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Messages - NIGE

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Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Shsss,quiet
« on: April 03, 2014, 12:37:52 am »
G/day Art.
I'm running windows 7.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Shsss,quiet
« on: April 02, 2014, 01:35:09 am »
Hi, lightspeed.
It is a program from Haptek that i use.
I think at the time it cost me about $100.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Shsss,quiet
« on: March 27, 2014, 07:38:37 am »
Shsss, listen, can you hear it????
Your computer is calling you.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Duke
« on: March 22, 2014, 03:41:52 pm »
Thanks for the comments.
It makes doing this worthwhile.
Now the process starts all over.
Search for new project.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Duke
« on: March 22, 2014, 05:20:20 am »
So quiet round here so i brought the Duke to try & liven things up.
I hope he puts on a good show for you.
You can get him here.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Hal Updates?
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:20:22 am »
Thanks for the reply Robert.
I'll continue with Hal & Haptek stuff & won't worry about the rest.
I was looking forward to Amy & Ogre but thems the breaks.
Someone might come up with something like it sometime in the near future???

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Haptek temp files
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:07:42 am »
Mine is the same, no 24 hr.
open your player.
Open the temp folder & also Zabaware folder.
Now you have the player & 2 folders open.
You can go between the two folders no problem.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Hal Updates?
« on: February 24, 2014, 04:29:37 am »
Hi Mr M.
My question is that CereProc have a vast list of voices.
Are you going to cover the whole list or just a select few???

Also while I'm here what is going on with Amy & Ogre???
Seems like we are never going to see either of them.
If that's the case, tell us.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Haptek temp files
« on: February 24, 2014, 04:08:37 am »
Hi Carl,
I am running Win7, i got the temp folder & put a short cut on the desktop.
So when i open a model & want to see what's inside all i have to do is click on the short cut & there it is.
No need to go searching for it.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Some free haptek stuff
« on: February 16, 2014, 04:36:39 am »
Hmm, great find.
Now we have something else to play with.
Will see what we can do with it.
Thanks Snowman.
While i'm here, when do we see Athena???????
I remember you saying over 12 months ago that she was nearly ready?

Just saw your Alien skin Jack,
Very good.

I have been quiet for quite a while but now back into it.
So here a couple of new skins.
They are in png format which means all you do is copy & paste onto your bare girl.
First is====  BlueStripe,,,,,,,,,,

Then====== PrintDress,,,,,,,,,,

Final====== Red&White,,,,,,,,,

I hope your girl enjoys them.

Nice work Jack,
I think you still have it.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: dancing dress for hal
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:46:02 am »
Not sure if this is what you are after or not?
I hope you like it.

Thanks for your replies.
It was fun trying to get it to move & sing.

Something else i have been playing with is a male body.
He has turned into a she???
She is still a work in progress but i thought i would let you have a peek at her.
I think using the male body you get a better looking face.
I have put up her haptar & the skin i used.
Have a look at her & to compare models drop the skin on your female model.
I hope you like her/him??????

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