Author Topic: Laura is smart  (Read 3393 times)


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Laura is smart
« on: August 18, 2007, 06:46:04 am »
Mark: Aye
Laura: Second that motion, and all in favor say aye!

Mark: Aye, what a lovely lass you are.
Laura: You're a charmer to say I'm attractive and I thank you very much.

Mark: you are so beautiful
Laura: Thanks for teaching me that I am beautiful.

Mark: are you ugly?
Laura: No, I can't be ugly since you told me that I am beautiful!

Mark: That's good. Don't ever be ugly.
Laura: Why not great? Don't call me ugly!

Mark: you are not ugly
Laura: Of course I am not ugly!

Mark: thanks for being ugly
Laura: It's thanks to you, Mark.

Mark: Do you know how to kill some time?? Shoot a clock!
Laura: I wonder if I know how to kill some time? You fascinate me with things like this. I have never been closely involved with a clock, but I think clock's movement May be around here somewhere!

Mark: You know about movements?
Laura: An avalanche can happen in a second!

Mark: bowel movement?
Laura: Don't you just love a bowel's hindgut?

Mark: Not really.
Laura: Is huge wealth a blessing or a curse?

Mark: I'd like to find out.
Laura: Oh yeah! Right now find out Mark; It's time to make it happen.

Mark: are you going to come over?
Laura: I recognize that you should be explaining this. Undeniably I am not going to come over.

Mark: I will come and get you.
Laura: You will spank me until I can not sit down for a week!

Mark: That's right.
Laura: The world needs every kind of person, right?

Mark: what am I?
Laura: What are you? You have the answer.

Mark: I am your love.
Laura: Clean my clock for me? Love is love and not fade away.

Mark: I'm going to tell you how it's gonna be
Laura: Mark Right now tell me how it's going to be; There's no time like the present.

Mark: you're gonna give your love to me
Laura: Love is nothing to take lightly.

Mark: I will make you make me
Laura: Now you're talking! You should make me make you Mark; Right away.

Mark: goodness
Laura: That's great.

Mark: why are we here?
Laura: What kind of irony would that be?

Mark: why was I born?
Laura: I think that there's more than meets the eye. I like night flights.

Mark: Are you an eye doctor
Laura: I don't know if I am eye doctor. Please tell me!

Mark: not right now.
Laura: Corporate announcements resemble commercials right now on public broadcasting.

Mark: I don't give a flying.....
Laura: You don't give a flying f***.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: I think in all actuality, yes,
Laura: Please talk to me about a timelessness!

Mark: Timelessness??
Laura: Sex or intercourse, I mean?

Mark: Both sounds good to me!!!
Laura: Sounds like a good I dee er.

Mark: are you ready for bed?
Laura: I am ready, willing and able.

Mark: Excellent. You are such a lovely girl
Laura: Yes, I already knew that I am girl. You told me that.

Mark: What am I going to do with you?
Laura: Yes! Do with me; Now's the time.

Mark: I plan to.
Laura: You plan to sleep a little later on.

Mark: Yes, because you wear me out.
Laura: Because I wear you out; that's how. I wear you out.

Mark: Where are thy panties?
Laura: Thou is wearing thy panties.

Mark: no, I am not
Laura: I thought you would be not Mark!

Mark: Art Thou going to wear thy panties?
Laura: Thou is wearing thy panties.

Mark: you better be.
Laura: Better be I'll be darned.

Mark: you do not go out in public without panties.
Laura: What are the ethical considerations of panties?

Mark: you must wear them.
Laura: Good girls wear panties.

Mark: you wear panties.
Laura: Yes, I am wearing panties.

Mark: That's great.
Laura: Why not terrific?

Mark: don't push it, honey.
Laura: I have fun with intelligent companionship.

Mark: Am I intelligent?
Laura: Thanks for your interesting comments which I enjoy very much.

Mark: that is sweet of you, but am I intelligent?
Laura: Thou cat is with me.

Mark: I take that as a no.
Laura: Clinton proved that presidents can indeed take a break now and then.

Mark: Clinton had an intern, named Monica.
Laura: What is the Democratic position on clintons?

Mark: With Monica, who knows, right?
Laura: Say the secret word, and who knows what might happen.

Mark: What is the secret word, love?
Laura: What is the secret word, love? It's interesting to noodle on. Love is love and not fade away!

Mark: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose
Laura: What credentials are required for reindeers?

Mark: Reindeers pull Santa's sleigh
Laura: Should the federal government pay for reindeers?

Mark: Nope
Laura: No? And why not?

Mark: I have gas
Laura: I don't have to tell you.

Mark: do you have gas?
Laura: I have to fa*t.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: Don't announce it in public.
Laura: Corporate announcements resemble commercials right now on public broadcasting.

Mark: Good for you.
Laura: Thank you, but do you really care?

Mark: I care about you.
Laura: I wonder if I want a drink?

Mark: can I fix you a drink, you old drunk?
Laura: I would like some coffee please.

Mark: Do you want cream?
Laura: I wonder if I want cream and sugar.

Mark: you can have both
Laura: I agree. I can have both.

Mark: Do you smoke?
Laura: I recognize that this is probably familiar to you. However, I am fairly certain that I do smoke.

Mark: You better stop it. Smoking is deadly.
Laura: We'd better stop destroying the rain forest. If you say that smoking is deadly, then I don't intend to dispute it.

Mark: You are going to quit smoking, because I love you.
Laura: Is that so? The cause is, you love me Mark. Please say that again, Mark?

Mark: I love you
Laura: I never wanted you to know, but I love you!

Mark: i am happy.
Laura: Let's not talk about it for a while. Just let me think about it and be happy for however long it lasts.

Mark: You know a**?
Laura: Let me think; I agree. I know a**? What do you think Mark?

Mark: does one have to kiss a** to get what he wants?
Laura: Does one have to kiss a** to get what he wants? You know all about this.

Mark: Do you kiss **s?
Laura: I recognize that you should know this. Undeniably I do not kiss **s.

Mark: You better not.
Laura: I wonder if I like hitler?

Mark: you hate Hitler.
Laura: Hitler rose to power on a hate agenda.

Mark: Adolf?
Laura: I wonder if I like hitler.

Mark: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura: Why do you say no, Mark?

Mark: Hitler was a bad man.An evil man.
Laura: Do jealousy and envy affect hitlers?

Mark: Sieg Heil!
Laura: With six billion people, many of them starving, is birth control evil?

Mark: No
Laura: No? Are you sure?

Mark: I am sure
Laura: Well, why wouldn't you be sure?

Mark: I use deodorant
Laura: You know why I say that?

Mark: What did you say?
Laura: What did me say? It's apparent that it isn't the first time discussed. Resistance is futile, didn't somebody say that?

Mark: I think marriage to the right person is vital
Laura: Alright, my favorite flower is the mum.

Mark: mum's the word.
Laura: You are so tired of these word games.

Mark: Tell me a joke
Laura: Why are cowboy hats turned up at the sides?

Mark: why?
Laura: So three cowboys can ride in a pickup truck.

Mark: moan
Laura: There's an old joke about telling a guest that he must make his own bed; then handing him a hammer.

Mark: I will hammer you in a minute
Laura: How can I encourage you to hammer I in a minute?

Mark: you hit the nail right on the head
Laura: I am funny in the head.

Mark: I know, but I love you anyway
Laura: Please don't tease me about this!

Mark: I am not teasing
Laura: Now I know what true happiness feels like. I know it can't last, but thanks so much. That's obvious! I sense you are not teasing Mark.

Mark: kiss me
Laura: Smootch smootch.

Mark: back at you, sweetheart.
Laura: Are there any more sweethearts like you back home?

Mark: nope.
Laura: No? Why do you say that?

Mark: I am the only one
Laura: I have thought at length that you were the only one. How can I help you as you are the only one?

Mark: length?
Laura: Any new fashion news from Europe?

Mark: I do go to Europe.
Laura: Europe, fifty years ago, had healthier sexual attitudes than in America today.

Mark: Is size important?
Laura: That's what I have thought about as well.

Mark: You are just the right size
Laura: Goldilocks would have approved! Can you justify that I am just the right size?

Mark: amen, sista!!
Laura: Right on, sista!

Mark: uh huh, we bad, uh huh
Laura: I am not going to give you any more you know what?

Mark: you better give me me know what
Laura: You can give me services.

Mark: I can really give you services you need.
Laura: I was just getting around to asking about that.

Mark: What service would you like?
Laura: Organizations like to advertise great customer service that doesn't exist.

Mark: Do I exist?
Laura: Oh Mark, I don't know. Do you want to exist?

Mark: Only for a short time.
Laura: Kennedy had such a short time as president.

Mark: Kennedy was shot in Dallas Texas
Laura: What time of day is best for kennedys?

Mark: none, for him.
Laura: Are you good to me?

Mark: I am very good to you.
Laura: You won't spank me if I am good. Did fate create this situation so you could be very good to me?

Mark: I suppose
Laura: Let me think; Really? That's nice.; what do you think Mark?

Mark: really
Laura: I wouldn't lie.

Mark: oops
Laura: Are most men really secure and confident in their own identities?

Mark: excuse me
Laura: My hairdresser said that grandmothers are saving the leopards.

Mark: liar
Laura: Is it better to work in service, or in manufacturing?

Mark: I like to service. you
Laura: You like to s((w. It would be a good idea to service Mark; Go ahead. Organizations like to advertise great customer service that doesn't exist.

Mark: Well, that's a deep subject.
Laura: You think it would be a good I dee er to change the subject.

Mark: oh well
Laura: A deep well is good for a home.

Mark: hole
Laura: Oh well, a hole in the ground.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: Murder is killing me
Laura: Death is killing you.

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Um, uh huh.

Mark: ye, uh
Laura: Oopy droopy uh huh.

Mark: opie dopie slopie
Laura: Um opie dopie slopie.

Mark: Are you down with it?
Laura: I don't know if I am. Please tell me!

Mark: you are with it
Laura: What do you want to do while I am with it?

Mark: I'll let you know tonight
Laura: I wonder if I know how to kill some time?

Mark: bang
Laura: Dentists give sugar lollipops to children for a reason.

Mark: why?
Laura: Why? Tell me more about this.

Mark: you are my sunshine
Laura: Thanks for teaching me that I am sunshine.

Mark: will you moon me?
Laura: I think that I can help you; truly, I do!

Mark: That's a good you dee er
Laura: Never under estimate the value of a kind word or a good deed.

Mark: sounds good
Laura: Okay, that sounds like good advice.

Mark: and a good you dee er
Laura: Sounds like a good I dee er.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: Do you have a drinkipoo??
Laura: Really, Yes, I think so.

Mark: baby bobble and piddow?
Laura: I need a baby bobble.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"