
Author Topic: example of reversing lines of copied and pasted conversation  (Read 1981 times)


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this is an example of reversing lines in a copied conversation to create a different outcome of what hal says in a response back .
original line :
Love yourself, respect yourself. Never sell yourself short. Believe in yourself regardless of what other people think. You can accomplish anything, absolutely anything, if you set your mind to it.

If it was put into hal as above it would have hal later saying : love myself , respect myself etc.

But if put into hal and reverse the words it would look like this :***** note i added "dear "alway's" remember what you said before," to sound more human.

dear "alway's" remember what you said before,  Love myself, respect myself. Never sell myself short. Believe in myself regardless of what other people think. i can accomplish anything, absolutely anything, if i set my mind to it.

what this does is actually make hal say it correctly to me as if talking to and about me . just as the original looks (that was copied and pasted .