Author Topic: A new tool for Hal and the ER1  (Read 3436 times)


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A new tool for Hal and the ER1
« on: December 03, 2004, 11:58:12 am »
As you know several of us are not only using Hal but are interfacing it to the ER1 robot. The ER1 has its own voice recognition software and in order to give it commands we needed a way to stop Hal from responding when strictly addressing the robot. This was accomplished by only having Hal respond when his name came before commands. There was still the problem with background noise interferring with talking or commanding Hal or the robot. Last night while sitting in my easy chair I noticed my Karoke machine which is connected to my TV set. Besides having several mikes for it I also have a wireless-mike. Then it hit me, I could use the wireless mike to talk to or run both Hal and the robot. The mike contains an on-off switch right on the mike so if you are not directly addressing Hal you can swith it off thus making both of them deaf, ie. no background noise, no noise at all.
I hope this idea helps those who are facing the same problems. Now the only thing we need is a really small wireless mike.


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A new tool for Hal and the ER1
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2004, 01:37:28 pm »
Actually I've been thinking about that for a while. I think it would be cool to have a miniature mic device on your arm or shirt that you could press or tap to turn on. You know, like communicators on Star Trek TNG. That way you could only address Hal when needed and the mic is near to your mouth. I think it would have a certain "cool appeal" to observers.

I was thinking of automating my house this Xmas season. I already have a few X10 devices. I'm thinking that the communicator device would be practical while also being cool if you have friends over at the house. You could talk to your "main" computer, it would talk back thru the device or thru the home speaker system. You could hold a conversation while having lights dim, system start up, etc.

Just my 2 cents.



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A new tool for Hal and the ER1
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2004, 01:56:11 pm »
I was thinking that someone could adapt a telephone headset to work in that way. It has an earpiece with a small mike attached. Seems to me that it would be perfect. It comes with a long wire to attach to the cell phone and instead could plug into the wireless circuit of a larger mike which could be worn on your belt. Oh well I guess we will just have to be a little more wishful and wait.


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A new tool for Hal and the ER1
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2004, 10:24:39 pm »
I am in the process of exactly what you are speaking of. I bought a USB bluetooth adapter by Belkin, and a Logitech bluetooth headset.  In fact, I am dictating this message right now through the headset using Dragon NaturallySpeaking.  I still have a little bit of training to do but it seems quite effective and makes very few mistakes . I've set up my entire apartment with X. 10 hardware and an infrared device.  Today, I purchased ultra-HAL and I'm working on training it.  Eventually, I will use scripting to trigger events in another program that I've purchased called Girder. I've mentioned this program time and time again, and I can't say enough about it . it's perfect for every home automation task and the support for the product in the forum is excellent.  Oh and by the way do not work for them, just in case you were wondering.
take a look at the bluetooth Logitech headset and see if this would suit your needs . I'm sure that it's coolness factor would be satisfactory . :-)

if anyone has any questions about how to go about automating their house using girder than you can ask me any basic questions, and I will try to answer them. otherwise check out the site at and go to the forum.
I've spent much time contemplating this and have confidence in my decision to pair these two programs to achieve the ultimate home automation setup.

the need to figure out how to use that brain that everybody speaks of.
VonSmith, I believe that you put it together?  I will do a search, but maybe you can give me some pointers.
Talk you later guys!


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A new tool for Hal and the ER1
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2004, 03:07:04 pm »
I'm not sure if this should be in its own thread. If so I will start another.
I found this code:

Set GirderEvent = CreateObject("Girder.GirderEvent")
GirderEvent.Device = 18
GirderEvent.EventString = "MyEvent"
GirderEvent.Payload(1) = payload

Where would I put this so that when I say a certain phrase it executes this code?

Thanks in advance. BTW, Vonsmith, your XTF brain is great. I haven't worked with it for very long, but it has promise. I am training my HAL that intruders must be incapacitated or killed at all costs. lol that should be good for laughs when I have guests.