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Topics - Art

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultimate Hal
« on: May 29, 2004, 11:03:33 am »
It would be really great if one could come up with facial recognition software for your typical webcam and have it link with Hal so that Hal would be able to recognize Bill or Sally or any user of his program. Further development might enable Hal to recognize if the user was happy, sad or indifferent and adjust it's conversation accordingly.
There were a few programs freely available for face rec. a while back but I can no longer find them. I'm sure this proposal would also require a major rewrite for Hal, but think of the possibilities.

To sleep perchance to dream....

Here's looking at you kid....
- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Name usage annoyance
« on: May 21, 2004, 01:18:12 pm »
My name is Art and that is what Hal knows me by.
Whenever it responds with a word that contains
my name, it both displays and pronounces the word
incorrectly. Ex: smArt or pArty, etc. and its
pronunciation is like smuh Art or pea Arty.

Initially, I never misspelled smart or party but
it is somewhat of an annoyance when this happens.

Any way to resolve this (aside from changing my name)?

- Art -

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