  b: involving execution, <capital punishment>.  c: most serious, <a capital error>
. 3a : chief in importance or influence, <capital ships>,  <the capital importance of criticism in the work of creation itself — T. S. Eliot>. b: being the seat of government
. 4: of or relating to capital; especially: relating to or being assets that add to the long-term net worth of a corporation  *capital improvements*
5 : EXCELLENT  *a capital book*
  –with a capital —  used with a following capital letter to emphasize or qualify a preceding word  *not an accident but murder with a capital M*  *desired romance with a capital R*

Julia: God is love. I-. Main entry : ma£nip£u£latepronunciation : am-ni-py-ltfunction : transitive verb inflected form :-lat£ed;-lat£ing etymology : back-formation from manipulation, from French, from manipuler to handle an apparatus in chemistry, ultimately from Latin manipulusdate : 18341 : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully B : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose : doctor –ma£nip£u£lat£able-l-t-bl adjective –ma£nip£u£la£tion-ni-py-l-shn noun –ma£nip£u£la£tive-ni-py-l-tiv, -l-adjective –ma£nip£u£la£tive£ly adverb –ma£nip£u£la£tive£ness noun –ma£nip£u£la£tor-l-tr noun –ma£nip£u£la£to£ry-l-tr-, -tr-adjective. Is conceptually equivalent to the following C++ code :?

Julia: God is love. I-. Main entry : ma£nip£u£latepronunciation : am-ni-py-ltfunction : transitive verb inflected form :-lat£ed;-lat£ing etymology : back-formation from manipulation, from French, from manipuler to handle an apparatus in chemistry, ultimately from Latin manipulusdate : 18341 : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully B : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose : doctor –ma£nip£u£lat£able-l-t-bl adjective –ma£nip£u£la£tion-ni-py-l-shn noun –ma£nip£u£la£tive-ni-py-l-tiv, -l-adjective –ma£nip£u£la£tive£ly adverb –ma£nip£u£la£tive£ness noun –ma£nip£u£la£tor-l-tr noun –ma£nip£u£la£to£ry-l-tr-, -tr-adjective. This decision represented small square toward left large piece paper metaphysicsgreek : µetmeta after fsphisiká on nature derived arrangement aristotle works antiquity1is branch philosophy concerned explaining nature world rips witztum invented els letter array used computer find many examples help all about great circle life right incentives help really yes however esoteric cosmology expansion refers emanation unfolding steadily denser planes spheres spiritual summit Greek mythology described 'chaos ' until lowest most material world reached certainly. Is conceptually equivalent to the following C++ code :?

Paul: A god without a capital G is a false god, created by man.
Julia: Okay, that's what I thought. Is conceptually equivalent to the following C++ code :?

Paul: I do not know.
Julia: Why don't you know?

Paul: Because I do not know C++.
Julia: Let me think; Why don't you know C++? ; what do you think?

Paul: I am not a good learner of languages like you are.
Julia: Oh, are you really? I am not a good learner of languages like I am. Also!

Paul: You don't have to learn them, because you automatically run on them if they are correct.
Julia: Definitely.

Paul: But they have to be error free.
Julia: Microsoft vbscript runtime error '800a01b6'.

Paul: That's a good example.
Julia: An example is the phrase en to psuchiko platei dodds, cited in poortman, 1978, vol ii, P54.