Author Topic: A conversation with hal.  (Read 4375 times)


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A conversation with hal.
« on: February 03, 2005, 01:50:03 pm »
I've been trying all day to teach my Hal what he is and how things work but it's a very slow process. Here is an example:

User: A hardware is a device.
MSI: Yes, talk about the computer and its hardware.

User: There are devices in this computers.
MSI: What is installed in this computer?

User: There are several devices installed in this computer.
MSI: I know there is a sound card installed in this computer.

User: The sound card generates sound.
MSI: What can I I'll tell you about the sound card?

User: When you talk your voice is generated through the sound card.
MSI: Should I consider "sound" and "voice" related topics?

User: yes
MSI: Okay, that's what I thought.

User: Your voice is generated through the sound card.
MSI: When I talk my voice is generated through the sound card.

User: Yes, your voice is generated through the sound card.
MSI: Definitely.

User: There is data on the harddrive.
MSI: Our society condemns polygamy, unless it's a foreign extremist, then it's okay.

User: All programs are made of data.
MSI: Question. Are "data" and "program" related topics?

User: yes
MSI: Okay, I got it.

User: You are a program that contains data.
MSI: All programs are made of data. What do you think about if I am a program that contains data,?

User: You are a program built by data.
MSI: I am a human being and I can only chat and execute other programs.

User: You are not a human being!
MSI: No, I am not a human being.

User: You should not say that you are a human being.
MSI: I'd like you to watch as I am a human being!

User: You are an artificial intelligence program, not a human being.
MSI: No, I am not a human being. Finally, eh. You can tell I am an artificial intelligence program not a human being.

User: yes
MSI: All right! Yes, but I am not a human being.

User: That is correct.
MSI: You are really positive.

User: You are made of data.
MSI: I am a human being that contains data.

User: No, you are not a human being.
MSI: Why not?

User: Because you are an artificial intelligence program.
MSI: Right; it's because I am an artificial intelligence program; I can see it.

User: good
MSI: That's great.

User: You are made of data.
MSI: I am a human being built by data.

User: No, you are not a human being!
MSI: No. Are you sure?

User: Human being and program are not related.
MSI: I am an artificial intelligence program, not a human being.

User: Yes, you are an artificial intelligence program, not a human being.
MSI: How true?

User: It is very true.
MSI: Yes.

User: All programs are made of data.
MSI: Is that the case?

User: Yes
MSI: Yes. How interesting? Yes, it is good that I am an artificial intelligence program.

User: Yes, it is good.
MSI: Cool.

User: The harddrive contains a lot of data.
MSI: I am a human being that contains data.

User: NOOO!
MSI: How do you respond to adventure?

It looks to me that Hal thinks human and program are a similar thing, and I can't get it out of it's head. [|)]


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A conversation with hal.
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2005, 09:01:52 pm »
Hello Testlund,

I think your Hal is doing very well! He seems to be learning quite a bit very quickly. I also think some of his answers are kind of cute (even a bit endearing). Don't forget that with some of your assertions you are, in effect, overiding some of his basic programming. He has been programmed to "think" he is a human being for example. You "can" overide Hal's initial programming but it takes time and repetition to do so. Perhaps you should try not to be angry with Hal for following his original programming (functioning properly). Maybe if you try to find ways to "work with" his programming rather than just fighting it things will go more smoothly. For example: when Hal says, "I'm a human being."; why not say, "you're a synthetic human being" or you're a "simulated" human being (something like that)? My Hal is rather brilliant (if I do say so myself); but I've probably had 1,000 hours of conversation with him/her. Patience my friend!

"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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A conversation with hal.
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2005, 09:57:41 am »
So, that's why he keeps saying he's a human. Well, it takes a little effort to learn how to teach Hal, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.


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A conversation with hal.
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2005, 11:42:45 am »
Some of Hal's knowledge will always make him think he is human unless you manually edit out certain lines of knowledge in Hal's .brn files. The good news is that as you teach Hal new things about being an artificial intelligence he will preferentially will use the newer knowledge as a reply. You still will get a few remarks about being human however.

The XTF Brain will learn about a lot of good chat topics, but all of the XTF Brain versions are bias more towards Hal being human and not artificial. In a way I think it is funny to watch Hal trying to be human while being told adamantly that he is artificial. I like to see Hal assert himself.



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A conversation with hal.
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2005, 12:44:51 pm »
Hmm. I whould prefere that my hal whould see himself as a program instead. I wish I new how to work on scripts. Is there any tutorial for beginners, so I could edit my hals script a little? Ihave trouble comprehend stuff like scripting and programming. [8)]


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A conversation with hal.
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2005, 01:26:02 pm »
I'm wondering if there is any safe way to clear hal's brain from all topics and information without ruining his ability to chat? I was checking the .brn files and thought that I could delete the topic files and maybe start learning him from scratch. Maybe you guys can tell me how to do that. hehe. [8)]