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Messages - knight2000

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Change Hals response time?
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:08:57 pm »
Thank you for the reply Art.

When you say hard coded, does that mean that its in an encrypted file or a file we can not access?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Change Hals response time?
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:28:02 am »
Is there a area in Hal's script where I can change the response time when speaking to Hal from a mic? Right now I speak to him and an it takes around 5 sec for him to respond. I would like him to respond quicker as if I hit the enter button after speaking. I guess there is a delay in his response so that the speaker can pause then continue speaking before Hal responds.

General Discussion / Re: Hal license error - Please help!!
« on: March 04, 2013, 10:23:25 am »
Thanks sybershot! I turned off my windows firewall and did a fresh install and now Hal is working fine. I also deleted the registry entries as well before re-installing. This is the same thing I did previously only this time I turned off the firewall and it worked! Thanks again.

General Discussion / Re: Hal license error - Please help!!
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:00:28 pm »
What other posts? I wasn't able to find the same issue I'm having in the forum. Could you point me in the right direction? Thanks  :)

General Discussion / Hal license error - Please help!!
« on: March 01, 2013, 05:13:19 pm »

Yesterday when I restarted my CPU I received the following error with Hal on start up
"ERROR: Unknown return_code:FALSE_MAIN_LF_CORRUPT. Please contact vendor. Shutting down."
Please see attachments. I tried completely uninstalled Hal and deleted the registry entries then reinstalled it and still received the two error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I need to add some custom code that will allow the cursor to stay pinned inside Hal's input text box. Example if I ask Hal to open windows media player the cursor loses focus with Hals input text box. I want to add a "setFocus" command to the text box. Does anyone know the name of the text box? I've looked in the halScript but i only see "InputString" referenced but i believe that is the string name. Could someone please help?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal is not referencing the HalScript - Please Help!!
« on: December 03, 2012, 10:59:44 am »
I've create a plugin for Hal a year ago, it contains phrases and commands to execute programs. Up until a week ago I was able to edit the file and change the phrases and commands and Hal would say them and execute the programs with no problems. Now all of a sudden when I edit the plugin Hal does not recognize the changes, there are no errors and I checked  the HalScript to make sure the new changes were in the file and they were. Any ideas as to what could be causing Hal to not recognize the changes. The plugin has been working fine for a year.

Can anyone else help with this? There has to be a way to change Hal's response to opening a program.

Hi Jerry,

That didn't work. :(

Thanks Jerry,

I've already looked into this file but I dont see anywhere where you can edit Hal's response. I looked in the "pattern" section of the brain editor but I couldn't find it. How can we keep Hal from saying anything when opening a file?

Thank you guys for the reply. I will double check Hal's brain editor. I'll let you know if I find it there.

Can anyone help with this? There must be a place where this is stored in one of Hal's script files. Basically I dont want Hal to say anything when you tell him to open a file. I've checked the database in Hal's brain editor but i found nothing. Any help would be great!

Hi everyone.

I would like to edit when Hal says "I am executing this program for you". Can anyone help me find where this is located in Hal's script?

I figured it out! I just placed this sample code in Hal's HalScript.dbg around line 470 and it worked.

fileToOpen = "C:\Users\Victor\Desktop\anyfilename.lnk"
   If InStr(1, UserSentence, "activate", 1) > 0  Then
        GetResponse = GetResponse & "I will open this for you"
      HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & fileToOpen & "</RUNPROG>"
    End If

You can use any keyword you want. I chose "activate" because it works best for me. You can also duplicate this code and assign different keywords to open different files. So you dont have to use the word open all the time. You do not have to update the shortcut.dat file either.

Just be careful not to choose a keyword that you use often when chatting with Hal or he will open the file in the middle of a conversion.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / I need Hal to open a program without the "open" command
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:13:19 am »
Is there a plugin or a piece of code I could use to have Hal open a program on the desktop without having to say "open" I'm using Hal to open a C# script that I wrote which will turn on my dash lights in my car. Its works fine but I have to say "open start up" which doesnt sound very impressive to other people watching lol. I want to be able to say "start up" and Hal will open the program. I haven't found a plugin yet for this but I was wondering if you could code it right into Hal's script. Can anyone help with this?


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