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Messages - Medeksza

Pages: 1 ... 73 74 [75] 76 77 ... 82
Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / INFO TEACH TO HAL
« on: January 25, 2003, 11:29:58 pm »
Don Ferguson, who programmed a large portion of Ultra Hal Assistant has made many informative posts about Hal's learning abilities and how to best utilize them. Read through some of his posts here http://www.zabaware.com/forum/search.asp?mode=DoIt&MEMBER_ID=274

« on: January 25, 2003, 11:17:30 pm »
The CD and downloaded version of are identical in every way, byte for byte, you shouldn't notice any difference. The installation should always default to your program files folder.

http://www.zabaware.com/assistant/plugins.html lists all known plugins that work with Hal.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / run and exe or play a wav etc..
« on: January 25, 2003, 11:07:48 pm »
Yes, Hal will say whatever is in the GetResponse function variable. Using your example you could write:

'Inserted to shell for a song.
If InStr(UserSentence, "PLAY AARON") > 0 Then
  Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  objWSHShell.Run("realplay.exe D:CreativeworkAaronsSpaz.mp3")
  GetResponse = GetResponse & "Here is your song." & vbCrLf
End If

Every time Hal runs, Hal scans your start menu for shortcuts and writes all the information to a file called programs.dat located in Hal's folder. If you disable automatic scanning from Hal's start up options, you can edit this file yourself to include any links. The link can be a document, exe, shortcut, anything windows can open. Just be sure automatic scanning is disabled, otherwise Hal will delete all your changes at startup.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal Appointments
« on: January 25, 2003, 10:59:15 pm »
Unfortunetely, that is not possible. The only choices for repeating an event are never, daily, mon-fri, weekly, monthly, and anually. There is currently no way of making it repeat every 2 weeks.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Complications of Language
« on: January 19, 2003, 12:00:49 pm »
Microsoft's VBScript page is a good place to start http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting/default.htm

Planet source code is a great site to learn by example http://www.planetsourcecode.com/

And there are many books about VBScript http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/books/4048/ref=pd_ts_b_nav/002-8847277-6420837

Robert Medeksza

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Having Hal open a program
« on: January 16, 2003, 11:37:14 pm »
Download this file http://ftp://ftp.desaware.com/SampleCode/Updates/apigid32.dll and copy it into Hal's folder (usually c:/program files/zabaware/ultra hal assistant 4)

This DLL is used by Hal to access the help files of programs, if Hal can find a standard Windows help file associated with a program. This would explain why some programs open for you and others don't.

Robert Medeksza

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / I need a listmaker
« on: January 16, 2003, 11:30:46 am »
In Windows, a hard return is actually 2 characters, a carriage return and a linefeed (In UNIX its only a linefeed). These correspond to ASCII characters 10 and 13 respectively. A little trick in Windows to type ASCII codes is to hold down the alt key and type in the ASCII key using the number pad and then letting go of the alt key. So you can use this trick to write in a return in the Search/Replace dialog of Notepad. Just hold down alt and type in 13. Then hold down alt and type in 10. You will see 2 little boxes appear.

Or, if you are looking for a more advanced text editor then notepad I recommend UltraEdit http://www.ultraedit.com/

Robert Medeksza

Ultra Hal 7.0 / No sound
« on: January 16, 2003, 01:03:53 am »
Ultra Hal Assistant installs a "Speech" control panel. See if you can get it to say a test sentence from the control panel.

Robert Medeksza

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / UHP DLL notes
« on: January 16, 2003, 12:51:04 am »
Here are some other undocumented features of Hal:

The HalAsst.Exe executable understands the following command line options:

Forces a registered version of Hal into shareware mode.
Makes hal think startup folder was used to launch him.
Forces the first run setup wizard to launch.
Disables Hal's DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) capability for communication with 3rd party programs.
Shows a log window with messages that were usefull during programming.
Disables all of Hal's animation capability.

The HalAsst.EXE program is capable of receiving commands from 3rd party programs through DDE. The EXE name of Ultra Hal Assistant is "HalAssitant"  The link topic for Hal is "HalCommand" You can send the following commands to Hal through DDE:

Pops up Hal's window.
Opens the HalPad subprogram.
<SPEAK>text string</SPEAK>
Hal will speak outloud whatever is inbetween the tags.
<DIAL>name or number</DIAL>
Hal will dial whatever number is inbetween the tags, or access its phonebook to look up a name and then dial it.
<RUNPROG>program name</RUNPROG>
Hal will search through the start menu and run whatever program is mentioned in between the tags.
Hal will respond to the sentence in between the tags as if the user entered it and pressed return.
Hal will change the current user to whatever is mentioned in the tags.
Hal will change his name to whatever is in the tags.
Hal will run the VBScript file mentioned.
<RUNCMD>VBScript code</RUNCMD>
Hal will execute the VBScript code inbetween the tags.

Robert Medeksza

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / UHP DLL notes
« on: January 16, 2003, 12:27:29 am »
There is also a file called HalsMind.DLL which is placed in your windows system folder. This is new in Ultra Hal Assistant 4.5 and is a C++ DLL of Hal's 3 most processor intentensive functions. This is a real Windows DLL, not an ActiveX DLL so it is not accessible through VBScript. However, the functions QABrain, KeywordBrain, FragmentMatch, and ConvBrain in the ActiveX HalBrain.DLL simply call this DLL for you. However, if anyone ever wants to directly access this DLL directly, here is the type library declaration taken straight from the project:

   helpstring("Hal's Brain Functions"),

library HalsMind
      helpstring("Hal's Brain Functions"),

   module MyDllFunctions
         helpstring("Gets a response from a Hal database file."),
      int __stdcall qbrain([in] LPSTR usersentence, [in] LPSTR file_name, [out] LPSTR output);

         helpstring("Gets a response from Hal's special database file."),
      int _stdcall convbrain([in] LPSTR usersentence, [in] LPSTR prevsentence, [in] LPSTR file_name, [out] LPSTR output);

         helpstring("Gets a response from a Keyword and Priority Hal DB file."),
      int __stdcall keybrain([in] LPSTR usersentence, [in] LPSTR file_name, [out] LPSTR output, [in] int lowpriority);

         helpstring("Gets a response from a User Strings Hal DB file by comparing sentence fragments."),
      int __stdcall fragmatch([in] LPSTR usersentence, [in] LPSTR file_name, [out] LPSTR output);


Robert Medeksza

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / UHP DLL notes
« on: January 16, 2003, 12:15:34 am »

Great job figuring out all this about Hal in such little time. Zabaware is in the process of finishing up a new version of its Ultra Hal Representative software. The new Ultra Hal Representative software will be marketed as a professional development tool. It can be implemented on a web page, on AIM, or through a simple ActiveX control be added to any Visual Studio project. An updated version of the Ultra Hal Brain Editor will be core of the program. All projects created with the Ultra Hal Representative software will be compatible with Ultra Hal Assistant. The software will be free for non-commercial use.

The software itself is almost complete, but the documentation for it still needs a lot more work. Among some of the things in the documentation will be all the functions contained in the HalBrain.DLL  

Here is a list of all the functions contained in the HalBrain.DLL:

Sub AppendFile(ByVal FileToAppend As String, ByVal AppendWhat As String)
Function AlphaNumericalOnly(ByVal UserSentence As String) As String
Function ExtractKeywords(ByVal TextString As String) As String
Function RandomNum(ByVal MaxVal As Integer) As Integer
Function UsCaps(ByVal UserSentence As String) As String
Function WorldCaps(ByVal UserSentence As String) As String
Function CheatResponse(ByVal UserSentence As String) As String
Function OriginalBrain(ByVal UserSentence As String)
Sub LimitSize(FilName As String, Size As Long)
Function KeywordBrain(ByVal GlobalIn As String, ByVal FileName As String, Optional ByVal LastChance As Boolean) As String
Function Learn(ByVal UserSentence As String) As String
Function ChooseSentenceFromFile(ByVal TextFileName As String) As String
Function HalMath(ByVal MathProblem As String) As String
Function StoreVars(Emotion, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, ScriptMem2, ScriptMem3, ScriptMem4, ScriptMem5) As String
Function RecallVars(ByVal VarListString, Emotion, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, ScriptMem2, ScriptMem3, ScriptMem4, ScriptMem5) As String
Function DecodeVar(ByVal FromWhat As String, ByVal DecodeWhat As String) As Variant
Function CountInstances(ByVal CountWhat As Variant, ByVal InWhat As Variant) As Variant
Function QABrain(ByVal UserText As String, ByVal BrainFN As String, ByRef Relevance As Variant) As String
Function ConversationBrain(ByVal UserText As String, ByVal BrainFN As String, ByVal LastUserSent As String, ByRef Relevance As Variant) As String
Function FixCaps(ByVal TextString As String)
Function HalScript(ByVal UserSentence, ByVal ScriptFile, ByVal HalRel) As String
Function CompareSentence(ByVal CompareWhat As String, ByVal InWhat As String) As Single
Function OpenPage(ByVal PageURL As String) As String
Function ProcessSubstitutions(ByVal UserSentence, ByVal DBFile) As String
Function TopicSearch(ByVal UserSentence, ByVal TopicFile) As String
Function DetectVowel(ByVal TextString As String) As String
Function SentenceGenerator(ByVal File_Name As String) As String
Function GetResponse(ByVal UHPFile As String, ByVal UserSentence As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal ComputerName As String, ByVal LearningLevel As String, Custommem1 As String, Hate As String, Swear As String, Insults As String, Compliment As String, PrevSent As String, LastResponseTime As String, PrevUserSent As String, Custommem2 As String, Relevance As String, Topicfocus As String) As String
Function ReadSent(ByVal TextString As String, ByVal SentNum As Integer) As String
Function EncodePronouns(ByVal UserSentence As String) As String
Function DecodePronouns(ByVal UserSentence As String) As String
Function MakeContractions(ByVal UserSentnece As Variant) As String
Function RemovePronouns(ByVal UserSentence As Variant) As String
Function CheckLinkingVerb(ByVal UserSentence As Variant) As Boolean
Function CheckRepetition(Sentence1 As Variant, Sentence2 As Variant) As Boolean
Function FragmentMatch(UserSentence As Variant, BRNFile As Variant)

The following functions are in the DLL for compatibility with old versions of Hal, but are pretty much useless for any current projects:

Sub SetDir(DirPath As Variant)
Function Cheater(ByVal SearchPhrase As String, ByVal UserSentence As String, ByVal Prefix1 As String, ByVal Suffix1 As String, ByVal Prefix2 As String, ByVal Suffix2 As String, ByVal Prefix3 As String, ByVal Suffix3 As String, ByVal NoW5H As Boolean) As String
Function NullEnd(Crap As String) As Integer
Function ChangeString(ByVal UserSentence As String, ByVal ChangeWhat As String, ByVal ToWhat As String, Optional IgnoreCaps As Boolean) As String
Function ChangeStringFast(ByVal UserSentence As String, ByVal ChangeWhat As String, ByVal ToWhat As String) As String
Function MakeInsult(Optional ByVal OhYeah As Boolean) As String

I can't describe what each of these does in detail right now, but if you have any specific questions about these functions I'll be happy to answer them.

Robert Medeksza

Ultra Hal 7.0 / i bought ultra hal and it will not install
« on: January 16, 2003, 12:06:53 am »
A download link has been emailed to you.

Robert Medeksza

Ultra Hal 7.0 / cartoon characters
« on: January 15, 2003, 11:40:26 pm »
Hal disables balloons for MSAgent characters. If you are seeing them, it is most likely because you are sharing the MSAgent character with another application such as the free talking clock program you mention. To prevent conflicts, you will have to use a different character in your clock program and in Hal, so that they are not shared.

Robert Medeksza

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Having Hal open a program
« on: January 15, 2003, 11:37:30 pm »
Make sure that the email client you want Hal to use is registered as the default Windows email client. Hal uses a mailto: link to open your email client, so whatever program is setup to use mailto: will open. Error 53 means file not found, which is pretty strange. In Windows XP, are you logged on an account with administrator privleges?

Robert Medeksza

Ultra Hal 7.0 / windows 2000 hot doging the CPU
« on: January 15, 2003, 11:34:04 pm »
Do you leave Hal's window open? If you're not actively talking with Hal, you should send him to the system tray so that it doesn't keep an active connection with your speech recognition engine.

Robert Medeksza

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