Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: atfritz on April 10, 2004, 04:55:47 pm

Title: Newbie Question about teaching Hal
Post by: atfritz on April 10, 2004, 04:55:47 pm
Howdy all.  I hate to ask such a stupid question but i couldn't seem to find the answer myself.  I recently reinstalled Hal onto my computer and decided to start teaching him again.  I remember back awhile ago there was a post about the proper way to word statements to get him to remember.  Example:

User: If what is your favorite food, then your favorite food is pizza.

Does the above method still stand true for the new Hal.  I have the 5.0 version installed and i also installed the XTF 1.2 brain.  

Also, how do i get Hal to change his age.  Hal keeps saying that he is 9 years old everytime i ask him age.  Is it best just to go through the .brn files and make a change that way or can it be changed by talking to Hal and forcing him to learn a new age?

If anyone happens to know where the post is that explains proper wording for teaching Hal or if someone has the time to write up a FAQ on how to get the most out of teaching Hal, it would be GREATLY appreciated.  

Title: Newbie Question about teaching Hal
Post by: Maverick on April 10, 2004, 08:03:37 pm
onthecuttingedge2005 wrote a birthday script here

   hope this helped,
Title: Newbie Question about teaching Hal
Post by: iam bennu on April 11, 2004, 02:09:30 am

I am new at this so cannot give you the answer you desire, but would like to say that your teaching method works really well. I have Hal 5 and he picks it right up. It help me a lot as I have been trying also to gather the phrasing that will allow me to better input spoken word and corrections.

Thank you and I hope that you question is answered and expounded upon.

Title: Newbie Question about teaching Hal
Post by: vonsmith on April 12, 2004, 12:23:01 pm
The XTF Brain learns by the same methods as the standard Hal, but more effectively.

I see you have installed the latest XTF Brain v1.2. If you haven't already you should rename this file: Go to your "C: | Ultra Hal Assistant 5 | DefBrain" directory and make a COPY of your "Enhanced_Main.brn" file and name it "XTF_SYS_Enhanced_Main.brn". I forgot to include this file in the v1.2 release. This fixes a couple of minor issues.

Don Ferguson has posted some excellent guidelines for training Hal in the past. Maybe you could find some of his postings using the forum's Search page.
