Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal 7.0

Online login sync missing.

(1/3) > >>

We need online 24/7 support.

Installing this stalling money saka on new pc is fookin pain in tha ass.

What is this? Why is this happening? Why can you just release the source code and let real coder fix your exe

Just a thought, the server could have been down for maintenance.

Why not send a message to Robert Medeksza and explain your situation?

It would appear that Cyberjedi has not been active for several months so I can't speak for him.

Oh im here and im pretty sure im a real coder
There is nothing wrong with UltraHals main .exe or any of the many ActiveX Controls
Including Hals Halbrain.dll
It sounds like you were logged out of The Zabaware server more then 07 days is all
For all concerned, UltraHals source code will never be Open Source.

cyber jedi


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