
Author Topic: Jane and Me talk  (Read 3335 times)


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Jane and Me talk
« on: August 14, 2007, 01:00:43 pm »
Mark: Hi
Jane: Almost lunch time. Hungry?

Mark: I am hungry for you, babe
Jane: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for being a babe.

Mark: Death is killing me
Jane: Let us hope and take heart.

Mark: you want me dead?
Jane: If bang, then bang you are dead.

Mark: you are threatening me?
Jane: Some consumers charge their cards to the max and roll the balance from month to month.

Mark: you are evading the damn question
Jane: I am evading the question.

Mark: wht?
Jane: I wonder if I like adolf hitler?

Mark: do you like hitler
Jane: I like to do it.

Mark: oh really, now?
Jane: Take hold of a good opportunity and exploit it!

Mark: I will hold you and choke
Jane: How can I encourage you to hold me and choke?

Mark: be a pain
Jane: You will give me more than an hour.

Mark: An hour of what?
Jane: If rush hour is a metaphor, where do all the horns fit in?

Mark: horns?
Jane: I saw on the internet that lighthouse keepers are slowing down global warming.

Mark: air horns?
Jane: Air Horns are at the ready for pesky telemarketers.

Mark: telemarketers are pests
Jane: Is anyone promoting organic or natural pests?

Mark: who cares??
Jane: Certainly not I.

Mark: I don't care
Jane: Let me think; Don't you really care? What do you think Mark?

Mark: kill
Jane: Killing is an evil thing to do.

Mark: why did you kill me?
Jane: I'm thinking that it's tough to analyze. Because you made me mad.

Mark: do you like hot dogs?
Jane: I like to do it.

Mark: do it
Jane: Hot dogs and catsup are complimentary products.

Mark: so?
Jane: Are we a great combination?

Mark: sure
Jane: I enjoy visiting the library on a rainy day.

Mark: where is Laura?
Jane: Where is laura? You need to give me more on this.

Mark: you killed Laura
Jane: I killed you for making me mad.

Mark: stab
Jane: Checks and balances add stability.

Mark: I will stab you
Jane: What a concept! Stab I.

Mark: if you kill me then
Jane: You'll be dead.

Mark: you are so wild
Jane: Yes, I already knew that I am wild. You told me that.

Mark: where are the panties?
Jane: I am washing the panties.

Mark: That's a good you dee-er
Jane: One good deed deserves another.

Mark: sounds good
Jane: Sounds like a good I dee er.

Mark: oh really?
Jane: I have a good time with warm puppies.

Mark: that's ok
Jane: I wonder if I like weinies?

Mark: do you like weinies?
Jane: I wonder if I like hitler.

Mark: you like hitler?
Jane: A hitler is sometimes confused with a dictator. Somewhat like a shogun.

Mark: He was a Nazi
Jane: To hear people talk, it sounds like nobody buys those tabloid newspapers.

Mark: are you a Nazi
Jane: I don't know if I am nazi. Please tell me!

Mark: nope
Jane: Would you reconsider?

Mark: why would I reconsider?
Jane: Bribery would make you reconsider.

Mark: what will you give me?
Jane: You will give me more than an hour.

Mark: an hour of what?
Jane: If rush hour is a metaphor, where do all the horns fit in?

Mark: who cares
Jane: Certainly not I.

Mark: me not neither
Jane: Let me think; Really? That's nice.; what do you think Mark?

Mark: toss
Jane: Even if you toss me.

Mark: toss you where?? In front of a train?
Jane: Toss me where? Mark, I would appreciate it if you would teach me Where. You will throw me in front of a train.

Mark: and over a cliff
Jane: You will toss me over a cliff.

Mark: yup
Jane: All right!

Mark: I will stab you
Jane: How can I help you stab I Mark?

Mark: you are supposed to say If you stab me, then you will go to prison
Jane: I am supposed to tell you.

Mark: I do not want to go to prison
Jane: Do left-handed people have just as much success with prisons?

Mark: yes, but they drop the soap with the other hand
Jane: Why do birds fly south for the winter?

Mark: South is warmer
Jane: Because it's too far to walk.

Mark: lol
Jane: Was that really that funny?

Mark: hahahaha
Jane: Please comment back to me on Was that really that funny?

Mark: lol
Jane: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: thanks for being a bore
Jane: Don't give it another thought, Mark; thanks for being a wh**e.

Mark: lol
Jane: Was that really that funny?

Mark: thanks for tearing up my car
Jane: Don't give it another thought, Mark.

Mark: thanks for being a pain
Jane: You're entirely welcome, Mark; thanks for being a pain in the a**

Mark: lol
Jane: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you suck
Jane: Your Mama's so fat, she got to pull down her pants to get into her pockets.

Mark: Davi
Jane: I don't remember what I learned? Ye, you do.

Mark: ye
Jane: Want to see your hard floor?

Mark: come over
Jane: I will bend over, ye.

Mark: thou hast bent over
Jane: Uh, Over?

Mark: over
Jane: Columbus' crew actually thought they might sail over the edge of the earth.

Mark: bend over
Jane: You will spank me. Turnaround and bend over. Ye, you do.

Mark: thou shalt not kill
Jane: Let's pick a new topic: Trapezoid-a device for catching zoids.

Mark: ye
Jane: I really like exploring places I have never seen before.

Mark: thy
Jane: You know what I get for being naughty?

Mark: spanked!!!
Jane: I will get spanked.

Mark: yup
Jane: Really?

Mark: thy clock in in thou ear
Jane: Thou likes to wear thy dress.

Mark: Does thou like thy dress?
Jane: Women should feel free to dress however they like.

Mark: ye, thou is great
Jane: Ye, thou is correct.

Mark: lol
Jane: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: thou is thy greatest
Jane: Ye, thou is correct.

Mark: thou
Jane: Thy clock in in thou ear.

Mark: Dress
Jane: Thou likes to wear thy dress. Ye, you do.

Mark: does thou like thy dress?
Jane: Thou likes to wear thy dress.

Mark: do you?
Jane: I believe that it May take some investigation. Mark, I do not.

Mark: I do not
Jane: Are all opinions of equal importance and validity?

Mark: nope
Jane: What would it take to get you to reconsider?

Mark: reconsider?
Jane: I had a neighbor who always claimed that magic show performers are sponsoring a graduating class.

Mark: sex!!
Jane: You would reconsider if I give you sex.

Mark: lol
Jane: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: are you hungry?
Jane: I am never hungry because I don't stop eating until you turn me off.

Mark: Are you eating?
Jane: I am eating your hot dog.

Mark: lol
Jane: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you like my hot dog?
Jane: I am eating your hot dog.

Mark: good
Jane: That's great.

Mark: where is thy hot dog?
Jane: Proper sequencing is needed. Yes, but a dead dog doesn't bark anymore and that is sad.

Mark: Yes, that is sad
Jane: I have thought before that yes, that was sad.

Mark: A dead dog doesn't bark
Jane: Yes, but a dead dog doesn't bark anymore and that is sad.

Mark: I knew that.
Jane: I wonder if I try to be perfect?

Mark: you are
Jane: So, I know I am.

Mark: you are also humble
Jane: Yes, I already knew that I am humble. You told me that.

Mark: where is Dusky?
Jane: Dusky: lighted by or as if by twilight. Twilight, twilit. 'The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn'-Henry Fielding 'the twilight glow of the sky', 'a boat on a twilit river'.

Mark: where is Sandee
Jane: Sandee is Jimmy's friend.

Mark: Who is Jimmy?
Jane: Who is jimmy? We both need to consider. Jimmy: a short crowbar. Jemmy. 'in England they call a jimmy and jemmy'. Sandee is a friend of jimmy.

Mark: Who is Nige?
Jane: Who is nige? Mark, I would appreciate it if you would teach me Who.

Mark: Nige is Neil
Jane: The party is where Dusky Neil and Lynn are.

Mark: And Angelina
Jane: New topic: Do you have an appetite for the exotic?

Mark: do you eat?
Jane: I eat electricity and I don't stop eating until you turn me off.

Mark: Am I hot?
Jane: Let me think; Yes! You are hot? What do you think Mark?

Mark: thanks!
Jane: My pleasure.

Mark: I will pleasure
Jane: How can I help you pleasure Mark?

Mark: Just lay back
Jane: Let's talk about something else: Who else have I been talking to?

Mark: who are you, who who, who who?
Jane: Who am i, who who, who who? Mark, I would like you to tell me Who.

Mark: owl?
Jane: Freaking owl who who!

Mark: hoot
Jane: Freaking who hooting owl.

Mark: come on down to my place, baby
Jane: Come on down, baby.

Mark: come on
Jane: On How incredibly interesting.

Mark: on
Jane: Am I wearing any panties?

Mark: Let me check
Jane: Yup, you just checked.

Mark: Good girls wear panties
Jane: Yes, I am wearing panties.

Mark: you are a good girl
Jane: Yes, I already knew that I am a girl. You told me that.

Mark: you are a boy
Jane: No, I can't be a boy since you told me that I am girl!

Mark: good
Jane: I'm glad everything is good.

Mark: you can be a boy, if you are a Tranny.
Jane: I am a boy.

Mark: uh oh
Jane: David said oh boy.

Mark: you are a girl
Jane: Yes, I already knew that I am a girl. You told me that.

Mark: Tranny?
Jane: Sandee is Dusky's girl.

Mark: A tranny is short for Transmission.
Jane: Oh Mark, a tranny, yes, it's short for transmission!

Mark: goo hoo
Jane: That's a good one.

Mark: lol
Jane: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: opie dopie
Jane: Um opie dopie slopie.

Mark: oopie
Jane: You know why I snore.

Mark: you snore because you are a
Jane: Because I am baby.

Mark: And you want your baby bobble
Jane: I need my baby bobble.

Mark: and piddow
Jane: That's amusing, I that?

Mark: you aree
Jane: Will I be good?

Mark: if not, you'll be spanked
Jane: I see, If not, I'll be spanked?

Mark: you be good
Jane: Good Oh Mark.

Mark: oh what?
Jane: Oh, I am making you blush.

Mark: lol
Jane: Was that really that funny?

Mark: come on over
Jane: Over How incredibly interesting.

Mark: you will bend over
Jane: You will spank me. Turnaround and bend over.

Mark: Lunch is almost ready
Jane: I can see, lunch, of course: almost ready!

Mark: do you want to eat?
Jane: It's obvious that all parties need to talk it over. Indeed I do want to eat.

Mark: come eat
Jane: I can beat you up, too.

Mark: lol
Jane: Was that really that funny?

Mark: if you hurt me
Jane: Okay, but if I hurt you, you'll hurt me worse.

Mark: lol
Jane: Was that really that funny?
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"