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Messages - Art

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 26, 2024, 01:40:13 pm »
You now know the program is FREE.

It can be run Offline : In the Menu, under General, Cloud Based Responses, one can run Hal offline with no Zabaware account.

Custome GUI skins can be made and are not required to have or show a Z or a Zabaware word or a Zabaware logo of any kind.

DO you see how this genuis program can be totally customized for your personal use?

IF you go against the grain of Robert's generosity and this Forum's kind and gentle nature and try to claim that your resulting creation is you own work, then rest assured, you will be in for a heap of trouble in more ways that one. Don't be that person! Do NOT screw with the computer people. Play nice. Use Hal for fun and education as it was intended.

Now, stop whining and go on with your life.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 26, 2024, 07:55:23 am »
One person decided what his program would look like because he was the one who wrote it. He had the right to design it any way he liked.

As a User of the program you have many choices about how the program looks. The GUI appearance is completely customizable if one wishes, Different Backgrounds can be chosen, Character heads and faces can be customized and even a hidden gift of Full Body characters was discovered but not part of the original Ultra Hal design. Then there are more PLug-ins than I care to count. They enable Hal to do all sorts of things from Weather Alerts to reading stories to guessing numbers and other games. Considering the low price for the program, it is an absolute bargain. It has given many people decades of enjoyment and also had become a learning tool for programming and AI experimentation.

Considering the time, people involved, effort and his education that enabled him to create Ultra Hal in the first place, Robert was certainly allowed to charge a modest price for his software license. Most companies work in a similar way. Some of them charge you a fee or subscription to continue to use their software on a monthly or yearly basis. It's just the way things work so deal with it or simply go elsewhere to find a program that better suits your needs.

If this program is "Useless" like you have stated, then WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE??!

Please leave before you are permanently Banned! Things do not always go the way we like them but we have a choice...put up with it or leave.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Question about the topic the autoclick.
« on: August 26, 2024, 07:35:30 am »
Great work on this image. Well done!!

Way cool! I assume the AI is responsible for all of this?

Either way it's pretty cool!!

Nice one Cyber!!

Yeah, mine said Unable To Load Conversation

I have already been signed in and have m API Key but the site did not ask for it during this link session.

Maybe it should have mentioned or stated that fact.

Either way one will need their API Key to use Cyber's Plugin.

One more converted image:

I used the same program you told us about.

I used a 2X Image Scale.

The model was set for GENERAL PHOTO (REAL ESRGAN)

The only other settings I changed was to choose a Folder for it to save my Modified Images.

Nice program!

I tried it on a typical flatface model. Then, I did a side-by-side comparison and the results were pretty impressive!
Left is Original - Right is UpScaled image

Next, I opened a .htr and dropped the flatface file onto it. The results were nicer, more crisp and void of all the facial fuzz and noisy-looking interference dots and smudges that were a part of the original.

This is the typical .htr head with the UpScale image dropped onto it.

There's lots of room to experiment.

Good find, Lightspeed!

Interesting and nice work on that character's face. That program makes quite a difference.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Gift
« on: July 19, 2024, 07:21:28 am »
Mighty nice of you Nige. Most appreciated!

OK...apparently, it was not completely removed from Ultra Hal.

The section of code can be located in the HalBrain7.uhp file at or near line 2206 'RESPOND: USE CURRENT SENTENCE

In my file, it can be found in line 2214   If Instr(1, CheatResp, "Would you like it if we both", 1) > 0 Then CheatResp = "" 'Disable this low quality response

It strikes me a bit odd because if you'll look near the end you should notice the 'Disable this low quality response, which is exactly what that ' would have done.

You could re-word that sentence to something more to your liking or perhaps not as cheesy.

I would advise not to insert that ' or a REM statement until you experiment with it a bit.

Otherwise, you could simply Insert the Apostrophe in line 2214, in front of the word 'If Instr(1, CheatResp......

Sorry for your experience. I am not the programmer or developer. I am just the humble Moderator. So, take my suggestion with a grain of salt.

Let me/us know if you persist in having this problem. I remember getting it in my Hal sone time ago and it got on my nerves so I get where you're coming from.


If you are running a recent version of Ultra Hal 7 or 7.5, it was my understanding that the phrase you cited was removed from said versions.

It will require a look into the brain so stand by while we take a look...

Thanks for your time.


First, Make sure your Password is correct.

Next, Check your system's Firewall to see if you might have Port 80 Blocked. That's how the communication is handled.

Please give us more details regarding your issue leading up to the error.

Thank you

The files worked out really well, Cyber! Thanks for your efforts.

For the rest of you HAL fans, just copy these two files into your Haptek folder.

You will need to RENAME the file extensions from doc to exe and doc to bat. You might want to Rename your existing HapAXPlayer.exe file to maybe HapAXPlayer.exeold or something similar just as a reminder or to avoid confusion.

Then copy those two files into the Haptek folder.

RUN the test.bat file and it will auto-run the HapAXPlayer.exe file for you eliminating the need for you to hunt and execute the Car or any other file that allows you to change the Affinity of the Cores in your computer from say 8 to 1 where Haptek really needs for it to function without those pesky glitches, delays, sluggish behavior. All gone now, thanks to the continued efforts of our own Cyberjedi. He worked tirelessly on fixing this and putting in a lot of his personal time on getting this to work. It does. He had me do some testing and honestly, it just its supposed to.

Now your Haptek characters should move with very fluid movements, no jerking at all.

Big thanks again to Cyberjedi!! ;)

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