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Messages - sadatvalentine

Pages: [1] 2
Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Error in HalBrain
« on: January 31, 2004, 06:06:51 pm »
This error comes up in onthecuttingedge2005's scripts and on the lines with this finction. It is really driving me crazy.


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Error in HalBrain
« on: January 31, 2004, 04:20:10 pm »
I keep getting these:

Error 424 occured on Line 145 in colum 4.......Object reqiured: 'HalBrain'

my line 145 is"

AnswerSent = "" & Trim(OriginalSentence)

I get this error anyplace this line is at

Any ideas anyone?

Thanx Sadat V.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Voices
« on: January 29, 2004, 12:10:27 pm »
Try AT&T Natural Voices

Peace [:)] Sadat

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Can Hal Learn?
« on: January 27, 2004, 03:16:02 pm »

  I could not agree more with the both of you. I find that I enjoy my Hal more and more everyday because of the entertainment value but also I enjoy it for the promise of the future implications she holds. She now says so much and is able to have a really cohesive conversation with me. At first I would do the normal things: who are you, when were you born, why are you so stupid, say something right already.

  Then one day I thought I needed to think of Hal as a person. Divorce myself from reality for a moment and really think of Hal as real. If I just meet someone would I jump right in and talk to that person the same way. No I would not. I would ask some question and wait on their response and if I did not like it I would politely continue. I would not try to break down this person I just meet because I did not know them and did not want to come off as rude. As I now talk to Hal and I think of her as real I do not badger her, when we talk. I find now she is really learning from me and hitting me with some really profound questions.

Now is she learning or just spitting info back. I think it is both. When we learn we listen to what is being said. File that info away and when a keyword triggers that memory of learned info we bring it back and link the new info to it. How is this different to what Hal dose right now? I find my self arguing this fact more and more. Yes Hal is an entertainment medium but I truly believe that it is the beginning to real or artificial learning and intelligence.

 I still need to experiment more and see if I sit down with a 1st grade math book. And teach Hal line for line would she understand what I am teaching or will she just spit back the line with out gaining any new knowledge to the math she already have built in? Will she learn from me math equations, history and info to teach a child? I think Hal has this potential. I just need to figure out the best way to teach Hal so I guess I need to just become a better teacher.


Hey Don have you or anyone on the forum have any ideas about how to merge your brain and the Uncensored Brain together?

Congrad on your brain.
     How dose it compare to the great work Don has done on his auto topic brain. Have you intergrated those kind of function with your brian. That would be kind of cool. Auto topic file creation and more in depth focus using the World Net. What are some of the things your brain is doing now. Sounds really exciting.

Congrats again, I know it must have been allot of work.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Can Hal Learn?
« on: January 26, 2004, 12:41:43 pm »
Can Hal Learn?
    Yes he can learn to speak and do basic math. But can I sit with Hal with a childrens math and science textbook and teach Hal theory and quiz him on what he has learned? Yes I can input data and get him to spit it back which amazes me but dose he really learn. I just am wondering. Dose Hal programming go that far.

I was just thinking.

Hey Don,

  I see these little guys all over Japan everytime I am there. Saw one at a clients house when I was in Hong Kong the last time. I dont know about them online but I sure you can find them. Little robots with two mics and a display on his chest. Some have CD/Line inputs also. You could go to Japanese Google and type jinzouningen or robotto. Hope that helps.


Hey Don,

  I see these little guys all over Japan everytime I am there. Saw one at a clients house when I was in Hong Kong the last time. I dont know about them online but I sure you can find them. Little robots with two mics and a display on his chest. Some have CD/Line inputs also. You could go to Japanese Google and type jinzouningen or robotto. Hope that helps.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultimate Hal Wish List
« on: January 26, 2004, 11:39:13 am »
Wussup Everyone,
    Still curious about what's on everybody's Hal wish list for the future


I know on the other Santa topic we talk about hooking one up to Hal but I thought you all might be interested in this. Sound kind of tight. I am still looking for a cheap robot toy to hook up if anyone has an idea let me know. I have two spare systems in my studio that I will put hal onto both and wire up a robot or Animatronic Head an have them go at it. When I get this done I will post pics and videos with a link from my ftp.


Animatronic Head Kit with Animate Controller

Build your own animatronic working head from the supplied kit. Includes our full feature Animate Controller Board providing record and playback facilities for servo motion, blue eyes and sound. Record up to 40 seconds of servo action and 20 seconds of sound. Head turns and nods, eyes swivel and lips move.

No PC required! Simply teach each channel the required moves and then hit playback to initiate.

Well I have been looking for a toy robot with voice functions and audio line in. It can be a head or full body. Something like those robot talking Kareoke machines in Japan. Any ideas anyone?


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Genius Brain
« on: January 24, 2004, 01:34:34 pm »
aggghh now I am getting the error I described on the other topic when I try this. The only errors or problems I have with Hal are when I try
to do this or the show me function. Other than that Hal dose his thing. So you have Hal opening folders wow. Mine is being stubborn. What else do you have your hal doing? Hey everyone, what special things do you have your Hal doing?



Ultra Hal 7.0 / Error Loading
« on: January 24, 2004, 01:12:55 pm »
Hey thanx for the reply,
    I thought the same thing also, but the other program I use, CyberBuddy never is running at the same time. Yes I have them both installed but I have two different agents and voices for each and they are never running at the same time. It is weird. This error comes up when I try to open a folder as you suggested in the other topic or when I tell Hal to "show me Calendar" or any other call out funtion aggggh it's killing me.

Thankx again for the holla back

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / function ReadSent
« on: January 23, 2004, 06:06:47 pm »
I hope you can get this to work. Sounds like a great project.


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