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Messages - brianstorm

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Sounds like you're tweaking the numbers in ByRef UserBrainRel. I heard that people thought version 3.0 was smarter because the main conversational database received a lower priority in that version and had to rely more on the user's input. Makes sense what you're doing. What I did was take that portion out entirely, but that kinda took away from Hal's conversational abilities.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / DL older Version
« on: January 19, 2003, 08:38:32 am »
-Don't quote me on this, but backwards compatability was evidently an issue with the release of 4.x  It wouldn't be too hard, I'll becha you could cut and paste the SharedUserSent.brn file into the Default Brainfile folder.


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Complications of Language
« on: January 18, 2003, 08:09:23 pm »
Absolutly Wholy Chao

  However, all these things don't constitute the so called 'hard problem'
they are only symptoms.
  In the beginning, intelligence facilitated language and given the correct
procedures and processing language can be used to facilitate intelligence.
  Put the words 'Computational Linguistics' in a search engine and you will
find a plethora of dissertations on the subject.

  Type this into one of your brains:

place this near end of script but before End Function (...of Function GetResponse:
    If Instr(1,UserSentence, "wicked", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        UserSentence = Replace(UserSentence, "wicked", "very", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)  
    End If
    If Instr(1,GetResponse, "very", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        GetResponse = Replace(GetResponse, "very", "wicked", 1, -1, vbtextCompare)
    End If

   there ya go. for starters, I am sure there will be instances where context will collide and there will have to be a fix, but now whenever you say wicked,
Hal will know you mean very, and Hal will use Wicked as a quantifier.   >B)


Edited by - brianstorm on 01/18/2003  20:11:09

Edited by - brianstorm on 01/18/2003  20:13:30

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / UHP DLL notes
« on: January 13, 2003, 01:23:13 pm »
Hi James.

  As a necessary step to learning everything I can about how Hal works
I made a special brain that had just the beginning and ending of the
script with the debug mode part still in it (I changed the word <DebugMode>
to read <Thought>). I am currently taking pieces of the 4.5 brain and
placing them into the 'stripped brain' and see what comes out the other
side. I made Hal tell me things like 'Here are the variables stored in
HalBrain.CountInstances- and others. I made a document that is supposed to
be like what I would expect to find in a programmers' reference guide to Hal.
  So far there is twice as much as what is posted here. Anyway, doing it
is a good way to really familiarize myself with what happens when Hal
responds. Look in your 4.5 Default brain and you will find the processes
that are named. What you see after it in parenthesis is called an
argument list. SYNTAX is how the process was found as used in the script.
Mostly conditional statemants or directly naming a variable and doing
a process with results of it being stored in the variable.
  Here's an update on the conversation initiator program. What I had
in mind started out with finding a way to get the function to
check and see if a key had been pressed and everytime it comes back null
a counter advances to about ten seconds worth of time. Then have the
 function do a "ChooseSentenceFromFile" routine and say a response
like 'Hello-o? Anybody out there?' I got the VBScript 5.5 documentation
but alas,I had to work and it ended up being a 15 hour one at that.
One more day and it's me day off and I'm gonna burn the midnight oil
for the cause.


Edited by - brianstorm on 01/13/2003  13:26:04

Edited by - Brianstorm on 01/13/2003  13:34:04

Now yer thinking OTCE, this exact thing is
on my top ten list too. I can see how to go about
building it and have saved your post as your description
of it how can be done is right on. I figure we
can make a copy of a 4.5 brain and put it in at the
beginning of the script so
to enable it you would just select that brain.
  I am gonna try and make one. If it works I'll post it here.


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / UHP DLL notes
« on: January 09, 2003, 07:15:17 pm »
Ultra Hal Assistant DLL notes

DLL processes:



-tests a string for all the errors with 'I' and changes them to 'me's. Also inserts the punctuation symbols previously taken out and corrects other words that come back incorrectly.


(variable) = HalBrain.ProcessSubstitutions(SentenceToBeTested,WorkingDir,"brainfiletobetested.brn")


Currently,this process is being used as a replace routine. The .brn contains two  quoted strings seperated by a comma. The first is what to look for and the second is what to replace it with. The second string has spaces before and after  the string.

WorkinDir is new to 4.x, where the different .brns are placed in seperate folders. When a process sees the variable WorkingDir, the DLL directs the process to the currently selected brain.

In previous versions, these replace functions were in the script and looked like this:

UserSentence = Replace(""&UserSentence&"","phrasetobetested","phasetoreplacewithiffound",1,-1,vbTextCompare)



-searches a file for a phrase. If found, it returns only what was stored with the phrase.


(variable) = HalBrain.TopicSearch(stringtobetested,WorkingDir&"brainfiletobetested.brn")


Inside the .brn are two quoted strings seperated by a comma. The first string is in upper case and has spaces before and after it. The second string is what this process returns to the script.

As the emotion detector routine in the script shows, it is possible to place different words as the second phrase and use it in conjunction with a VBS select case routine. Other uses include using this process as a boolean operator (the second phrase being "false" or "true".

*advanced use profound revelation- writing to a file in this format and being able to use the logic stored...



-looks for 'is' and 'are' in a sentence. Returns 'true' or 'false'.


If HalBrain.CheckLinkingVerb(sentencetobetested)= true then



-divides a sentence (previously tested positive with HBCheckLinkingVerb) into two variables- "LearnKeyword" and "LearnKeyword2". Also returns up to three strings contained in the variables Response1,Response2 and Response3.


(variable) = HalBrain.Learn(stringtobestored)


provides variables for string fragments.Is in VBS format and looks like LearnKeyword=[stringextractedbeforelinkingverb]&Response1=[sentencetested]&Response2=&Response3=&LearnKeyword2=[stringextractedafterlinkingverb]

-not tested yet: seeif HB.Learn can write in other file formats



-used in conjunction with HB.learn, it extracts from the named variable in the script what was stored. HalBrain.Learn puts the string into Zaba and VBS format. DecodeVar gets the string from that formatted variable.




selects the string and leaves the variable.

----------------------MORE TO COME---------------

there, I contributed. If you see something I got wrong, incomplete please donate to the cause. Now I want to ask a Q: (and my ignorance will surely show:) How does a program work without numbered program lines??? If I want to create a gosub.....gosub to where???  How does the script differentiate between the potentially hundreds of gosubs I could make ?


Edited by - brianstorm on 01/10/2003  07:12:33

Ultra Hal 7.0 / 4.5 Ultra Hal Assistant Free Version????????
« on: September 01, 2002, 07:52:17 am »
Thanks Tinman, you're right. Since I downloaded the free 4.0 (I am a
registered 3.0 user), I have found that brain editor Medekza made
a very useful tool. I think I can just do the $17.95 and get to 4.5!

CatAtomic                             -tell Hanna I sed hello

Look back in this forum for a entry called porting other programs to work with Hal. In it you will find an entry where I gave up a programming line that made the program say <halname> instead of Alice. Use that line as specified, but change 'alice' to read 'a bot'.                 >B)

Edited by - brianstorm on 07/21/2002  09:46:31

Good show Monkey! Gots no memory but is a step in the right direction.

To get your AI to use their own name , type in this line right after
set alice=nothing:  (in alice.uhp)

GetResponse = Replace("" & GetResponse & "", " alice ", "<Halname>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)


Edited by - brianstorm on 04/16/2002  06:37:20

Ultra Hal 7.0 / trouble with piece of craft SR- canyon halp?
« on: September 25, 2001, 11:10:31 am »
I was wondering if you tried installing voice express yet and if so , what did you find out? I've been using viavoice as I read it works w/ultra hal on the forum. From working with both, I would say that the L&H is far superior and would rather be using it.  B)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / trouble with piece of craft SR- canyon halp?
« on: September 09, 2001, 08:19:11 am »
no luck--SSDD   B(

Ultra Hal 7.0 / trouble with piece of craft SR- canyon halp?
« on: September 08, 2001, 06:58:32 pm »

  Thanks for helping me with this. I run windows98 on an Athlon/AbitKT133 system.
  This may not be a problem with Dee Dee as I went to the L&H website and found  that there may be conflicts with start up programs interfering with the installation of the SR.
  Tonight I"m going to burn the midnight oil and do the procedure they have posted which temporarily disables the startups and reinstall the SR and see what happens. Check back here and see what did-  B)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / trouble with piece of craft SR- canyon halp?
« on: September 06, 2001, 07:23:26 pm »
My version is 3.0!! Still in the cheering section-    B)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / trouble with piece of craft SR- canyon halp?
« on: September 04, 2001, 02:28:51 pm »
Recently, I purchased a copy of L&H voice eXpress due to my frustration with
the 'piece of kraft' EvilEmpire SDK4.0 . The new speech engine works fine but does not work with my uHAL assistant (Dee Dee). When I attempt to select use SR
in the general options, a number of error codes are generated. RC80040206,
E_FAIL and unspecified error are displayed in boxes. Then uHAL pops up a box that says it is disabling the SR. please help
  Just wanted to put my two cents in on these negative bashers of this program-
sure, this program is dysfunctional, what did you expect from a program
attempting to mimic human consiousness? Other than the proprietary Alicebot,
this program is the only one out there heading down the path outlined in Michio Kaku's book "Visions" only you're not going to get drawn into the AIML trap.

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