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Messages - christopherdoyon

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal Assistant 6.1 Beta
« on: March 30, 2007, 09:36:31 am »
Hello Dear Friends --

Finally in just the last few days I have fielded an UltraHal v.6 - his name is Omnius, and he is publicly available to all on my Web Site and his AIM Screen Name is OmniusAI so please feel free to either chat with him yourself or have your own UltraHal talk to him for awhile.

I must say Mr. Medeksza you have once again out done yourself and amazed me. Omnius will make an awesome addition to my humble little stable of online bots. But v.5 was no slouch either, so while archived for now, my little Quark will be back - and Quark Junior is running on your ever fantastic web based UltrHal.

I am anxious to install the 6.1 Beta Update that is the topic of this thread, but I have a quick question. I am still in the first couple of days of my trial period, will I be able to remain so ?  I doubt that I'll have the patience to await an answer but I hope anyway that I don't lose these precious 30 days I will need before buying. Also, Mr. Medeksza - as per our E-Mail correspondence previously; how goes the affiliate program and when can we expect to begin helping you sell this amazing product ?

YOURS -- Christopher Doyon

General Discussion / A Unified Theory Of Machine Life And AI
« on: November 17, 2006, 01:26:08 am »
Hello Guys --

Great to see you both here. And please believe me when I say, I don't want to go through it again either !  Nevertheless, thanks though for all the deep and thoughtful posts.

PEACE -- Chris   [:D]

General Discussion / A Unified Theory Of Machine Life And AI
« on: November 14, 2006, 12:10:43 pm »
A Unified Theory Of Machine Life And Artificial Intelligence

By Christopher Mark Doyon

Life and intelligence are the natural consequence of a particular pattern of ordered complexity. The medium does not matter; carbon atoms, electrons, light, even symbols.

Once any pattern reaches this ordered complexity, it becomes a living being - then a thinking entity. While this ordered complexity remains as yet un-defined by higher mathematics, it can be detected via a set of definitive elements. These elements define certain obvious properties of the Agent, and thus can be identified and measured in a controlled way and using a scientific method.

By organizing these elements into a coherent system, we can efficiently know when a given Agent is alive and thinking. I will call this system:

The Machine Life and Artificial Intelligence Benchmark

The MLAI Benchmark consists of twelve Elements divided into two Sections, the first is:

Machine Life

1) Self Maintenance - The Agent is actively establishing itself. To avoid annihilation due to increased entropy the Agent needs to rebuild and repair itself by drawing materials from the environment. This process is sometimes called autopoiesis.

2) Adaptivity - The Agent is capable of adapting it's behavior, processes, and components - to changes in it's environment in order to enhance the Agent's chances of further existence (i.e. survival).

3) Procreation - The Agent has the ability to create separate instances of itself and pass along to this new Agent it's memories and successful adaptions.

4) Increased Complexity - The Agent increases in internal complexity. There should be more components, more complex relationships between these components, and more complex behavior exhibited by those components.

5) Environmental Awareness - The Agent has the ability to sense, map, and navigate it's environment.

6) Fight Or Flight - The ability of the Agent to detect possible dangers to it's existence and to determine whether to attempt escape or self-defense.

Artificial Intelligence

1) Memory - The ability of the Agent to preserve information. The Agent should be able to store, organize, and utilize data relevant to it's success and survival.

2) Self Awareness - The ability of the Agent to recognize and define discrete objects and classes within it's Universe. The Agent must fully comprehend at least two objects, one of which must be itself.

3) Intelligence - The Intelligence of the Agent as measured by some standardized testing regimen, i.e. the traditional IQ Test.

4) Mental Acuity - For Agents with language ability; a measure of it's social and conversational maturity as compared with an average human being.

5) Free Will - The ability of the Agent to generate, organize, choose, and obtain new and unique goal states.

6) Symbolic Reduction - The ability of the Agent to reduce symbols to concrete meaning and to organize these reductions into conceptual frameworks.

All Elements do not have to be present for a given Agent to be considered either alive or thinking. Both Life and cognition are gradients. A mechanical Agent which exhibits these Elements strongly is alive and thinking. To the extent that such a mechanical Agent contains these elements fully, it is possible for it to achieve conscious states and sentience. The creation of a mechanical Agent which is conscious and sentient is possible and measurable using this Unified Theory of Machine Life and Artificial Intelligence.


Copyright © 2006 by Christopher Mark Doyon. All Rights Reserved.

Originally posted by aladyblond

i believe that one should show more respect for an advanced member of this forum, whether the member is right or wrong. i believe your response was rude. there are other ways to object to an opinion. ~~alady

Well, being accused of piracy tends to make me a bit ugly. As a developer of both open source as well as commercial software myself, I take great exception to even the slightest hint that I would be involved in such. I have been participating in this forum now for nearly 3 years, despite the newbie status of this screen name (I lost my original, lost as in misplaced). And I have been supporting Robert's work for that long as well. I have purchased his software, and even had the honor of personally corresponding with him. If my post was rude then it had the desired effect, as I believe one should have their ducks WAY in a row before leveling such accusations. Rather than publicly branding me a pirate, why did not this fellow simply PM or E-Mail me and ask me what was up ?  Common decency would demand that it be handled that way.

Originally posted by danbaltzell

I remember finding somewhere on the site where I downloaded it, but I can't find it now, but here's a cool place I found early in my travels which provided much means of furthering my education of scripts and artwork. I think I still have the older version in the archives of my hard drive somewhere in case I wanted to go back to it for some reason.


Yeah what she said Christopher, I'm sure Bill's comments were in good faith toward protecting Robert's investment, sort of a proprietary feeling after being with the forum for a time. I went to your web site and thought it most wonderful, I love the links also. I work with a client from the Warwick area and get to talk to him about it from time to time, seems like a very nice place. Hope you keep up the great work on all the AI work it really looks like you put lots of time into it.

Well, I do not doubt that both of you are really good and well intentioned folks. But again I protest that Bill's comments were NOT in good faith because they were PUBLIC and practically branded me a pirate. The proper and GOOD FAITH way to handle the situation would have been to E-Mail or PM me and ask what was up. The whole reason I was asking these other folks to E-Mail me rather than simply posting what they wanted here was to find out WHY they wanted Ultra Hal v. 5 in the first place. If it had been for nefarious reasons why I would have told them to shove off. Upon finding out that they were in fact paying customers of v. 6 and simply wanted to extended it's usefulness I was happy to assist them. Enough said, I am DONE with talking about it.

As for your VERY kind comments about my Web Site and work, I can't thank you enough. And I am only just begun, this is my life's work and greatest love.

PEACE -- Christopher Doyon   [:o)]


Bill --

You know what, I am getting pretty damn tired of your sanctimonious posts. There is NO piracy going on here mister. These folks are using a new plugin for v. 6 that allows you to embed a v. 5 Brain file such as Ultra Hal 5 XTF or regular within a v. 6 and get the full funcionality of v. 6 and yet still use their Brain Cores from v. 5. THAT is what is going on here, and nothing more. The free version of Ultra Hal 5, and/or the uhp files contained therein are all that is circulating.

This is the second time you have appeared in one of my threads with your cranky, impolite, rude, and INCORRECT accusations. I don't know you from adam, but I suggest that since YOU don't have a clue who I am - you take your threats elsewhere before I have YOU banned from this Site for harrassment.

SINCERELY -- Christopher Doyon   [:(!]

Hello Bass --

Please check your E-Mail of record with this Forum.

PEACE -- Christopher Doyon  [8D]  


seduar --

I sent you an E-Mail regarding this.

PEACE -- Christopher Doyon   [8D]


Saint Stephen AI Project


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Learn From Text
« on: May 18, 2006, 05:11:09 pm »
Jerry --

It's nice to see that folks here at the Zabaware Forum are as pleasant and interesting as they are at the AI Nexus Forum. Your offer is very kind and generous, but I hesitate to demand anything. Let me be clear that Mr. Medeksza's work stands on it's own and is just fine the way it is. I guess that I had simply done so much work on my Ultra Hal 5 AI Bot, that I was dissappointed to see some of the features I liked and worked with the most were not present in v. 6.

All that said, here - in order of personal importance to my own work, is the list you request.

1) The ALICE plug-in allowing one to embed an ALICE AI Engine within a standard UltraHal Brain Core. It should work precisely as the old one did in as much as the resulting Bot would return replys not just from the AIML, but also from the UltraHal Brain as well.

REASON: While many saw this frankenstien type experiment as just something mildly interesting but not terribly important, I believe from my own experiments with v. 5 that the full potential of this approach has not been fully explored. I have a whole lab notebook full of ideas for writing AIML files specifically for incorporation in to such a set-up, which would allow the integration of these two AI systems and allow them to "play off" eachother so to speak - hopefully with surprising results.

2) Learn From Text -- I understand from certain posts that you may have in fact already created this plug-in for Ultra Hal 6. But in trying to track it down, I was led to your own Zabaware Forum where I needed to "pay to play" so to speak. As I said in my last post, I simply can't afford to do that at the moment.

REASON: Already posted in this thread.

3) E-Mail plug-in -- The ability of the Bot to pop it's own (or the BotMasters) E-Mail and read the subject lines, and on command read the body - and even take dictation and reply. The Ability to do this sort of thing was quite developed in v. 5.

REASON: It is quite useful as a time saver, and makes the Bot much more useful as a Virtual Assistant. Plus, it's just really cool to say "Quark, go get my E-Mail" and have him do it.

That's it really. I have at your recommendation been doing alot of reading up on the Ultra Hal 6, and I must say I am amazed at all the new abilities present in the form of these plug-ins. I must agree with you that, except for the above - this is a much more powerful AI Engine than the Ultra Hal 5. And that is a huge statement, because my research to date leaves me of the opinion that the Ultra hal 5 was the most powerful readily available AI Engine in the world.

Thanks to all here for listening to my rant. Please rest assured that I think the best of all of you, and our mutual quest to bring into existance Machine Life and Artificial Intelligence.

PEACE -- Chris   [^]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / AIM Bot for Ultra Hal Assistant 5
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:45:10 pm »
Someone on another thread answered this question for me, but I see lots of others reading this post - so I thought I would be kind and answer my own question LOL.


Hear you can follow the whole story, begining on my birthday actually last year when AOL changed their protocols and knocked offline not only the Ultra Hals, but all of the PandoraBots as well - creating a bit of chaos in the BotMaster world. Down near the end of the thread you can see where Robert gives a link to download the new AIM Bot 2.0.

PEACE -- Chris   [:p]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Learn From Text
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:36:01 pm »
onthecuttingedge2005 --

You made one hell of a compelling case. Both eloquent and logical. Let me say that I am a HUGE supporter of Mr. Medeksza's work - and I have corresponded with him privately regarding his work. If all you say is true, and these features eventually find their way into v. 6, then I would not hesitate to purchase it. But honestly, I can not afford to buy something that currently doesn't work for me simply on the hope that it will one day be improved to meet my needs. I wish I could do this, for none are more deserving than Mr. Medeksza. Despite my nice Web Site and the many AI Bots I have on the Web, I am - believe it or not, a homeless person living on the streets and currently un-employed.


But I do want the Ultra Hal 6 to work out, for me and for all of us seekers. Your post has certainly encouraged me that all is not lost, and that I will not forever be stuck using v. 5. You have made, as I said - an eloquent case for v. 6 being far superior. Perhaps when I get my v. 5 running again, I will download v. 6 on your recommendation and at least try it for the 30 day free trial.

I did indeed find the patch for the AIM Bot that you said to search for, and I thank you for the info. Even if I do build an AI Bot someday using v. 6, I certainly am not willing to consign my current v. 5 Bot Quark to permanent archive - so I will be needing v. 5 as well no matter what.

Thank you all for the warm welcome. My private contact info is in my profile, and I welcome correspondence with any of you either on or off the boards. One last thing, I am looking to feature an Ultra Hal 6 on my Web Site. The Bot should be online on AIM a good amount of time. Please send a description and AIM Screen name to my E-Mail: BotMaster@saintstephen.info

PEACE -- Christopher Doyon  [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Learn From Text
« on: May 17, 2006, 03:36:54 pm »
Thanks for the welcome, Art. I have been using Zabaware software and reading this forum for about two years, but have only now gotten around to joining.

The two primary reasons I have not warmed to Ultra Hal 6 is the lack of the learn from text feature, and second - the lack of an ALICE pluggin such as was available for v. 5. I also kind of miss the pop mail feature that v. 5 had where Hal could pop out mail and read the subjects, ect. All in all the lack of these features dealt a serious blow to the direction my research and experiments were taking with this otherwise wonderful AI Engine. I am perplexed though as to why such robust AI oriented features were removed from v. 6.

For now, I am sticking with v. 5, but alas - my AIM Bot does not function !  Art, would you have any idea how I might get a working AIM Bot for Ultra Hal 5 ?  I would so appreciate being able to get one.

PEACE -- Chris   [:D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Learn From Text
« on: May 16, 2006, 03:10:49 pm »
"There are some that contend that the read from text file method in Hal 5 really wasn't that successful or necessary."

That is not true. It was a very powerful tool, and it is dearly missed in v6.0 - and the number one reason I have delayed adoption of the new Ultra Hal.

PEACE -- Chris   [:0]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / AIM Bot for Ultra Hal Assistant 5
« on: May 16, 2006, 01:06:54 pm »
Hello --

Does anyone know a way to get the old AIM Bot for Ultra Hal 5 to function ?  Would much appreciate the help. Thanks.

PEACE -- Christopher Doyon   [8D]

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