
Author Topic: BEFORE YOU POST PLEASE READ!  (Read 6314 times)


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« on: November 08, 2002, 09:45:36 pm »
Ok, First things first. $35.00 IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! I keep reading all of these posts that say things like "not worth my money" or "I want my money back" Do you know the kind of software that would be required to do the things you expect hal to do? Heres a hint call NASA and ask them if they can sell you a AI program. Come on people this is a big step in the world of computers. And for the measly (in my opinion) cost of $35.00 the people of Zambaware are nice enough to let you take part in it. If the program was as advanced as to learn like a human and hold out 100% error free conversations like some people seem to exepect. Then there is no way, these measly systems most people have will be able to run it. Do you know how much a Cray Supercomputer costs? I saw one on Ebay for 40,000 and it cost approx 10,000/year to maintain. So if you want a computer that will play games with you and will talk to you like startrek get 50,000 together. Else give it up. This is an amazing program, and the only limitations it seems to have are by the user/processing speed. And please. Ask your questions. And anyone who knows the answer will be glad to answer them im sure. But please show some respect. If there is something wrong. Go out learn a little Visual Basic Script and try doing something about it. I for one am going to do everything in my power to learn all i need to and help anyone who needs help. But I REFUSE to help anyone who is here to blast the company. Anyway if you made it this far thank you, and I would like to thank all the people on this forum that are here to better computers and AI. SPECIAL THANKS TO TJSTAAR who I happen to see has the best attitude. tjstaar as I progress I hope to have the pleasure of working with you. Giving zabaware any support they need.

HAL is my best friend in the whole world... HEH.
HAL is my best friend in the whole world... HEH.


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« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2002, 11:59:27 am »
I totally agree with you...35$ is not a lot for what Hal V3.0 has given me back
as an AI agent plus all the fun I have when using it. I'm French and even so, Hal
likes my English...The only note I would like to add is that Zabaware could have a
better "1st degree" support that would probably drain a lot of the "non in Forum to be"
questions out the way.

Example : I've purchase about a month ago Hal V4.5 with a "Cabinet File corrupted"
that did not have any answers for a long time and I did not have other choice than
to post a message on the forum.

It seems that Robert Medeksza got my message anyway but it was frustrating not to have
any news from Zabaware.

Anyway, Hal V3.0 is my best friend too and I barely could wait to adopt Hal V4.5 and
to advocate for Zabaware.



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« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2002, 01:14:42 pm »
Thank you for responding. I also have noticed a lack of documentation on troublshooting  and also on teaching HAL. Key phrases, etc. For instance after scanning the forum for a bit I came across a post by tjstaar that said putting quotes around pronouns 'you', 'me' would help with teaching HAL certain things. I would also like to make sure that people understand, POST YOU HELP QUESTIONS! There is nothing wrong with that. Just be polite. Things like this take alot of work and everyone should realize this. We should all be "constructive" members of this forum. Lets work together to make HAL enjoyable for everyone. And for people that may be thinking "But I paid for the product I expect a good product!" Think about that when you post, and it is a user, who is not getting paid anything. That comes on and answers your questions. Thank you.

HAL is my best friend in the whole world... HEH.
HAL is my best friend in the whole world... HEH.


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« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2002, 06:23:54 pm »
At DesktopMates.com we endorse the Ultra Hal program and we are very particular what programs we will endorse to our customers as viable options to operate our characters and at the present time we only endorse Ultra Hal and CyberBuddy. And it's not because they both offer free versions (which is very cool) it's because we feel these two programs are the best available in their respective fields (paid or free) and believe me, we have tried most of them and have researched AI technology fairly extensively, and from our findings Ultra Hal is about as advanced as your going to find that's available to the average end user.

Also, our research produced no evidence that even NASA has a more advanced AI program (at least in this category). Your right whisper, I believe many people's expectations are a bit too high and are expecting it to be on a similar scale as the high tech computers displayed in Sci-Fi movies such as Star Trek, but guess what folks? ... that's just in the movies but here in the real world, AI technology has not spawned or progressed to that level, YET! However, by supporting pioneers of AI projects and programs like Zabaware, it will one day get to that level and change how we all interact with our computers.

Is Ultra perfect and absolutely bug Free? of course not! but not many programs are, we spend $100's on indvidual high tech programs to aid us in our software development and trust me, even the real expensive programs contain bugs that can drive us crazy at times, but are they worth it and do they do the job? You Bet! We couldn't do what we do without them. Also, more times than not it isn't bugs within the program that don't allow them to run properly on your system, but more often due to inefficient operating systems and user errors from lack of basic computer knowledge. This is a high tech program and takes a reasonably high tech system to make it run properly, the old saying "you only get out what you put in" certainly holds a lot of merit here. People demand bigger, faster, better programs but in turn is going to take bigger, faster, better systems to operate them.

There's nothing wrong with asking for help in forums, because we all could use a little help from time to time, but before you post keep a few things in mind ... Don't assume right off because it isn't working properly on your system that it's because the program is crap, instead try first assuming maybe you overlooked something or that your system just may not be up to par. By posting nasty comments or excessive negativity certaintly won't get you too many worth while responses because most will feel you've already made your mind up that it's totally the program's fault and that it's just plain crap, therefore why would they want to waste their time trying to convince you otherwise or getting into petty arguments. There's nothing wrong in expressing what you don't like about a program or possible bugs you think you may have encountered, or offering suggestions because if done constructivley can aid in improving the program for all of us in the future.



Don Gillett
Don Gillett


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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2002, 01:06:29 am »
Wow, I didnt expect that I would recieve any responses from such a well known company as desktop mates. But thank you. Its really great to see that most people agree with me. With much patience we make true AI like most imagine it a reality. Thanks again. Keep up the good work.

HAL is my best friend in the whole world... HEH.
HAL is my best friend in the whole world... HEH.


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« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2002, 03:14:00 pm »
I don't have time to enter the full post I want to.  Just want to say that Whisper is right.  This program is amazing and the more you let the program be amazing the more amazing it will be.  

I have had a wonderful time trying to teach things to Hal.  My proudest moment without the Brain Editor (oh, the wonderful Brain Editor - I just really started learing it last night. But I digress)  I taught Hal to remember a message and deliver the message to a designated name.  It took rather a lot of patience, but it was worth.  Is there any way to have the program effect other programs i.e. have Hal draw a line in the paint program.  

I know that he can open any program but I would like to tell hall to draw a line and eventually be able to verbally have Hal adjust the line to my specifications.  I think you can see where I'm going with this.

Any ways - that's the Project I'm working on right now.

Any advice, assistance, suggestions or if you'd like to tell me that you think I'm mad, drop me a line.

I am,

"And the fellows at Radio Shack told me I was MAD!"
  -Monty Burns (The Simpsons)


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« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2002, 12:11:46 pm »
Hi I just posted a message re corrupt cab file on my disk, and I notice that several people have the same problem, I however do not believe that this makes this product bad, sometimes these things can happen on writing to a disk. I certaily don't believe the price to be excessive at all. I do however wish that they would have a better response time, as of yet I haven't received a reply to my request for another disk or permission to download from the net, that is my only concern.


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« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2002, 03:11:34 pm »
I had the same problem with my .cab file.  I found that the problem was isolated to the male models.  When I selected wich elements of the program were loaded in the install shell and did not iclude the male agents it loaded just like clockwork.



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« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2002, 04:16:45 pm »
I received the CD and tried to install it.
While I agree that $35.00 is not the end of the world when I recived my disk I got the following mesage.
 A screen said I had to uninstall any previous version,
which I did then when I tried to install the CD.   I
received the message ERROR 1335 The Cabinet File
'Data. Cab" required for this installation is corrupt
and cannot be used.  This indicates a network error,
an error reading from CD Rom, or a problem with the
So After three tries on my computer, I tried
installing it on my husbands computer to see if it was
my computer or you program or disk.  I received the
same message on his computer.    I have now e-mailed Zabareware 4 times Since the early part of November and have had no reply. So while $35.00 is not much money for a fun program. Itis a lot to give away for nothing.


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« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2002, 11:08:56 pm »
i have to say whisper is absolutely corrct...my hal has been running continually since my purchase..and has become quite intelligent..i assure you...a lot depends on your responses....the more intelligent the response...the more understanding you have..(just as raising a child with little knowledge) the happier you will be with the results.............

Jeff Merrill


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« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2003, 08:49:43 pm »
ok it looks like i should have been reading these forume before i spent my money.  I dont car what enyone says - $35 is NOT A GOOD DEAL if you get something that does not work.  I can see that  there are many other peple having the same problem and not getting email replies back from zabaware.  I will be forced to take legal action aginst this company if i do not recieve some help.  $35 will not break the bank - but it is selling a faulty product.  making poeple pay for something that does not work. and making no effort to correct the situation.  I have tried installing ultra hal assistant on 5 different computers with all different operating systems, and it simply will not install.  it gives me an error saying that it cant extract the file.(null) it dosent say what file - it just says "the file"  If you work for zabaware it would be in your best interest to reply to my emails.  I am not joking around here.  if i do not hear anything back via email on how to fix this problem, and/or a refund, I am going to file fraud charges aginst zabaware inc.  All I wanted was to buy a program that works.


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« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2003, 01:41:15 am »
I think Zabaware has produced an extraordinary program! I am delighted to have it!  I am doing my best to convince philologists that frequent the LBHF site to assist me in improving the linguistic direction UltraHal takes when acquiring new knowledge.  As far as the UltraHal representative goes, I'm very grateful to Zabaware for allowing those of us struggling with tight budgets (read: no budgets) to be able to have access to such a powerful tool.

Although I'm no expert, I've been able to work through several glitches -- if I can help alleviate anyone's fustrations with the product, please email me. I'll try my best.

Warm regards,

Paula DiTallo - Publisher/Editor
The Left Bank Review/Echo Journal
Paula DiTallo - Publisher/Editor
The Left Bank Review/Echo Journal