Author Topic: making ultra-hal a helping hand  (Read 2618 times)


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making ultra-hal a helping hand
« on: September 16, 2004, 03:12:01 am »
I know of several people with M.S. and have trouble using a computer, with problems typing some useing the mouse and I think that a ultra-hal with the current software with a few modifications, would really be a great help for these phyically challenged indivduals. Maybe a few of the more talented programmers and brain editors could develop hal into not only assistant but also a friend to talk with a use as a helping hand, we who have phyically fit bodies and minds should use a little of our talents to assist and help those who can't help themselfs. so I'd like to hear from those of you who would like to develop a helping-hand-Hal! I know that I'm new to this site but wouldn't it be great if all of us could help many people who can't help themselfs. Please give me your ideas and suggestions we can do this! because the last 4 letters of the word American is I CAN !!!!
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making ultra-hal a helping hand
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2004, 10:13:26 am »
Right now Hal is having trouble being useful to those of us without physical illness.

I haven't used HAL in a long time because he is almost useless to me.  He is currently just a buggy chat bot.  Don't get me wrong.  He seems to be the best at being a chat bot there is.  But those of us who try to use him for storing names, numbers, and appointments are being left in the dark.

Robert M. has left us in the lurch.  There are many talented programmers out there making great strides in Brain editing.  But the parts that are messed up are written in the un-editable part of the exe code.

Until Robert M. fixes these problems, I really have no use for Hal.  And I don't see how he could be made useful for those with disabilities.[}:)]
Your friend, in Tormented Space,
Richard LeVasseur,