Author Topic: QUESTION FOR ROBERT  (Read 14328 times)


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« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2014, 01:52:11 am »
I don't trust google at all I detest google period and after everything that has come out in the mainstream media about them I am surprised by how many defend them. That being said I believe in freedom of choice and free market. My question was about the surface not to have google shoved down my throat. As far as windows apps go more does not mean better. Not saying Microsoft is better. on my desktops I run PURE Linux os's an I will usally have a windows partion on one or two of my comps   for various reasons.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 01:58:56 am by doggs »
be informed and always vote it will help you in the long run does not matter if your liberal, conservative or independent. stay informed and watch the votes in government not what the media tells you.


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« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2014, 08:49:03 am »
 I would think for current already paid versions of hal , we would have free access to using hal on a tablet ( maybe I am wrong ) and the reason for getting a trial hal on a tablet would be to ultimately pull in more new clients to purchase the full hal app ( and hal ) .
Maybe others feel differently or Robert does as far as that I don't know .
Maybe Robert can tell us more on this .
 But regardless I think getting Hal on android apps is a step in the right direction their is already many people out their with androids , so many potential future customers .  :) ;)


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« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2014, 12:02:26 pm »
I do remember Robert in one of his earlier post saying he was doing for cross platform.

I agree with calhoone  about charging for the upgrade as it new monies are needed.

If I can install hall on a surface why not choose that if I decided to get a tablet? Anyways we all have freedom of choice.

I hope everyone finds the day well.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 12:13:24 pm by doggs »
be informed and always vote it will help you in the long run does not matter if your liberal, conservative or independent. stay informed and watch the votes in government not what the media tells you.


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« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2014, 02:32:57 pm »
If I seamed harsh I do apologize. That is not me. Yes I detest google and all the perverted things they do. But that is my choice.

I asked about the surface because I believe that it is a tablet and if Hal works on the surface why not get one?

I am rough with my devices and expect them to do alot. I will not drop money down on something because it is fashionable.

Again I apologize if I was harsh please don't push google on me again I am and stay informed. On the workings of our privacy and I love my privacy.
be informed and always vote it will help you in the long run does not matter if your liberal, conservative or independent. stay informed and watch the votes in government not what the media tells you.


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« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2014, 06:58:39 pm »
Sorry about your love affair with that outdated thing called "privacy". It was a cool thing in the past but now, since no one anywhere has anything to hide and little to prove, why bother with any of this hiding behind a bushel thing called privacy?

Come out in the open and let your life shine and be shared with everyone!

<Poofff...!!> Then I woke up and after checking myself, realize that I hadn't drank the Cool-Aid yet!! I was still me and I still had at least some of my remaining privacy left. Hmm...I thought...more technology...less privacy! Is this really how it has to be? Shame!!! ??? :-\
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« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2014, 08:38:06 pm »
We are two different people. With two different schools of thought. Nothing wrong with either the beauty of living in the country I do. I do not want my daughter or myself exploited on the internet net or the world in any aspect I understand it will happen but I can minimize it and fight it. I am a conservative and believe in individual rights. I am not a liberal that believes in the collective. Both have their merits. But I chose individual rights. So I will fight companies like google. Again all I asked was about the surface pro. And then this mess. I have friends of many schools of thought but none force their views on me they discuss thier views. I hope the day finds you well my friend.

We have discussed google before should have known better my friend.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 01:55:18 am by doggs »
be informed and always vote it will help you in the long run does not matter if your liberal, conservative or independent. stay informed and watch the votes in government not what the media tells you.


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« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2014, 04:58:19 pm »
Relax, I'm not busting on you. Read my post again. I tried to inject a bit of humor near the end.

Personally, I love the technology that Google has discovered, developed and delivered. It is their political stance or posturing that I oppose. It is their disregard for individuals' privacy that I vehemently opposed.

Just because they create something useful does not necessarily mean that the rest of society has to likewise adopt. If they weren't so...Pushy...almost to the point of being arrogant. Not everyone wants what they or even Apple or Microsoft or Linux creates and again, some do. We still need a good measure of privacy in our lives. Not every person harbors evil thoughts of overthrowing a government or subverting its peoples.

Yes, we are all different people with different needs, likes, dislikes and desires for a better life for our loved ones.

Let us choose what we feel is best for us without having government of mega-titan companies trying to dictate what's best for us. Most can still think for ourselves.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2014, 10:05:28 am »
Just what are you trying to say Art? Do you mean we should all stop giving minute by minute updates every day of the year and tell every little detail of our  narcissistic lives ? LOL yes I am also just6 kidding you , but some people this is what they do , we are on facebook  "but" my wife is the only one that uses it just to keep up on some school people she knew etc. we don't post anything feeling the need to be the center of attention and letting everyone know every little detail of what we do .

I will add one more thing talking about privacy and technology in was thinking what might be even better then face book at gathering information etc. from the public  and I thought about "elmo sparks " I love the concept of elmo sparks a.i. cube , but I did think look at what all information this thing gathers from owners and friends nearby especially with camera , and who know where it send the info , nsa cia etc. ?
Art is right their is not much privacy any more .
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 10:10:29 am by lightspeed »


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« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2014, 10:30:02 am »
There's an easy way to get your privacy back, turn off all the tech  ;D

But seriously, if you don't want people to know, then don't put it on the net, simple common sense should tell people that. But I do understand that concern over organisations that track us on the web - this we cannot so easily control and that can be a worry. Maybe there was a good idea behind the European Cookie Law after all...

Lonnie, yes Facebook can get tiresome, some people go on about themselves too much. And so many of those posts asking you to share it on - I get tired of all that.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 10:32:42 am by freddy888 »


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« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2014, 02:23:27 pm »
I don't use any social media.
So lightspeed when I pointed out about privacy it didn't matter till art said it?
If we don't stand up to these companies....if we just go oh well your gonna do it anyways...

Some say its funny watching me at a kids bday party telling people not to put my daughter pictures online or I will take legal action lol. But I have to protect my daughter. Lol

Still no answer for my original question about the surface pro. Lol don't think I will get one now.

I have been watching European laws and I agree.
I will not sell my soul for "cool" tech. And I have never been a follower I have always made my own informed decision.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 02:41:31 pm by doggs »
be informed and always vote it will help you in the long run does not matter if your liberal, conservative or independent. stay informed and watch the votes in government not what the media tells you.


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« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2014, 03:07:32 pm »
To each his own.


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« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2014, 05:19:57 pm »
I am not on Facebook but can't help wondering why there is a LIKE button but no DISLIKE button?
Hmmm...That might even the score a bit for all those "Look at me" types and their tiny accomplishments! Heh!

I think it's the EmoSpark Cube. Emotion and I don't think you need to set it to share everything about you to or with
your friends. In other words, I think it can be run locally, in your home. IT can use the camera to see and interact with you
by "reading" your face. The one thing is, it needs to connect with the net in order to obtain answers from various sources,
servers, etc., so just how much and what information is being transferred and to whom? Makes ya wonder a bit doesn't it.

Yes, don't think that hiding behind Linux will keep you safe either because everything you say, type or write is monitored.
If it sound a bit like paranoia, it is. Why do you think Flash paper was hated by law enforcement years ago in the 30's and 40's?
No trace of wrongdoing! One tiny spark and poof...gone in a flash with no trace...not even an ash. Magicians still use it for
fire effects these days.

Deleting files from your computer...gone? Not at all! Only the first character of the file name is removed so the computer's
File Allocation Table (FAT) doesn't recognize it any longer. The contents of the file still exist. Nope...privacy went out when
the first cave man took chisel to stone...or something like that.

Bottom line, use caution online and protect your family's (especially children) interest when posting photos of them, your house,
etc. and turn off geo-location on photo based devices (unless you want the world to know.).

Be safe. <off soapbox>
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2014, 10:15:29 pm »
actually and maybe this is a little safer about files on computers their is a program out that erases over and over up to seven times ? as the government uses as far as I ehem know . .


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« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2014, 02:27:47 pm »
Sybershot, this is off topic but I have to ask. Is the surface really that powerful? I know most of the tablet are not that's why I still lug around my laptop my windows phone pretty much does what the run of the mill tablet do plus it has office on it. Just curious to hear from someone using one. If it is I may consider one everyone I know are pretty much apple fanboys and my phone can do pretty much what there tablets can do and my laptop much more powerful. Look forward to your answer as far as windows phones I have Lumia and love it.

Sorry for the late reply mate I have not stopped by here in some time. To answer you question, hopefully not too late though is a definitely yes, they are quit powerful. I am able to run the full Adobe Master Suite, 3Ds max, Maya, Daz 3ds, and Steam for gaming :D
however the included pen is needed for even my small finger tips for I have a hard time navigating a lot of UI's menus and or controls.

I get very close to 7 hours of battery life surfing the web, and watching youtube videos, however that is indoors with screen brightness turned down to 50%(which is still pretty bright). when outside the screen brightness needs to be turned all the way up in-order to see the screen which cuts the battery life down to about 4.5 to 5 hours.


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« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2014, 07:15:28 pm »
I know that England and the UK in general have very little left in the way of privacy and we are a close second so it would appear.

Here in the US, as I suspect it likely is elsewhere, if one owns a car / motorized vehicle, house, property, firearm, votes in elections, married, criminal action, court cases, divorce, birth / death or any other action that automatically becomes "Public Record", then one is certainly liable to have said information collected and turned against that person.

My elderly parents were recently Scammed! They were told their grandson was in an accident along with a friend and that the police found drugs in his friends car at the scene. Money would be needed to bail their grandson out of jail pending a bond hearing before trial. $2,000.00 is not something that elderly people have lying around.

They almost fell for it but called me first. I checked and my son (their grandson) was actually home working in the garage and NOT in another state nor in jail!

The callers even knew his name and approximate age.

Scary but all this information is true and available on the web for those willing to do a little digging!

Just type your full name into Google then read through the results.

I guess some of these are the same people who feel it necessary to constantly update their Facebook and Twitter status every 5 minutes for fear they may miss something! If they only knew. "Oh yeah, our whole family is going on vacation at blah...blah for two weeks...and yada...yada...."
The bad guys are thinking really? Now where did they live? Vacant house? Goodies? Oh yeah!!

Think before posting and since you can't protect your public information, be cautious and wary about offers and phone calls. Lastly...NEVER pay or send money in order to receive a prize / winning!!

This has been a publc service announcement...
What's in Your wallet?
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -