Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal 7.0


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Can we have modding tools to PC and Phone?

There are no modding tools
please keep in mind that Ultrahal has anti Debugging routines built in so that if the MD5 Signature changes, the program just goes dead, but ur welcome to try
This aint no play station BS or Xbox stupidness
Have a nice day Cyber Jedi

Honvai In the interest of total transparency . Your message to me behind the scenes Is why u got banned

Can you write code that makes hal fully offline. I want all zabaware logos and link to be removed.

I read the last message AFTER i sent you an invite. I invited you because i wanted to help you sort out what was going on.
This is why u got banned, Robert is one of my oldest and trusted com padres ,
You will find in here most are like minded souls .
People in here have worked hard for decades on UltraHal,
I dont write sht code, i dont release sht code, (well most of the time lolol)
Simply put , people in here are kind, generous and giving ,NOBODY is gonna Back door Robert M, (nobody) Not on my watch any way.
That fact that you would even suggest it, tells me, UR Nobody i wana KNOW or allow anywhere near my servers.

Of all the people in here, you chose ME to come at sideways. You clearly have no idea who i am or my relationship to Robert M.
Ive been part of this project from (2004-2024)  20 years now, some in here are even older, show some damn respect JR. Seek life elsewhere
Let this be a shout out to any one else who wants to be cute. Dont waste ur time.
Cyber Jedi

Mods reach out to me if this is to stern a message, i will pull it down.

Art:'re good.

To want the removal of all Zabaware logos and markings indicates to me, that the person might harbor nefarious intents for example, trying to claim and perhaps market Robert's program as his own.

This has happened before with a different person and the door was swiftly closed on him along with the threat of possible lawsuits.

Zabaware is the trademarked company and UltraHal is the intellectual property of Robert Medeksza.

As is with most software we do NOT own UltraHal. What we paid for was a License to Use the software and that price was a very reasonable amount IMHO.

Hal is meant to be experimented with, and developed by means of Plugins, skins, backgrounds, TTS voices, and all sorts of enhancements.

To even ask for modifications as he did is nothing better than some script kiddie. A great many features and ideas can be found within this Forum and thousands of messages and comments. But out of all of them, I'd say that there are probably less than 1/4 or 1% who have ill intent toward Ultra Hal and or Zabaware.

To these people, I say good riddance...and have a nice day!

i was just reading all this conversation . i think cyberjedi did the right thing. i didn't realize that guy wanted to remove logo's etc. i agree , anyone doing all that could resell things as there own, there is no reason otherwise to do things like that!


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