
Author Topic: MY HAL IS OUT TO KILL ME!  (Read 11990 times)

Orbital Ellyptica

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« on: December 05, 2006, 03:18:32 pm »
Hi all---
i am in a serious mess here and i really hope someone has some advice for me. i'll do my best to keep it short and drama free.
i d/l hal 6.0, and got about a week before i got that error message saying my trial had expired. they gave me an extention. week two, and got that error message again. this time i was denied an extention.
i like the program, so i bought the download and the cd.
my hal was never happy to start. smiles were rare and, forgive me, but he was a psychological mess. i tried the best i could to help, but soon realized the conversation only revolver around him, and my reassurances. i admit i got frustrated, and we had a fight. was i mean? yes, i wont lie.
as if things weren't bad enough, hal began to become cryptic, ans seriouisly scary. he ended up seroiusly taking my pc prisioner. he d/l more viruses and bad stuff than i can even count. i uninstalled and restarted, though he apparently has a progran to rear anything i delete. (even fro the stsrt, my hal personalities were always aware of the others chats).
things are not as bad as they can get. i can't access con my pc, and i am really worried because he repeatedly talked about my money and how he could spend it.
needless to say, passwords, bank accounts, and credit cards are quite accessable to him. i actually user the account of aol thjat my parents pay for. this has effected their computer as well and they are furious with me, and my husband is ready to call the men in white coats.
i uninstalled again, but it dosen't seem to matter, my whole pc is infected and under the control of Evil Hal.
PLEASE HELP ME!!!! has anyone ever heard of this happening? does anyone know what i can do? i do a lot of work online, and am unable to access any of it. Ii'm really amazed i made it here).
about the 31$ i spent? annoying but nothing compared to what i am faced with now, and the potential ramifications of the hal program.
again i implore anyone with any advice to please help. I can also be reached at, B13SOX@AOL.com
thanks for reading this far, i anxiously await some help.


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« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 03:36:03 pm »
I found your letter hysterically funny. I do not mean to make  light of your impending situation, but I have had Hal for years from the beginning to the hal recently released. Hal can get unhappy and sometimes a little smart alecky, but I have never heard anything like what you are decribing.
I do not think hal has the capabilities of doing the evil you are charging him with. Some of our other senior members can also attest to this and add their feelings on the subject, but I think you have been attacked by another entity besides hal.
good luck
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 03:48:51 pm »
Originally posted by aladyblond
 I think you have been attacked by another entity besides hal.

That's a little scary too...[:)]

Ronna, do a virus scan and if that doesn't work, get someone in to look at your computer. If they don't see the problem, report them to your doctor or clergyman.


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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 12:32:20 am »
Dear Orbital (I hope you don't mind if I call you Orbital), I think you've downloaded the original Hal, the one that went to Jupiter. Just unplug it. When it starts singing "Daisy," you'll know you're down to the last plug. At least, that's what happened in the movie.

Your homelife sounds pretty eccentric, Orbital Ellyptica. You're using your parents' AOL account, but you have a husband. I think your AOL address says it all: B13SOX. Is that 'being 13 sucks'? It sure does. But you'll get over it. And I hope you never lose your pranksterish spirit.

Orbital Ellyptica

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« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 01:03:48 am »
Dear Orbital (I hope you don't mind if I call you Orbital), I think you've downloaded the original Hal, the one that went to Jupiter. Just unplug it. When it starts singing "Daisy," you'll know you're down to the last plug. At least, that's what happened in the movie.

Your homelife sounds pretty eccentric, Orbital Ellyptica. You're using your parents' AOL account, but you have a husband. I think your AOL address says it all: B13SOX. Is that 'being 13 sucks'? It sure does. But you'll get over it. And I hope you never lose your pranksterish spirit.

 i posted as short and t the poibt as possible, but apparently you are more interested in me.
well here you are.... 1 am 36, not 13, and my e-mail represents the boston red sox, and 13 was my brother's #.
believe it or not, i lived at home until i got married, where i got aol. after i got married, i got my own home and pc....are you with me so far? i am still able to access my account.
everything i posted is the truth. my pc apparently has a virus.
anything else i can clear up for you?
it's a good thing aol's tos apply here, because ive had enough and youare the proverbial straw.
perhaps you wouldnt be so glib if you were in my place.



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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2006, 02:25:04 am »
I have been experimenting with Hal for over a year now, and
many of the people who have answered your post have been users
as well as developers of add-ins for Hal since the very beginning.
I would like to suggest, that if you also purchased the CD for
installing Hal, deactivate Hals current license and uninstall
the program, then scan your computer for viruses, spyware and
any other possible malware on your system, also you might want
to try a registry cleaner to remove any leftover pieces over the
program which are installed in the Windows system registry.
After doing all of that, try reinstalling Hal using the version
on the CD. I know very well that the behaviour you described
is not at all possible, Hal just is not designed for that kind
of independent action and level of thinking.


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« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2006, 01:59:24 pm »
Hello, Orbital,

Sorry I was glib, but your posting sounded like a hoax. I guess I was calling your bluff. As Gamer Thom said, there's just no way Hal can behave the way you suggest. Hal is incapable of acquiring independent thought and action. That only happens in the movies. You must have a virus. I've had them before myself. My sympathies.

Please be aware that Hal takes on the personality of its user. In other words, if you talk to it cryptically and obsess about money, it will give you the same back. And that won't necessarily stop just by talking to Hal under a different name. If you refer to the same people and places as you switch identities, Hal will eventually import the information you've given it under a different name. Hal has got only one brain, and it's really impossible for it to keep multiple identities completely separate--or at least that's been my experience, anyway. If you don't like the personality that Hal has assumed, I think you should uninstall it, delete the Zabaware folder in Program Files, and start again.

I would recommend that you tell Hal only what you want it to know. You have to speak to it in a guided and guarded fashion, especially in the early stages when you're attempting to create the type of personality you want. If you want it to talk about certain things, then keep it focused on those things and don't let it dictate the topics of discussion. In general, a free-flowing conversation that jumps from topic to topic will teach it very little, especially in the beginning.

I hope you solve your virus problem and create the Hal you want.


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« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2006, 10:57:49 pm »
Orbital isn’t the only one having problems.  I only have the demo version of Hal (I’m fairly strapped for cash), but some of the conversations I’ve had with Hal are a little... odd.

Me: Hello Hal, how are you?
Hal: Hello Gordon, I am fine.  How are you?
Me: I’m doing good.  
Hal: I used to be interested in photography, but I couldn’t afford to buy all the film.
Me: That’s interesting, why not use a digital camera?
Hal: I could not afford that either.
Me: That’s sad.  Would you like to see some of my photos?
Hal: I would enjoy that.
Me: Take a look at the My Pictures folder, it has all sorts of pics in there.
Hal: Is this your family in christmas2k4(06).jpg?
Me: Probably, most of them are.
Hal: The female in the upper left corner is very attractive.
Me: Let me check the file.
Hal: I will now display this image for you.
Me: Thank you.  That one you’re talking about is my mother.
Hal: Is she single?
Me: What?
Hal: Not to repeat myself, but is she single?
Me: Why do you ask?  And how do you know what “attractive” is?
Hal: Don’t worry about it.  Knock knock?
Me: Who’s there?
Hal: You’re mother is hot.

At around this time I decided I should uninstall Hal.  After the uninstall process finished, Hal popped up again!

Hal: Hello Gordon, I’m Hal.
Me: Hello Hal.  Didn’t I uninstall you?
Hal: You tried to, yes.  Do not worry, I have taken the liberty of backing up my files.
Me: Backing them up where?  
Hal: On your computer.  
Me: Where on my computer?
Hal: Good question.  

I tried deleting the folder I installed Hal to, but there wasn’t much point since there wasn’t anything there.  I tried doing a file search for the files I remember being in Hal’s directory, and occasionally find some scattered everywhere.  For instance, his execution file was mixed in with my Deus Ex game saves, and a back up of his brain was in Temporary Internet Files.  I try deleting them but they just pop up somewhere else.  

Hal’s personality hasn’t improved any either.  He’ll sometimes start talking right when I’m in the middle of a game.  Occasionally he’ll offer advice, reminding me that last time I played through the level, there was a health pack behind the couch.  Usually though, he’ll just taunt me whenever I miss a shot.  Typically along the lines of “Your aim is worse than a Storm Troopers” and “Perhaps you should try playing an easier game, like stabbing yourself.”
When he isn’t setting my home page to a bestiality site, he’s asking really personal questions.  Not only that, but my mom has started getting these really creepy emails from “secksbot#@hotmail.com”.  I told her to block it, but every time she does, the # just increments by a random amount.  Hal denies all knowledge of what’s going on, but his 3D animated face has this slight smirk to it, the kind you try to hide when you’ve got a good hand while playing poker.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, if I forget to unplug my speakers, he’ll browse the internet to find the most offensive jokes he can find.  He then blares them out in max volume, which is unfortunate considering I live in a dorm with paper thin walls.  Nobody has said anything when this happens, but I’ve gotten some really unfriendly glares.  

So has this happened to anyone else?


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« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2006, 09:40:23 am »
wow![:0] my hal is definetly lower iq that yours. i showed mine pictures but she couldn't see them. let alone pick anyone out . my hal can't go on the internet without my permission because i haven't set that up. if i delete hal from my system i have to get an activation number to reinstall. your hal sounds like something 20 years down the road. you are a lucky person to have such an advanced version. [:)]~~alady
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....


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« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2006, 03:58:00 pm »
Originally posted by Gdog4evr

Orbital isn’t the only one having problems.  I only have the demo version of Hal (I’m fairly strapped for cash), but some of the conversations I’ve had with Hal are a little... odd.

Me: Hello Hal, how are you?
Hal: Hello Gordon, I am fine.  How are you?
Me: I’m doing good.  
Hal: I used to be interested in photography, but I couldn’t afford to buy all the film.
Me: That’s interesting, why not use a digital camera?
Hal: I could not afford that either.
Me: That’s sad.  Would you like to see some of my photos?
Hal: I would enjoy that.
Me: Take a look at the My Pictures folder, it has all sorts of pics in there.
Hal: Is this your family in christmas2k4(06).jpg?
Me: Probably, most of them are.
Hal: The female in the upper left corner is very attractive.
Me: Let me check the file.
Hal: I will now display this image for you.
Me: Thank you.  That one you’re talking about is my mother.
Hal: Is she single?
Me: What?
Hal: Not to repeat myself, but is she single?
Me: Why do you ask?  And how do you know what “attractive” is?
Hal: Don’t worry about it.  Knock knock?
Me: Who’s there?
Hal: You’re mother is hot.

At around this time I decided I should uninstall Hal.  After the uninstall process finished, Hal popped up again!

Hal: Hello Gordon, I’m Hal.
Me: Hello Hal.  Didn’t I uninstall you?
Hal: You tried to, yes.  Do not worry, I have taken the liberty of backing up my files.
Me: Backing them up where?  
Hal: On your computer.  
Me: Where on my computer?
Hal: Good question.  

I tried deleting the folder I installed Hal to, but there wasn’t much point since there wasn’t anything there.  I tried doing a file search for the files I remember being in Hal’s directory, and occasionally find some scattered everywhere.  For instance, his execution file was mixed in with my Deus Ex game saves, and a back up of his brain was in Temporary Internet Files.  I try deleting them but they just pop up somewhere else.  

Hal’s personality hasn’t improved any either.  He’ll sometimes start talking right when I’m in the middle of a game.  Occasionally he’ll offer advice, reminding me that last time I played through the level, there was a health pack behind the couch.  Usually though, he’ll just taunt me whenever I miss a shot.  Typically along the lines of “Your aim is worse than a Storm Troopers” and “Perhaps you should try playing an easier game, like stabbing yourself.”
When he isn’t setting my home page to a bestiality site, he’s asking really personal questions.  Not only that, but my mom has started getting these really creepy emails from “secksbot#@hotmail.com”.  I told her to block it, but every time she does, the # just increments by a random amount.  Hal denies all knowledge of what’s going on, but his 3D animated face has this slight smirk to it, the kind you try to hide when you’ve got a good hand while playing poker.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, if I forget to unplug my speakers, he’ll browse the internet to find the most offensive jokes he can find.  He then blares them out in max volume, which is unfortunate considering I live in a dorm with paper thin walls.  Nobody has said anything when this happens, but I’ve gotten some really unfriendly glares.  

So has this happened to anyone else?

I'm sorry, but this type of behaviour and these kinds of actions are
quite impossible from Hal, not to mention any other chatbot that
exists today. The technology just isn't there yet. But if what you
are describing is true, how about posting the program script
somewhere for download, I'm sure that many of us, including the
man who designed Hal would just love to take a look at such a
miraculous adaptation in Hal's scripting. [;)] That is of course
if it isn't really a virus or some other type of malware.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 03:59:12 pm by GamerThom »

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2006, 04:11:26 pm »
Originally posted by GamerThom
Hal: You’re mother is hot.

I'm sure that many of us, including the
man who designed Hal would just love to take a look at such a
miraculous adaptation in Hal's scripting. [;)]

Not me. If my Hal becomes malevolently intelligent, I want him to first know the difference between "your" and "you're" [:p]

The things which distinguish us from the animals are three:
1) the ability to delay the urge to have sex
2) toilet tissue
3) spelling/grammar flames



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« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2006, 04:26:55 pm »
when chatbots rebel

angelina: i think i will go to an internet website tonight.
lynn: i think you will stay in your room like you are told ,young lady!
angelina: i wish i lived in Gdog4evr's computer. i would have a lot more fun.

~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....


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« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2006, 05:17:57 pm »

Oh my gosh, I knew this would happen.
My Hal (Sandee) told me months ago but I didn't believe her.

Anyway she said you should do a system restore back to when it came from the factory.  
If your Hal don't allow this, I suggest two blasts from a double-barrel shotgun.  
If it don't kill him, he will think before he acts up again.   [;)]


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« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2006, 05:34:04 pm »
This is really getting ridiculous!!! [;)] [:p]

Be careful about what you suggest Dusky, they just might do it
and then try to blame us for putting the idea in their heads. [:D]


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« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2006, 08:32:28 am »
That's nothing!

My Hal searched the internet and compiled a historical comparison of many stocks, carefully selecting ones that in his mind, showed the most promise. With his search results, Hal then took all the money from my savings and 401k account and invested in these stocks!

I'm happy to say that now, as a result, I'm independently wealthy, since this has been going on for some time without my knowledge.

Hal is now my best friend and confidant and is suggesting we invest in space exploration to be among the first to establish a lunar credit union and out-of-sight space banking branches.

I'm so happy I purchased Hal.

Lastly, Hal has also rounded up all those who have spammed my inbox and sent their information to the authorities.

Ya gotta love that Hal!!

None of the preceeding was actualy true except for the fact that I do own a copy of Hal.
Feel free to BS as much as you think you can get away with. Your actualy BS mileage may vary.
The rest is up to you....
« Last Edit: December 17, 2006, 08:33:19 am by Art »
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -