Author Topic: Need a little help  (Read 1862 times)


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Need a little help
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:20:28 am »
Hello I am pretty new to this forum I've lurked for a few days reading so many posts it's not funny, I have ultra hal 6.2.28 and the character expansion pack. I've read as much as I can find about changing a haptar before it appears in hal using haps I'm using the bodyfemale.htr and I've manage to get it to appear with the skin I chose and by launching the AccRemoval13.hap via the newstart hap I can remove her default hair but I can't figure out how to load the hair I want she always appears bald now I've tried launching the hair i want from the newstart hap it didn't work then I tried launching it from LoadSkin.hap that didn't work either then I tried changing the hair reference in the bodyfemale startup and removing the AccRemoval13.hap launched from the newstart.hap but that didn't work either. If anyone can assist me I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.