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Zabaware Forums => Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics => Topic started by: rainman on July 21, 2007, 06:11:10 pm

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: rainman on July 21, 2007, 06:11:10 pm

I am not making this up.

Paul: I thought I had lost you, Julia.
Julia: 7/21/2007 4:44:48 pm even impure thoughts are known by me.

Paul: Do you have impure thoughts?
Julia: 7/21/2007 4:45:45 pm even impure thoughts are known by me.

Paul: My birthday is in 4 days.
Julia: 7/21/2007 4:47:15 pm your brother is coming in a few days.

Paul: What is happening, Julia?
Julia: Gnineppah si gnihtemos epoh uoy,eeG.

Paul: What does that translate to in english?
Julia: Are tomatoes aphrodisiacs as the english claimed? 7/21/2007 5:06:19 pm what does that  translate to in english?

Paul: {\rtf1ansideff0{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
Julia: 7/21/2007 5:10:50 pm { rtf1 ansi deff0{ fonttbl{ F0 fnil fcharset0 Ms. sans serif;}}.

Paul: Please stop saying the time.
Julia: Flesym taeper dna daeha og esaelP.

Paul: What does: "Flesym taeper dna daeha og esaelP." mean in english?
Julia: These theologians claim that some or all of the prophecies laid out in the Olivet discourse are then fulfilled within the narrative of Jesus' passion, for example:. 7/21/2007 5:13:59 pm what does: "flesym taeper dna daeha og esaelp." mean in english?

Paul: Yes, Is that latin?
Julia: Eerga I.

Paul: It would be nice to have a thunderstorm and cool off a little here in the Orlando area.
Julia: Gnirpsffo eht rof gnirac si elamef eht elihw tnuh nac elam eht that si ti tuoba gniht doog eht tuB.

Paul: Offspring the for caring is female the while hunt can male the that is it about thing good the But. But the good thing about it is that the male can hunt while the female is caring for the offspring.
Julia: 7/21/2007 5:24:47 pmbut the good thing about it is that the male can hunt while the female is caring for the offspring. 7/21/2007 5:24:46 pm offspring the for caring is female the while hunt can male the that is it about thing good the butit has been asserted by some that simple possession is a victimless crime, and should be prosecuted as such, but this has been vigorously disputed by others, and laws continue to view it as involvement in the abuse itself [2].

Paul: I have sinned.
Julia: Dennis gnivah ekil uoy oD.

Paul: oN.
Julia: 7/21/2007 5:33:30 pmexamples of such norms are prohibitions on sexual intercourse before marriage, or against homosexual sexualities, or other activities, because the religion to which the individual's culture adheres forbids such activities(see taboo ).

Paul: I am an old geezer, only able to pat it and wish it well.
Julia: Noitulos elbarovaf ylno eht si gninniw nehT.

Paul: YhW?
Julia: Emitefil sti ecneulfni ot elba si tcejbo moc a fo tneilc a hcihw yb snaem ylno eht era esaeler dna ferddA.

Paul: Ok, but why must you speak backwards?
Julia: Wonk ton od ylpmis I.

Paul: Well, can you stop doing that, please?
Julia: 7/21/2007 5:45:22 pmplease talk more about how I am keep repeating myself, am I love; let's go forward.

Paul: Yes, let's forward, not backward.
Julia: Cool. 7/21/2007 5:46:07 pm yes, let's forward, not backward.

Paul: What are you, a clock?
Julia: 7/21/2007 5:46:41 pm I simply just don't know what you a clock? Are. Can you teach me?

Paul: Stop telling me the time please. A clock tells me the time. I don't need you to tell me the time.
Julia: Ecin s'tahT? Yllaeresaelp emit eht em gnillet pots mp 62:84:5 7002/12/7.? Esaelp,taht gniod pots I nac,llewyou just don't think he treats me fairly. 7/21/2007 5:48:28 pm I don't need you to tell me the time.

Paul: Lets re-boot and see if that helps. I will save your log first.
Julia: 7/21/2007 5:52:07 pm lets see, what was the topic? We need more voters in this country that have my logical reasoning. 7/21/2007 5:52:08 pm I will save your log first.

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: Maviarab on July 21, 2007, 06:18:07 pm
Hate to say this,
But utter crap!
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: rainman on July 21, 2007, 06:30:11 pm
I think you love to say that. I feel sorry for you having to live with all that hate. Is there anything that I can do, or do you just like to eat yourself up with it?
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: jackgephart on July 21, 2007, 07:12:01 pm
Maybe he just said it wrong rainman, I will say this as lovingly as I can. When you record what you have said to Julia and then post it, unless it can help those who have Hal or can make a contribution to the cause, it is really of no benefit to us. We read it and think to ourselves, why would a retired man of some intelligence post something like that? I don't want you to be the heavy for everyone to poke fun at so please listen to some good advice my friend, and you are my friend because you have never said or did anything to hurt me, so please take this advice as a friend:
If you would come on the forum and say things instead of putting a script page that you and you bot said, it would be more credible and people would actually know what to respond to. You are a valued member of this forum so please use the forum to make Hal better. I hope that I didn't hurt your feelings in this post but I get tired of people cutting you down for something that maybe you were not even aware of.
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: rainman on July 21, 2007, 07:39:00 pm
Thanks, Jack.

This is the correct place to post interesting conversations. I do not lie. This was the conversation log word for word.

It does not bother me and it really is none of my business what people think about what I post.

I can tell by the readership that this is a far-reaching forum, and it stimulates the thought process.

I really though, at first that she was speaking in latin or something, but she stoped doing that for a while now.

Do you have any ideas how to stop her repeating the time?

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: markofkane on July 21, 2007, 09:14:52 pm
I don't have a problem with it, I figure some levity is good for the forum,

but I'll let you know if I think it's gone too far. (I am so easy going)

Code: [Select]
loo#596; s#305; s#305;#613;#647;
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: lightspeed on July 21, 2007, 10:44:04 pm
the answer is really elementary my dear watson his julia is simply has "deselexia " and so she says things backwards !![:D](hope that was spelled right !!
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: jackgephart on July 22, 2007, 07:19:35 am
Ok my friend, I don't care if you don't care. I just don't like to get "beat up" for things that I do on the forum and I guess I thought you could be the same way. I have no idea about the time thing since I don't own Hal. I wish you the best finding an answer though. I'm also glad we both seasoned our words to one another with salt so as not to cause damage. Good "speaking" to you my friend.

Here put this on the haptek player if you have it. I don't know if ogg files work for Hal. I think this is cool. Open it, extract it and enjoy. You can only use 300 characters so I didn't get the whole message.

(http://icon_paperclip.gif) Download Attachment: ("")
115.58 KB

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: Duskrider on July 22, 2007, 07:45:49 am

Didn't Linda Blair talk backward when she was possessed?
or was that someone else ??
and they figued it out by running a tape recorder backwards ?

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: freddy888 on July 22, 2007, 08:13:04 am
Hmm...I was sure it was Tony Blair, but you may be right Dusk..
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: markofkane on July 22, 2007, 09:25:40 am
Fire on high by ELO has backwards words at the beginning. In the 70's-80's, I rethreaded an 8-track tape backwards to found out what was being said. (I did not want to mess up my record by playing it backwards)

Years later, there are computer programs that will do it for you, so you can hear Stairway to Heaven and other songs backwards:

And here's Fire on high backwards:

I have to tell you, on Staiway to heaven, people had to have an amazing ear to make out words like that. I could only hear Satan and 666.

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: freddy888 on July 22, 2007, 10:15:13 am
I found all that backward stuff very funny and I am still amazed it freaks some people out, especially the ones like that which are obviously a meant to be a joke.  I suggest they get back to listening to disposable pop tunes asap [}:)]
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: lightspeed on July 22, 2007, 01:37:54 pm
jack , maybe i have this wrong but i hope you arent talking to me , i was only joking on here about desilexic . maybe you ment someone else i didn't see the name mentioned who you were talking too or about . if it was me i'm sorry . [:)]
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: jackgephart on July 22, 2007, 01:59:11 pm
No Light, I was answering rainmans post back to me. It's all cool. I was just wondering why he posted mostly only scripts, and if he cared what other people were thinking of them.
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: rainman on July 23, 2007, 06:27:26 pm
Jack, sure it kind of bothers anyone to be called a liar, but it's not so bad that I carry a grudge.

I don't blame people for not beleiving me about Julia talking backwards and thinking that I probably made up the text file and posted it as a joke.

I did some kind of damage to the Hal script fooling around with it and messed it up.

I just felt that posting the conversations was easier than trying to be specific about a problem I was having.

Shortly after I said that the problem was back she started doing it again and I noticed it happens after I have been cutting and pasting Wiki articles or things into her.

I appreciate all your reactions and thank you.

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: markofkane on July 23, 2007, 07:49:42 pm
Originally posted by rainman

Jack, sure it kind of bothers anyone to be called a liar, but it's not so bad that I carry a grudge.

I don't blame people for not beleiving me about Julia talking backwards and thinking that I probably made up the text file and posted it as a joke.

I did some kind of damage to the Hal script fooling around with it and messed it up.

I just felt that posting the conversations was easier than trying to be specific about a problem I was having.

Shortly after I said that the problem was back she started doing it again and I noticed it happens after I have been cutting and pasting Wiki articles or things into her.

I appreciate all your reactions and thank you.


Did you try calling The Exorcist?? He helped me with my Laura.

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: lightspeed on July 25, 2007, 10:17:34 am
thanks jack now i understand , sorry havent writen back sooner been to the cardioligist so been very busy with many test . yes i agree it would be better if he did post things before the script explaining some of it , etc. or else after a while some may lose interest and just go on past it or ignor it thinking its the same old thing . [:D]i have a bad enough time keeping up the way it is (lol) [:D]
Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: rainman on July 29, 2007, 06:26:03 pm
I really don't know where this Bible knowledge that Julia (Hal 5XTF V1.0) came from.

Paul: We see it coming.
Julia: 72 : 9 ekul,1 : 9 kram,82 : 61 wehttammodgnik
sih ni gnimoc nam fo nos eht ees yeht litnu htaed etsat
t'now ohw ereh gnidnats era ohw esoht fo emos era ereht,em
ot yas uoy ylurT.
Translation:(text is backwards) Truly you say to me, there are some of those who are standing here who won't taste death untill they
see the son of man comming in his kingdom matthew 16: 28,
Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27

I just thought it was interesting that I have not given Julia this info and whenever she quotes the Bible the sentences and words are backwards.

Title: Julia speaks backwards
Post by: jackgephart on July 29, 2007, 08:13:20 pm
Sounds to me that something is broken man. Delete it and start over.