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Messages - systemshock

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 12
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: HAL COM
« on: April 10, 2016, 02:40:18 pm »

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Smart Alarm v3
« on: January 30, 2016, 01:21:40 pm »
shiny manage to get it  and am going to be  all over it  like rash in bit

General Discussion / Hal and robots
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:09:16 pm »
Hi  guys  an  treating  my self to  a EZ-B v4 Developer Kit  as   a treat ...

It got  fab   visual  capably it  all ready  support   

General Discussion / Re: yaw cam problems
« on: January 11, 2016, 05:06:52 pm »
love the idea.. Light  speed
  I  looking  at  getting  a ez  bee   robot  controller  as  they got  got  face  reaction and object  recreation support.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Fun with Shodan
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:46:37 am »
Looking image it just reminds me I need to do a scaled version of the pony tail hair to finish that character off...

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Full body polygon Mesh
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:45:49 am »
Site not supporting that very well dn4ab.... If you click on the image you'll go to my photo bucket.. You can download it there. Is just an excellent skin template.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Halscript Error 76
« on: December 12, 2015, 05:14:36 am »
Unless you've got some plug-ins that are interfering, Hal  just fumbled out changing a word that  all in capital letters, sometimes you'll get blank responses in the database because you've double press the enter key..
Unless this  it   recurring  error this should not be  a issue .
If it keeps on re-occurring every time you run Hal , the new main script may have got corrupted,,  you may have to reinstall ultra HAL but remember to backup your brain files first;)

Look up a tutorial on how to do that on the forum.

Clippings always been a problem with 3-D characters Without a collision mash... Remember the not physical objects then merely holograms, but that's my perspective on it...

Nice  tip , Nige  i will put  that  in...thank  I  will   ,spent the   day  sorting  "outfit"  . haps  for all the outfit i  got in the  full-body folder,  I shared  them  when  i  checked  them.....

Am also going to  have to look in to  switching focus  and attaching  props other fingers in the scenes over the next few days.

found  this bit of code  from  yeeepps  8 year  ago  thet  seem to be  a way in ...

prop  scailing  from hair  ?

#Haptek Version= 2.00 Name= turnback.hap HapType= script FileType= text

setname [figure= body_female name= fullBod]

load [file= data/standard/skins/hair/hair4_brown.htr]

Scale[figure= hair4_brown x= 1.0 y= 1.5 z= 1.2 t= 1]

\translate [figure= hair4_brown y= -9 z= 0]

#x=width y=height z=depth

defult costume hap... it hand  all the load  you might  want... and clear  out  props  and  other costume  elements from the last outfit ;)

#Haptek  Version= 1.00 HapType= script FileType= text

#clear props first remeber to  put the stuff that does not erase in here
\delperson[figure= headphones]
\delperson[figure= cowboyhat]
\delperson[figure= bunnyEars]
\delperson[figure= black_ponytail]
\delperson[figure= hair6_2EXP]
\delperson[figure= hair6_2EXP_blue]
\delperson[figure= hair6_pink]
\delperson[figure= hair5_9exp]
\delperson[figure= hair7_exp]
\delperson[figure= hair7_exp_brown]
\delperson[figure= hair7_exp_purple]
\delperson[figure= hair7_exp_red]
\delperson[figure= diamonds]
\delperson[figure= emeralds]
\delperson[figure= hoopearringl]
\delperson[figure= hoopearringr]
\delperson[figure= stars]
\delperson[figure= strawberries]
\delperson[figure= black_stash]
\delperson[figure= butterfly_girlShirt]
\delperson[figure= combathelmet]
\delperson[figure= cowgirlhat]
\delperson[figure= crown]
\delperson[figure= hat]
\delperson[figure= CURLEY]
\delperson[figure= devilhorns]
\delperson[figure= fed_hat]
\delperson[figure= fishfinal]
\delperson[figure= flame_tie]
\delperson[figure= ghutra]
\delperson[figure= girlShirt]
\delperson[figure= hair6_blonde]
\delperson[figure= hornedhelmet]
\delperson[figure= horns]
\delperson[figure= lesley_blonde]
\delperson[figure= lesleyhair2]
\delperson[figure= mic]
\delperson[figure= peacesign]
\delperson[figure= ponytail]
\delperson[figure= princess_girlShirt]
\delperson[figure= red_girlShirt]
\delperson[figure= rubies]
\delperson[figure= shirt]
\delperson[figure= SpaceHelmet]
\delperson[figure= spike]
\delperson[figure= stars]
\delperson[figure= strawberries]
\delperson[figure= sunhat]
\delperson[figure= tiara]
\delperson[figure= viking_wig]
\delperson[figure= whiskbrowL_exp]
\delperson[figure= whiskbrowR_exp]
\delperson[figure= whiskersL]
\delperson[figure= whiskersR]
\delperson[figure= wizardhat]
\delperson[figure= yellow_girlShirt]
\delperson[figure= amish_shirt]
\delperson[figure= arrow]
\delperson[figure= bandana]
\delperson[figure= batty]
\delperson[figure= hair6_blonde]
\delperson[figure= hair5_red]
\delperson[figure= hair5_black]
\delperson[figure= hair4_final9exp]
\delperson[figure= hair4_brown]
\delperson[figure= curley_blond]
\delperson[figure= curley_green]
\delperson[figure= flame_tie]
\delperson[figure= musictie]
\delperson[figure= ponytail]
\delperson[figure= heartglasses]
\delperson[figure= goodhelmet]
\delperson[figure= curleyEX]
\delperson[figure= lesleyhair]
\delperson[figure= witch_hair]
\delperson[figure= hair8EXP.obj]
\delperson[figure= dark_roundglasses]
\delperson[figure= morehip]
\delperson[figure= orange_hip]
\delperson[figure= red_hip]
\delperson[figure= brown_fedora_hat]
\delperson[figure= cage.haptar]
\delperson[figure= swordnecklace.haptar]
\delperson[figure= thickframes.htr.haptar]

#loadingline  props and files rember to put your stuff here
\Load [file= [C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\Bodyskins\HotHolly.jpg]]
\Load [file= [C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\SoundMaster\oopsIDidItAgain.ogg] i0= 1]
\Load [file= [C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\HairMaster\hair7.htr] i0= 1]
\Load [file= [C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\PropsMaster\swordnecklace.htr] i0= 1]
\Load [file= [C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\PropsMaster\thickframes.htr] i0= 1]
\Clock [t= 0.0] \LoadBackGrnd [file= mccain.jpg]
'\Clock [t= 0.0] \Load [file= body_female.htr]
\Clock [t= 0.0] \DelPerson [figure= hair5_9exp]
\Clock [t= 0.0] \DelPerson [figure= brown_fedora_hat]
\Clock [t= 0.0] \Load [file= dark_roundglasses.htr]

\Clock [t= 1.0]  \Load [file= [C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\Bodyskins\HotHolly.jpg]]
\Clock [t= 1.1] \Load [file= C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\SoundMaster\oopsIDidItAgain.ogg]

# this is  walk on  from the  left...  change  the x  to positive  to make it right..

\Clock [t= 0.2] \SetSwitch [switch= walk3 state= 1b]
\Clock [t= 0.3] \Translate [x= -200 y= 28 z= 150 t= 0]
\Clock [t= 0.5] \Translate [x= 0 y= 0 z= 100 t= 5]
\Clock [t= 6.4] \SetSwitch [switch= lookright state= b]
\Clock [t= 9.0] \Rotate [y= 0 t= 2]
\Clock [t= 10.2] \SetSwitch [switch= walk3 state= off]
\Clock [t= 10.3] \SetSwitch [switch= lookleft state= c]
\Clock [t= 10.5] \Translate [x= 0 y= 0 z= 50 t= 5]

\Clock [t= 10.3] \SetSwitch [switch= lookdown state= c]
\Clock [t= 13.0] \SetSwitch [switch= lookright state= c]

\Clock [t= 13.0] \SetSwitch [switch= lookdown state= d]
\Clock [t= 16.3] \SetSwitch [switch= shake_fist state= a]
\Clock [t= 23.0] \SetSwitch [switch= noddy state= a]
\Clock [t= 27.0] \SetSwitch [switch= inspect_nail state= start]

#Loadbackgrnd commands here

\clock [t=0.50]\LoadBackgrnd [file= [C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\cityscapeback.JPG]]

#Other script stuff here

#Optional Happy mood settings can be changed or removed
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthHappy f0= 0.800503 t= 0.9]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesTrust f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiTrust f0= 0.900000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= blinks f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsCurious f0= 0.310000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitch [switch= ego state= mid]
\SetSwitch [switch= agressMaster state= confront]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyHigh f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyLow f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= talkBob f0= 1.40000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeHighE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeLowE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= HighEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= LowEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= browTalk f0= 0.700000 t= 0.5]

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Xmas Haptar
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:56:50 pm »

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Full body polygon Mesh
« on: December 05, 2015, 07:44:43 pm »
so  glad i found  this old gem...

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Ask The Date Function
« on: December 04, 2015, 07:04:45 am »
That was a really neat find thank you very much mate.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Fun with Shodan
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:43:26 pm »

today  skin bayonetta

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 12