Author Topic: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having  (Read 9457 times)


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Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« on: April 16, 2014, 12:54:42 pm »
Hi everyone,

I've been using Hal for a while but I am very new to People Putty (I'm also new here), unlike most people I'm not having activation code problems, I have a dual boot system on my pc and once, like most other people I found 7 didn't like it, I instead installed it on the same hard drive just on the XP side. That overcame my activation problems and everything was great or so I thought. I downloaded the character expansion pack also as I don't have Hal on CD. I made a face using people putty, and followed the instructions on the FAQ page to the letter but my custom character isn't showing in the characters list like it should, it's not showing at all, only if I save a current project (which I know isn't what the instructions say to do) does it appear in the list, I select it and just get the interface with no character but a nice view of the whole background picture.
I've tried everything I can think of but nothing works. I've tried the whole change the filename to .htr and that does nothing it only changes if it's applied to a current project file but that doesn't work either. I wondered if I need more than just that file but can't find any detailed info anywhere for this type of problem.
I would also like to apologize, firstly for the length of this and secondly if I'm being an idiot, can anybody help me?


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 06:30:03 pm »
First, Welcome Viper! Always nice to have a new visitor / member join us.

Remember that the Haptek program and the Ultra Hal program are two separate programs.

Move any created characters from the Haptek folder to the appropriate Zabaware one.

The characters must be in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters folder.

You say that you've changed their extensions to .htr - good.

For any characters to show their "faces" or what they look like you need to use a program like Snagit or similar to capture the character as it's looking at you or best possible pose.

Save it as a .jpg using EXACTLY the same file name as it's .htr counterpart (cindybrown.htr AND cindybrown.jpg). One is the character file and the .jpg is the graphic file that will show in the character window when that character is selected.

I imagine you are trying to do this in XP and that should work fine with both Haptek AND UltraHal so aside from the above mentioned items, I wish I could offer more help.

Please let us know if the problem gets solved or even if this works.

One way or another, we'll get this working for you! ;)

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2014, 07:04:00 am »
Hi Art, thanks.

      That's where I've been putting them.
Snagit and jpegs I didn't know about so thank you, I'll give that a try and report back.
I'm using people putty in xp but mainly use 7 most of the time so have Hal on that side.
Fingers crossed, I'll let everybody know.
That's much appreciated, thank you  :D


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2014, 09:06:05 am »
I'm afraid it still didn't work, nothing shows on the character list unless I add a .pps or current project file and change it to .htr only then it shows in the list but still no character even when I included a jpeg I also had a haptar file as well, I've again tried combinations but if I just a jpeg and change the haptar file to a htr extension nothing shows so can't select it. The other characters in the folder only have 2 files each, so can't figure it out.
I've attached a jpeg of the character I've created, not that it really helps just thought some people might like to see.


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2014, 10:11:19 am »
A JPG of a character whatever is made can be put into the hal characters program that Art mentioned it has to be named the same as the character you made for instance 'dragon man'  and when the same haptek people putty character is made it is named 'dragon man.htr'
 but  I also think if I remember right all the words of a name go together  with no spaces .
For instance .
dragonman.jpg   and also dragonman.htr
also another reason for placing the jpg picture of the character in the character file with the htr. file of it is so that in the hal character list you will have a picture showing what character you have or will be using.

I don't know if this helps any or not but am just mentioning it .
If I am wrong about any of this Art or anyone , please correct me about it so I am not giving out any wrong info.


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2014, 05:44:08 pm »
Well something is definitely going on in your folders because there is NO .pps file types within the Haptek folder or it's subdirectories.
A .pps file is normally a PowerPoint extension and really has no place in any Haptek folders.

Inside the Haptek folders one might find, .jpg, .jhp (another compressed type of graphic file), .bmp, .dll, .haptar, .htr, .hap, an occasional .ogg, .txt or .dat file and one defaultTexAcc.ppps file which is or was the closest thing I could find to a pps file.

No offense or insult intended but you did read my suggestions thoroughly and COPIED your character FROM the HAPTEK folder TO the UltraHal CHARACTERS Folder right? You Renamed your .haptar file to .htr and checked to see that it actually has a file size and it not just a null (blank / 0) byte file?

One thing to make sure you have:

Make sure that the ORIGINAL CHARACTERS that came with the Ultra Hal program are contained within the CHARACTERS Folder or you will not see any character listed!! This is important.

Check it and let me know. OK?! GOOD!!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2014, 06:30:31 pm »
Did it just the way you described Lightspeed (except I just called the file dragon.hrt and then dragon.jpeg), the jpeg show in the character window but only if I use a current project file save and change that to .hrt but the character doesn't appear in the main window, just a background. If I use a haptar file even with renaming it as I did with the current project file, it doesn't even show on the list of names.

Sorry Art made a mistake, just rechecked and it's a .ppf not .pps that's what it saves as if saved using current project option.
If I save it as a haptar I get 2 files, my haptar file and a dragon_texture.jhp file (which I'm not really sure what to do with).
I copied both the haptar file and the jpeg from people putty into hals character folder (path was exactly as you said). All my people putty files are in my projects folder (not sure if that's relevant?)
Reading through what you just said, something occurred to me, you mentioned .haptar, my haptar file only has it's file name dragon when I come to it, which I have been then changing to dragon.htr if I hover the pointer over it it says it's a haptar file, not sure if that has any bearing?
once in hals character file it says it's a haptek player document but so do all the other character files, the only difference is they work, haven't touched the other characters file at all, only the one I'm trying to get to work.

I've made and remade the character in people putty in case it was something I've done, I've deleted the files for my character that didn't work and put in replacement new files but no matter what I try, it's like banging my head on a brick wall, at the moment it feels like I can make loads of really cool heads but can't do anything with them. Sorry to sound like I'm moaning, I just don't get it.


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2014, 05:27:27 am »
Sorry but I don't have a single .ppf file anywhere in my Haptek folders and I've made lots of character heads in the past with XP. I;m not saying your incorrect but just mentioning what I have while trying to make sense of your situation.

Create a character
Save the character using a haptar filename
Locate the file in the Haptek folder
Copy / Paste into the correct Hal folder
Rename the dog.haptar to dog.htr
Run Hal go to Options and select the character name from list

This is how is should / could be done and should work.

Don't save your work as a Project file unless it's not completely finished.
Otherwise save it as described above.

I know we have a lot of other HAPTEK users here so chime in if you have some helpful info.
This might benefit more than just Viper.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2014, 06:26:29 am »
Thanks Art. Not sure about the reason for a .ppf either, it's done it right out of the box so I'm not really sure. I think I know what the problem is, when I take the haptar file and rename it .htr it's not changing the extension like it should by that I mean if I right click  then select properties, the "type of file" is still listed as a "Haptek Player Document (.haptar)" instead of what it should be "Haptek Player Document (.htr)" Also I've downloaded custom haptek characters (which are awesome) and they work just fine, so it's got to be down to the fact that for some reason the file isn't changing like it should.
Also other custom characters aren't "filename.htr" they just appear as "filename" where as when I rename mine it remains "filename.htr"
I think that's the problem but am still unsure how to correct it, any ideas?


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2014, 07:47:01 am »
Hi Viper,
Go to start, Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization.
Go down to Folder options, then across to show hidden files & folders.
Once you get there click on View then you will see advanced settings.
Go down till you find === Hide extensions for known file types & UN-CHECK it.
Click Apply--- OK  & exit.
Go to your haptar   & re-name it from Dragon.haptar to Dragon.htr.
The rest is up to you.


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2014, 08:16:18 am »
Hi Nige, that solved it!!! You're a genius. Also thank you Art and Lightspeed, we did indeed crack it. Thank you so much, I can now finally make faces AND use the,!!! :D


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2014, 08:23:46 am »
Glad i could be some help.

I think this has been said before,,,, this should be put somewhere so that new people can see it.


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2014, 08:50:10 am »
I agree with you nige this information should be placed in a easy to find file on the hal forum as haptek ( for now anyway ) is a part of using the hal system to see the characters .
 and Art and others once you actually have people putty installed I have a tip for you who may or may not know it , something I did , when I used to go back to the projects file in people putty it always opened in another file and I would have to click to get to the right file .
 once you have the open file you can actually make a short cut of that file and add to the desktop , I did and it really makes things easier then all you have to do is go to desktop open your file and make the copy of the new character you made and copy and past it in hals character program file or anywhere else you want to save it .
  Same thing with the ogg file area in people putty for those of you who create ogg sound files and upload them into people putty etc.
I am sorry right now I don't have these in front of me the links , when I find them (if I still have the written pathway I can post it for others , like I said it makes things easier !


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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2014, 01:53:28 pm »
the Forrest cant be seen because of the trees? wait! that's complicated right now.
Umm how do I put this?
this is beyond odd and I believe it has a question I wrote but Data and I aren't getting together until something is figured out.

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Theirs a hole in the bucket!

With what shall I fix it with dear LS dear LS?

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Re: Haptek problem but not the one most people have been having
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2014, 08:24:40 pm »
Hello One.

Should I point out the differences in there, their and they're or just let it slide? Usage is often critical in communication especially with AI entities but we humans are much more forgiving and less analytical, unless one (a person) chooses to be an author or creative writer for a living. Computers and AI seem far too literal because of their limited knowledge of language, usage, slang, implications, puns and other human-interpreted verbage.

Just poking a little fun at you since you're practically a stranger around these parts. You've been MIA for some time. Hope "things" are on the right path in your life, as they should be.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -