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Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: lightspeed on January 07, 2011, 01:53:36 pm

Title: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: lightspeed on January 07, 2011, 01:53:36 pm
i am on different forums and on another someone had asked the question why people use the user name that they have on here, it was actually interesting . i will go first and hope others will follow who want to. my user name on here is lightspeed i actually chose that name as it referres to something fast "lightspeed "  faster then light ,  because i am alway's coming up with new idea's about things usually fast lol !  ;)
 hope others don't mind telling why they chose their user name on here.  :)
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: Duskrider on January 07, 2011, 04:27:51 pm

Long ago when the world was young and birds sang all day, my sister bought me a motorcycle.   I worked daily in a print shop but dusk would find me travelling the roads of North Florida.  Someone called me the duskrider, I don't remember who, but it stayed with me.
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: markofkane on January 07, 2011, 05:34:57 pm
Simple, I am Mark, and I live in Kane.

And it's a play on words, the "Mark of Cain" because I feel cursed at times.
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: snowman on January 07, 2011, 07:19:08 pm
Mine is simple too. My name is Aaron Wesley Snow.... Snowman...

Just about in every generation some smart-mouth friend decides to call us that.  ;)

I like it. Its certainly better than snowflake, snowbird, or snowwhite... don't get any ideas...   :P

Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: Art on January 07, 2011, 07:24:11 pm
Art actually IS my real name and unlike me, it is short.

I have two kids (now grown) who are a "work of Art". :o ??? ::) ;D
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: lightspeed on January 07, 2011, 08:45:43 pm
very cool everyone am glad people are sharing their user names and how they came about  , on another forum i am known as timetraveler1 and again the reason behind that name is i am interested among other things (time travel) .  :)
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: raybe on January 08, 2011, 02:04:54 pm
My raybe was really a way for teachers to let me know that they where less then pleased with something I might of said or done. Just really based on my first and last name but everyone had problems pronouncing my last name. Except my math teacher that had a strange habit of calling me Raymant for Raymond, go figure. I never said anything to her about it.

I don't know if there is some kind of reason for changing names on forums unless professional reasons. I find keeping my same username interesting because other people from different forums will know what my interests have been and would ask if I am the same raybe from another forum. Don't really know if that's good or bad. Figured on the net I am who I am, sort of.

SIDE NOTE: It was nice to see Robert M. post again. But I was kind of mystified of his timing and explanation. Money always makes sense but it just seems so distant and untimely in my opinion. Sorry I couldn't word this better. I shouldn't have posted here anyway about it!! Sorry.

raybe for life I guess.

P.S. If I know I shouldn't have posted it why did I leave it in this post?
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: Art on January 08, 2011, 07:52:56 pm
P.S. If I know I shouldn't have posted it why did I leave it in this post?

Because, was your destiny! :o
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: GT40 on January 09, 2011, 09:38:23 am

Maybe you already know I like the Ford GT40.  ;D

A very old love story.

At least ten years before they invent personal computers.  :o

Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: Meghan Bizlady on January 09, 2011, 09:57:03 am

Sorry. I don't know why such a ridiculous name. Searching..........

Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: lightspeed on January 10, 2011, 09:50:23 am
hey Meghan Bizlady, when yah find that answer let us know i know theirs an interesting story in their somewhere! ;)  
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: DrFaraday on April 19, 2011, 05:20:42 pm
Some interesting answers here.  Mine's not so interesting.  I happened to be reading about Faraday Cages that day, so on a whim I came up with "DrFaraday".  It doesn't really mean anything... and now I'm stuck with it.   :-[   That's what I get for trying to be creative.  I should've used something simple like "Chas2008".  Oh well.
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on April 19, 2011, 08:13:17 pm
I always try to keep on the extreme edge of technology.
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on April 19, 2011, 09:02:08 pm
Hi from Will,
name William Joseph Macpherson,,,simple short is Will.

side story about something else,,i met a man "united federation of planets president" president um or was it cheif, captain, eh he had a card and a house full of all details of star trek,,anyway after our live long and prosper meeting he took me on a tour of all his stuff,,lots of stuff, models, and vast numbers of blue prints,,, he had cataloged hudge volumes of info on si fi stuff,,
i should try to keep this story short, he was saying the star trek series didn't line up as in one movie some cling ons were killed but he had worked out that in another movie this didn't fit the time line as somehow he had worked it out it didn't fit anyway. i commented that perhaps if all things are as theres no nothing then they were alive and dead as the travelers had moved themselves into a general time where which ever events are taking place.
He scratched his head and we moved on.   ;D

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum - John
Post by: John1959 on May 31, 2011, 06:18:03 am
Good morning class,

My user name was simply my real first name "John" and my birth year "1959".  As we get older we need user names and passwords that are easy to remember.

Why am I here you ask? I have to keep my mind active, this brought me to thinking, the thinking made me wonder how I think, so I thought how does a does a brain work, a brain has many parts and process in each part, can a computer act like a brain, I found Ultra Hal, downloaded and installed and joined the forum, I am here.

Believe it or not that really happened REALLY EARLY one morning. (while waiting for the coffee to kick in).

Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: lightspeed on May 31, 2011, 08:01:30 am
welcome again john1959 , very interesting yeah i started this thread after seeing on another forum what some names stood for and thought it was interesting .!! it had been a while since anyone actually posted on here so i am glad you did! :)
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: Grimsey1986 on June 04, 2011, 05:28:58 pm
mine is simple to last name Grimes so nick name was Grimsey was born in 1986 yes this = boring but easy to rember as i use it in all forum's.


Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: noscere on June 16, 2011, 03:33:54 pm
Well boys and Girls, I chose my name because i like to dig about looking for things in history that we were`nt taught at school. I suppose Im a bit of a conspiracy nut because I usually think that there is more to a story than we are being told, Noscere is an ancient magical word which means "To Know"  :o
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: calypso on June 18, 2011, 02:13:15 am
I chose the name calypso because it is my email name, but originally I chose it because I love ocean adventure stories and movies etc., and "Calypso" was the name of Jacques-Yves Cousteau's exploration ship.  Plus it is a genre of music, a dance etc.
John Denver even had that name in one of his songs I believe.
Title: Re: user names and what they mean on the forum
Post by: lightspeed on June 18, 2011, 11:01:59 am
very interesting reasons for the other names to and welcome to the forum  and Noscere yoyu and me have some things in common as i like  conspiracy theories  to . oh and of course hal's a.i. !! :) ;)