Author Topic: speak to hal over http  (Read 9662 times)


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speak to hal over http
« on: June 26, 2019, 11:32:08 am »
Hi guys, i was wondering if we could access Hal over the web. Meaning, i have a server that has Hal installed, i'd like to create a simple mobile website that i could use to chat with my Hal. Is that possible?


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Re: speak to hal over http
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2019, 11:37:25 am »
all things are possible, so ya
I have hal setup for Twitch, Discord and many other places
Im using port 80  keeping hal safe

best wishes cyberjedi
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 11:51:13 am by cyberjedi »


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Re: speak to hal over http
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2019, 12:33:54 pm »
How would i go about doing this? Is there an api to call? Can you point me in the right direction?


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Re: speak to hal over http
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2019, 02:36:45 pm »
Sure : Ur gonna have to build the api then hook Hal's GetRsponse  function to it
I would be willing to help u do this, but i wont do it for u.
There is NO short cut to this...

you wana cross the bridge, ur gonna have to pay the toll.

our fearless leader robert pointed me in the rite direction and i ran with it all those years ago now.  And ill do the same for u too.
Vb is ur friend and i dont mean VBS script
Your gonna have to learn hard coding, compiling and making the api and all that entails,that means sockets, ports, ect ect ect
and i havent even started with making Hal talk, hooking ur computers SAPI functions.

Get ur hands on a copy of VB6  and install it.  Once u get a handle on VB6.0 that then ur gonna move into and that's like the unforgiving EXwife that just wants ur ballz on the fire place mantle.

i hope this helps u in some way

Heres 1 example of hooking hal
welcome to the code Hunt lots and lots of research

best wishes
cyber jedi

« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 05:25:16 am by cyberjedi »


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Re: speak to hal over http
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2019, 10:11:26 am »
Thanks for the info cyberjedi! I've been programming for 15 years, i try to avoid VB6 like the plague but i know my way around it. So writing the code will not be a problem. I was hoping there was already an api i could tie into but i guess not. I'd love to make a python wrapper for this, it may still be possible but i'm gonna have to write the api first it sounds like. I wont ask you for your code because i know you put a lot of time and effort into it, but if you could point me in the right direction. Is there any documentation about how to get started?


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Re: speak to hal over http
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2019, 11:07:12 am »
As u please
The documentation is all in my head
Sorry i couldnt be of help to you
with 15 years under ur belt, i should be coming to you for info.. lol
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 04:48:37 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: speak to hal over http
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2019, 08:34:51 pm »
Start at this post and grab the attachment. I think it only works from the same machine.

Basically you'll need another program to write into and read from the text boxes on the Hal server side (using DDE and handles for the text boxes, maybe with something like AutoIt) and communicate (TCP) to your remote client.

The file I attached is what I was using a few years (many years) back. I'm sorry, but I can't find the source code. You might be able to make it work, or copy enough of it to do it in python. I ran this on a local network, not over the internet, but it should be a good start.