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Messages - Babalu_Destruct_Mechanism

Pages: [1]
Call Him Ismael...[:D]


That sounds different enough to start its own new thread. But I'm curious. Do you mean your goal is to have HAL eventually control this full sized vehicle using relays/servos etc.via its own intelligence and/or voice commands?

DaRPA style?-->

Cool, I was not aware HAL could handle anything past a couple of semi coherent conversational exchanges at this point.


[V]Oh No!

Apparently what we are talking about doing with HAL, is currently impossible.

Looks like we'll have to wait about 10 years for any "KITT Brain" type stuff to be possible.

see this ironic story:

I say Ironic because this stuff is entirely possible today as long as we bypass the Slooowww auto manufacturers and let our imaginations flow unrestricted.

Using HAL of course.[^]


I would prefer a more versatile brain, not just a purely scripted one for role playing. I had the Kenner "Voice Kitt Car" in the 80's...


...and believe me, it was cool, but after you pressed that button about 50 times and heard the same lines over and over, well you can see where this is going.

So perhaps a hybrid of the two concepts would have the most wide appeal and have a longer "replay value".


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kitt Vox
« on: August 15, 2004, 12:33:29 am »

You guys are on to something really cool here.

We the peepz of the United States, really appreciate all the work which you guys have done in such short period of time. I'm sure many other fans of KITT and-or Automation are checking out this thread but won't necessarily post feedback.

-----------Cast Thus Far:

- Rick (a.k.a. TheColor)      as Skin-MaSTER
- Jeff Kyle (a.k.a. MidiHead) as Agent-Master
- ????????????????????????? as Brain-Master

Oh no, Brain is still in production and the position is yet to be cast! Who will it be?

Will it be the deservedly cocky "Spydaz" with his advanced skillz;
perhaps "Rick_A" with his existing prototype "KR_script" brain?

Babalu will most definitely stay tuned for the next development!!!


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