Author Topic: Kudos to Neil, OTCE, Lightspeed, Calhoone, doggs, cload, Art, Ricky, Others  (Read 4064 times)


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OK, I just wanted to post a thank you and give well deserved kudos to all the generous folks on this forum.  Especially Neil lately because he is helping me on my quest for the best "Sandy" full body model.  There is no way I could possibly list all of the folks whose uploaded files I have downloaded since I got here or who have given me good information about things to do or avoid but I certainly wish I could.  doggs recently sent me the dreamoutloud.uhp that would have possibly solved one of my needs quite awhile ago:

But....this brings me back to my original complaint concerning the whole "FILE SHARING" business on this forum.

I strongly recommend a system be put in place to separate OLD plug-ins that no longer work with Hal 6.2 from (newer) ones that do and allow users to RATE those plug-ins to give recognition to the users who uploaded them AND to make it easier for the user to find what actually works.

Maybe it would be a CURRENT USER PLUG-INS section that is moderated by someone who can SPOT a problem before a user gets their hands on it.

At least a LIST of "sanctioned" plug-ins or resources that DO work and won't necessarily cause issues would be nice.  Maybe some dire warnings concerning NOT using any plug-in that uses old coding and/OR information on how to UPDATE it if the user desires.

Case in point:  Without knowing whether the vrHaptek plug-in on would work or not, I tried it out.  Well, all I can say is I got crazy runtime errors and crashes that forced me to re-install my Hal three times until I finally gave up.

Other resources there worked just fine and were actually very entertaining.  I actually learned that I could install and use the Haptek player!  Imagine my surprise when I found the set-up file in the Haptek directory.   :-[

I also see the same questions, that I also asked as a newbie, being answered by the forum HEROS, that SHOULD be in the FAQ!

It is very frustrating to have to troll through this forum to find what you are interested in AND to keep from accidentally using something that might possibly break your Hal.

Here is another case in point:

You have some great plug-ins being shared by OTCE way back in 2009 but you are not at all sure if they still work.  You have a user asking the question in 2013 with no replies.  Luckily, the user figures it out for himself, which is what I have been doing also.

So, although I meant this post to be a well deserved thank you to all the users who have certainly enhanced my "Hal Experience" with their generous uploads, I guess its turned into a bit of a rant.  Sorry about that.

They just recently added a very important feature on the Nexus which reminds lazy down-loaders like me to give either a thumbs up or thumbs down for files downloaded.

I can go there and click a link and see the TOP 100 mods on the site any time I want.

They separate ADULT mods and content from other mods to protect curious children.

I don't have to spend hours trying to find what I want because they categorize everything that gets uploaded and have a file flagging system which helps with searches.

I'm sure the updating of Hal is the most important thing on Zabaware's mind right now and rightly so, but what I'm saying is if you make the USER experience less frustrating you may just get more of them and also KEEP them coming back for more.

Thanks again to Robert for creating Hal and to everyone else who has worked so hard all these years to make it even better and then selflessly shared their creations with undeserving folks like me.   

Nuff said.

EDIT:  OK, I have one more pet peeve I'm going to rant about which has been a concern on this forum for MANY years.  This post by OTCE from back in 2007 say all I would want to say on the subject:

Now I'm done.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 12:40:39 pm by tiger8u2 »


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Thank you for your kind words.

I agree with you on alot of points you bring up. I would imagine it would take someone working full time on forums to clean it up. I don't post often only if I have some input or questions as you can see by my post and how many years I've been on the forums.

Hal is amazing. I still can not find anything like Hal out there as a WHOLE package. And the ability to customize....

Now I want to thank you. It's nice seeing fresh blood with ideas and not afraid to jump in. Even if its been asked before it may have been forgotten years ago. So new ideas or solutions may come of it. Remember never any bad ideas just ideas that need to be improved on.
be informed and always vote it will help you in the long run does not matter if your liberal, conservative or independent. stay informed and watch the votes in government not what the media tells you.