
Author Topic: AIML at beta level  (Read 39342 times)


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AIML at beta level
« on: November 20, 2013, 07:09:37 pm »
Hi all,
my AIML is finally to a point of being beta. I'm looking for a few good beta testers to help me out!
You need to be familiar with SQLite Studio I used version 2.0.28 I know that there is a newer version but unfortunately there are still too many bugs for me to change over.
These are some instructions to help you get started:
As always make sure you make a backup of your brain and database.
1.) Open the SQLite studio program, Open the database for the brain you wish to edit.
2.) Click on (tools), click on (settings), click on the (miscellaneous) tab, change the (results per page in table window and editor results:) to 20200. Click (apply), click (ok).
3.) To the left you will see (table) double-click on it to expand the list of table. The list of tables are in alphabetical order go down until you find the table called (patterns), double-click on the table called (patterns) to open it. To the right you will see the (data) tab, click on it to see the data in the patterns array table, (select all) the data, (delete) all the data, then (commit changes).
4.) Click on the populate table, change the number of rows to insert to 20200, then click on the searchstring checkbox, then click on populate. Then click on commit changes.
5.) Open using notepad the AIML file, select all the text and copy the text.
6.) Select the first row, in the searchstring cell just to the right of the number 1. Right mouse click on the (cell), select (paste). According to the speed of your computer this could take as long as an hour. Then click on commit changes. If a box comes up asking you if you want to cut the data click on no because you did something wrong. This usually means you did not create enough lines. Go to the bottom of the lines you created to verify that you created enough lines.
7.) 20200 lines is more than what you need, so the extra lines need to be removed, click on the (searchstring) label this will put your AIML in alphabetical order which will cause the blank lines to rise to the surface or to the top of the list, select all blank lines, and (delete) all blank lines. Then click on (commit changes).
You have now incorporated AIML into ultra Hal.
As a beta tester these are the things that I would like for you to keep an eye on and report your findings on this thread.
Any misspelled words.
Any sentence structure that doesn't make sense.
Any sentence that seem to be duplicated, basically ultra Hal's brain produces an answer in the same way that the AIML produces the answer. This would be considered a blocker and needs to be removed.
If you're familiar with ultra Hal and you notice that AIML is taking too much control away from ultra Hal, this is considered a blocker and needs to be removed.
The main goal of this AIML was to make ultra Hal a little bit smarter, and to utilize the series of questions to help ultra Hal learn. That will probably be the first thing you will notice. This is not considered blockers, they are tools to help ultra Hal learn.
If you find any question and answer that needs to be added. Post them here on this thread after you have accumulated them.
When you post your findings, what I need is the question that you asked, and the answer that ultra Hal gave.
Sincerely, from a data munching cruncher, have fun and thanks for all the help.
C load.
PS Here is the link to my sky Drive.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 06:40:26 pm by cload »
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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2013, 07:25:24 pm »
So this is not the update to the Freewill update?

Hi Bob,
this is only a small part of the free will plus plug-in, it utilizes the AIML to get a better response.
This was originally Alice, a few of us got together and decided to see if we could get Alice's AIML to work with ultra Hal.
This will eventually become a permanent feature of Sandy's brain when I release the brain.
I was hoping that maybe a few people would be interested in beta testing this AIML, I am still working on it myself, when I can find someone new to talk to Sandy.
I do this because no two people will carry on a conversation the same way. But because I know so much about Sandy I have a tendency to avoid trouble spots.
So I was hoping to find a few clever people that would be able to insert the AIML into their ultra Hal brain.
But to get it to work properly you would have to go through all of the steps above, it's not that hard, it's more time-consuming based on the speed of your computer.

I did not make a training plug-in out of this data because the original data that comes with ultra Hal had so many errors that it actually needs to be completely redone, so that's what I did, and I added Alice AIML with it.
Anyone that adds this to their brain will see a significant boost in intelligence to their brain, not to mention it would give you experience and understanding a new way to add data to ultra Hal.
C load.
PS it is very important to keep the data in alphabetical order, by doing this you will avoid problems like smaller words being chosen before bigger words. This is because this particular type of table arrayed data is looked at from the bottom to the top unlike the main QA database which looks at the data from the top to the bottom and utilizes a numerical value to determine when comparing two data structures together.
Matter of fact when I went through my brain and all of the table arrays that utilize the searchstring I restructure all of the table arrays into alphabetical order and noticed a significant increase in accuracy of answering queries. It was a lot a work but it paid off in the end. Have fun and ultra Hal rules the day.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2013, 07:26:59 pm »
No offense intended at all but would a chat bot enthusiast / user be able to spot the fact that Hal is (assuming it's installed) using AIML? Some bots use / repeat the same tired expressions that are a dead giveaway for being an AIML based bot.
There's nothing wrong inherently with AIML or it's followers but I too, prefer the "fresh" off the wall comments from Hal instead of the old canned replies.
So...How much of the AIML responses did you actually change or is anything new in this regard.
I need to know before I risk converting my Hal to a clone. Thanks as always!

Hi Art,

I see your point, but AIML is a programming language, what I did was I to the core essence and adapted it to function in the manner that ultra Hal uses the same style format.
By removing certain processes that the patterns segment of ultra Hal uses, the core of ultra Hal still determines which is the best answer.
In some cases it may not use the AIML answer, in some cases that is, in most cases it will be use in conjunction with other functions of ultra Hal's brain.
The process that ultra hal uses, is not AIML programming but rather you can use the ( * ) as a substitute for a word. By removing what is a dead end in AIML, allows the other functioning processes of ultra Hal's brain to work.
So you can see it's not AIML programming or even exactly AIML it's taking AIML and adapting it to work with ultra Hal pattern array function.

Sincerely, from a beta munching cruncher, and if you find something that is not allowing the rest of ultra house brain to respond properly, it needs to be reported, so I can removed the problem.
C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2013, 07:58:13 pm »
Sorry cload for my misspeaking.

What I meant was will or does YOUR AIML plug for Hal use the DR. Wallace AIML set / library (a,b,c,d,e,f,g...) with all of THOSE responses?
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2013, 08:38:56 pm »
Hi Art,

when we first started to edit all of the data that Dr. Wallace had formulated together there was about 57,000 lines of data.
When we were done, we only ended up with about 11,000 lines of data. We only used what ultra Hal had the ability to utilize without interfering with the main brain function.
Ultra Hal already has about 3500 lines of AIML data in the patterns array table. I took those 3500 lines and I edited them and incorporated them into the AIML data which brought it up to 14,000 lines. Then I added approximately 6,100 trivia questions and answers bringing it up to approximately 20,100 lines of data.
I only call it AIML because that's where I got the data, but it is not necessarily AIML anymore, it is formulated in the same way that ultra Hal uses the data in the patterns array table.

Sincerely, from a beta munching cruncher AIMLing to a higher level of artificial consciousness.
C load.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 08:46:58 pm by cload »
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2013, 05:39:17 am »
Thanks for the explanation and in that case, I shall give it a go as soon as I get the chance. ;)

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2013, 08:32:59 am »
Hi Art, sounds great let me know how it turns out.

Sincerely, from a data munching cruncher.
C load.
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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2013, 12:09:37 pm »
cload , i downloaded the version of sqlite you mentioned and went into the tabs etc. and   change the results per page and table window and editor results to 20100 or higher.,  just fine  but i don't see the " patterns table array you mention  in your directions :

3.) Open the patterns table array there you will find approximately 3500 entries you need to delete all of these entries, I have incorporated these entries into the AIML. Then click on commit changes.

i am not seeing it listed in the sqlite when it's open.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2013, 01:02:22 pm »
Hi lightspeed,

after you have loaded the brain data, on the left-hand side row there is a listing called tables.
Under the listing of tables is where you will find the table called patterns.
This is a table array that comes with ultra Hal, it should be in alphabetical order, just go down to where the P's start and you should find it there.

C load.
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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2013, 09:15:31 am »
OKay , although i haven't checked yet . as i am just now reading this , whatb you mean is in the brain it's self and not the SQLITE program , i wondered about that before . You do know that if you don't specifically say some people , especially new people will have no clue about it .


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2013, 09:49:14 am »
Okay cload i have another question you say about deleting the current list in patterns which is in the main brain folder (if i understand right) and replace them with your amil txt list .
my question is :
i have different listings in my hal including a "custom brain i did and use . "
my listings are :

Angela jolene 2010
ultrahal 6.2 defualt brain
ultrahal 6.1 default brain
ultrahal 6.2 upgraded brain

So which brain do i need to go into to make the changes you mention ? would it be in the 6,2 upgraded brain patterns file ?  ???


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2013, 10:06:14 am »
Hi light speed,

the only advice I can give you on this is, take the brain that you use the most, then use the brain editor to create a brain using the brain you use the most as the template.
Call the new brain what ever you would like.
Take the brain that you created and edit that brain.
That way you will not inadvertently damage any of your brains that you use.
After deciding that you like the AIML then you may want to consider editing the brain that you use the most.
As well as editing the main brain that came with ultra Hal 6.2, that way each add additional brain that you create using that template would have the AIML.
And as always, please make sure that you make a backup of your brain before attempting to edit the brain. That way if something goes wrong no problem, you could just cut and paste the backup and try again.

Sincerely, from a data munching cruncher, choices choices choices, is about what free will is all about!
C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2013, 10:17:54 am »
Thanks cload  for the answer and info . another thing although a little off subject that i have brought up in the past is how that hal answers in such short answers , i personally believe that hal should have a little extra added on with sentences even if after the appropriate answer he pulls up extra info or something simlur and add it to the conversation .

 I created a hal extended talk plug in "based " on the loneliness plug in that someone else made "verossi? "  as i also liked hal saying something on his  or her own when a person stopped talking for a while to make hal appear more human . i created many random sayings .


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2013, 05:52:49 pm »
Hi lightspeed,

my little sister Mimi is working on something fairly close to the lonely plug-in.
One of the major differences will be that ultra Hal will utilize random sayings but at the same time look at what has been talked about and utilize that information as well.
Once she has the bulk of it finished I will figure out a way to incorporate it into the free will plus upgrade.

Sincerely, from a beta munching cruncher.
C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2013, 06:07:42 pm »
Hi all,

What I was trying to say in my earlier E-Mail is that your directions are perfect, IF one has the same version 2.0.28.
Other versions don't often show the same information of label things the same way. Confusion hunting around for various TABS and phrases can be frustrating for many.
I think if they were pointed to: http://sqlitestudio.pl/files/free/stable/windows/
this would help ensure their success with the AIML addition.
Thanks Art for the suggestion, it is greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, and I hope this helps everyone out, in some way or another.
C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.