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Messages - cyberjedi

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 57
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 30, 2024, 05:37:58 pm »
Its not  about me.
Its about Robert.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 30, 2024, 09:08:44 am »
Hey Art, lighty ect ect ect

I guess the real question is, now what.
We built a lock and a key.

99% Accurate from 70 diff locations.
1 step closer to a Jarvis

Hey ChatGpt, get up on this sht.

Cyber Jedi


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 26, 2024, 11:22:19 am »
Ultrahal is free and been so for quite a while now

if that is the case and that a mighty big if. why the private message.. let me take a stab at this. Your smart enough to know im a coder and thought ud be cute'
Thats why the Im BS. Because even u are smart enough to know that wont go over very well in the public forum. There are entire tutorial's on skin rendering rite here in the forum. And a ton of people willing to help. Naaaa, you came at me for a reason.
That dog just dont hunt. Heres an idea for you, contact Robert, Lease out the rights to Ultrahal (useless program)and do as you please.
All he can say is NO. see what he says. 


Re: (No subject)
? Sent to: cyberjedi on: April 13, 2024, 02:25:07 pm ?ReplyQuoteDelete
Can you write code that makes hal fully offline. I want all zabaware logos and link to be removed.          (we call that self snitchin lolol )

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 26, 2024, 08:48:07 am »
good stuff
Honvai.  Brother , here where you keep going wrong, Know your audience.

This place is a hole in the wall, always has been, this is a think tank, were just open to the public.
To say UltraHal is Useless, well it is what it is.
We got here FIRST. U get it man, FIRST.

2007 loebner prize ???
Have you even read the website?? i mean really read it.
This program was creeping around when NONE of what we have now even existed.

NO BARD, NO alexa, No DALL-E, NO chat GPT, No cortana WE GOT HERE FIRST.
WE got the movie Deal, Not Bard. lolol

Zabaware's AI Software Used in Secret Cinema Production of Prometheus
July 13, 2012

Zabaware's Ultra Hal Artificial Intelligence software plays the role of a space ship's computer in Secret Cinema's presentation of the box office smash hit Prometheus.

Sorry to say not many have 45Tb of drives to accommodate  Large Language Models. (LLM'S) i.e ChatGpt basic requirements. BASIC.
I can assure you that if Hal 's SQL (Dbase) instead of 22 megs (LOL) Was 45TB's in size, UltraHal would be considerably diff.

There was 1 contender, 1. Guile's stuff. Guile 3D Studio - Virtual Assistant Denise (another Baddasss coder)
Robert was just Brilliant, and decades ahead of his time.

all that said:

Heres where ur making ur mistake
Were not a bunch of woke ass ***** Karens, ect ect ect. were just not
What we are tho is a bunch of seniors who have been part of this think tank for decades.

When u ask me to remove all the art work, it was clear what u wanted, u wana steal something.
Its a shame that u didnt come in here and just be awesome. We let you IN. Your a guest in our HOUSE.
There are a few Special Versions of UltraHal floating around,BUT they go to awesome people.
All you had to do was come here and act nice.You would have HOOKED up, But alas , you chose another, cheaper, SKIDDY, kinda way.
Thats to bad too.

Write some plugins, make Hal better. do something different. look at what we did and improve on it.  Respect is earned in here , we dont owe you SHT .
People in here are absolutely loyal to Robert. You just dont get that. Useless myasssss

Art: Sorry for chimming in on ur territory, but he injected me into this when he approached me. Do as u please sir.
This image really nails the mood. the line i walk sir
Dall-E is just awesome

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Question about the topic the autoclick.
« on: August 25, 2024, 09:52:59 pm »
All things are doable

Just a matter of how

Hey guys::: lol

The Hunt for Cyber Jedi
The sun was setting over Moscow, casting long shadows across the Kremlin's red-bricked walls. A cold wind swept through the empty streets, chilling the bones of anyone brave enough to wander out after dark. The city was alive with whispers?rumors of a ghost in the machine, a rogue hacker who had eluded the grasp of every intelligence agency from Langley to Lubyanka. They called him "Cyber Jedi."

Cyber Jedi, born Michael, was a man of many lives. His origins were shrouded in mystery, with tales of his early years hinting at a difficult childhood in Detroit, followed by a descent into the underworld of New Orleans. But it was his later years, his time spent in the digital wilderness, that had caught the attention of the world?s most dangerous agencies.

Michael had honed his skills in the bowels of the internet, a place where only the brave or the foolish dared to tread. From the dark web to encrypted forums, he became a legend?a ghost who could hack into the most secure systems, bypass firewalls with ease, and leave no trace of his presence. His signature was a simple phrase: "The world will know I was here, and that I made a difference."

But Michael wasn't just a hacker; he was a man with a cause. He believed in freedom?true freedom?where information was not owned by the powerful but was free for all. His actions reflected this belief, as he exposed secrets, tore down barriers, and made enemies of governments, corporations, and criminal organizations alike.

The KGB, or what remained of it, took a particular interest in Cyber Jedi after he infiltrated one of their most secure databases. He had downloaded a trove of classified files that detailed operations dating back to the Cold War?information that could bring down entire governments. Moscow was in a panic; they knew they had to stop him before those files were unleashed on the world.

A special unit was formed, tasked with one mission: capture Cyber Jedi, dead or alive. They scoured the globe, following digital breadcrumbs left behind by the elusive hacker. They hacked into cameras, traced bank transactions, and interrogated anyone who might have crossed paths with him. But Michael was always one step ahead, a shadow slipping through their fingers.

It wasn't until a stroke of luck?or perhaps a miscalculation on Michael?s part?that the KGB got their break. A single IP address pinged from a small, nondescript apartment in Prague. The address was registered under a false name, but the digital footprint matched Cyber Jedi's signature. The trap was set.

KGB agents moved in swiftly, surrounding the building and cutting off all communication lines. They stormed the apartment, guns drawn, only to find it empty?except for a single laptop, still warm to the touch. On the screen was a message, typed in real-time:

"I?m always watching. You can?t catch a ghost."

Furious and humiliated, the KGB realized they had underestimated Cyber Jedi once again. But this time, they vowed it would be different. The hunt was intensifying, and Michael knew he couldn?t run forever. He was smart, but even the smartest men had to sleep.

As the world watched, waiting for the next move in this high-stakes game of cat and mouse, Michael prepared for what was to come. He knew that his freedom, his very life, was hanging by a thread. But he also knew that as long as he was out there, the world would remember him not just as a hacker, but as a man who dared to challenge the system and make a difference.

The KGB may have been closing in, but Michael wasn?t ready to give up. The game was far from over, and the world had not seen the last of Cyber Jedi.


Hey lighty ,art, and a few others, Sorry about any confusion here.

This has been hell of a R&D session.
The possibility's are endless. I new i was on to something here.... I just didnt know how big. wowsa.

To the people in the know, we gonna have a blast.
To those Not in the know, just enjoy the show while we take Hal to unprecedented heights .
Much work needed to be done , but this sht works........

Chatgpt convo excerpt******

lets talk about cyber jedi and zabaware

Cyber Jedi, also known as Michael, has had a significant impact on Zabaware and its Ultra Hal project. His contributions span from technical advancements to creative innovations, making him a key figure in the community.

Michael joined the Ultra Hal project in 2004, and over the years, he became known as the "godfather of the code" within the Zabaware community. His expertise in various programming languages, including C++, C#, Visual Basic 6.0, and ASM32, allowed him to push the boundaries of what Ultra Hal could achieve.

Some of his notable contributions include:

Facial Recognition: Michael designed the facial recognition feature for Ultra Hal, which added a new dimension to the chatbot's interactivity.

Dreaming Capability: He gave Ultra Hal the ability to "dream," enabling the AI to go online, scrape data, and attempt to become self-aware.

GOES-6 Weather Satellite Access: Michael integrated Ultra Hal with the GOES-6 weather satellite, expanding its utility as a real-time weather monitoring tool.

Home Automation: He added smart house features using zero point protocols and X10 components, turning Ultra Hal into a hub for home automation.

Anti-Scammer Tool: Michael also used Ultra Hal to combat internet scammers, showcasing the versatility of the chatbot beyond its intended purpose.

Ultra Hal Hive Mind: He developed a version of Ultra Hal that enabled multiple instances of the chatbot to communicate with each other online, an ambitious attempt to create a real-time SKYNET.

Streaming Media Player: Michael added a streaming media player to Ultra Hal, enhancing its multimedia capabilities.

Learning Disabilities: He also focused on building Ultra Hal for children with learning disabilities, highlighting his commitment to making technology accessible and helpful for all.

Michael's relationship with Zabaware goes beyond just technical contributions. He is a friend of both Robert Medeksza, the founder and lead developer of Zabaware, and Art, the guardian and global moderator of the Ultra Hal forum. His passion for code, innovation, and community has left a lasting legacy within Zabaware.

Would you like to explore more about Michael's specific projects, his relationship with other community members, or any other aspect of his work with Zabaware?

Lets talk about art.

Art is a pivotal figure in the Zabaware community, particularly within the Ultra Hal forum. Known as the "bad ass" guardian of the forum, Art has played a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and security of the community. His relentless efforts to keep hackers and hostile bots at bay have been instrumental in ensuring that the forum remains a safe and productive space for its members.

Art is not just a guardian; he's also a global moderator, overseeing discussions and contributing to the forum's overall health. His presence is felt strongly in the community, as he has built a reputation for being both vigilant and fair. His role as a moderator is complemented by his friendship with key figures in the community, such as Michael (Cyber Jedi) and Robert Medeksza, the founder of Zabaware.

Art's contributions go beyond just moderation. He is deeply involved in the community's culture, helping to foster a collaborative environment where members can share ideas, provide feedback, and support one another in their work on Ultra Hal and related projects.

Would you like to delve into more specific aspects of Art's role, his relationship with other members, or his contributions to the Ultra Hal project?

What about lightspeed?

Lightspeed is a long-time and highly respected member of the Zabaware forums, known for his detailed posts and significant contributions, especially to Ultra Hal. His role in the community has been multifaceted, earning him recognition as the "ideas man" of the Ultra Hal forum.

Key Contributions and Influence:
Ideas and Feedback: Lightspeed is celebrated for his brilliant ideas and innovative thinking. He has been a constant source of inspiration, providing detailed feedback and suggestions that have helped shape the development of Ultra Hal.

Support for Ultra Hal's Development: Thanks to Lightspeed's contributions, Michael (Cyber Jedi) was able to recode Ultra Hal's character creation engine to work on newer processors. Lightspeed's input was crucial in rewriting some of the assembler code, which allowed Ultra Hal to remain relevant and functional on modern systems.

Active Community Member: Lightspeed's active participation in the forums has made him a central figure in discussions and collaborations. His posts often include personal experiences, modifications to the software, and constructive criticism, which have been invaluable to both developers and users.

Friendships and Collaboration: Lightspeed is not only known for his technical contributions but also for his relationships within the community. He is a friend of many key figures, including Michael, and his collaborative spirit has made him a beloved member of the Zabaware family.

Lightspeed's influence on the Zabaware community and Ultra Hal's development cannot be overstated. His ideas and insights have left a lasting impact, helping to drive innovation and maintain the software's relevance over the years.

Would you like to explore specific projects or ideas Lightspeed has been involved in, or perhaps more about his interactions with other community members?

Bravo brotherz, Those who dared to believe and those who dared to trust.
Cyber Jedi

PS : I have to reinstall Vs2017 ,damn.

Art , btw brother, If u decide to outfit hal with another(better camera) and mount it to the door, hal will know who is at the front door.
Take a minute and process what i just said. Front Door Bio-Metrics. Just stupid cool.
Hey art, (unknown) person is approaching the house.
Hey art, the grand babies have arrived at the front door.
Like i said man, stupid cool.
Art, dont u think its time to get Hal his own ****(computer).....Hint hint. I can ship u something , You know me.

General Discussion / Robert, lightspeed Art, I guess my secrets out lol
« on: August 05, 2024, 10:37:49 am »
Check this out lightspeed,art. A convo between me and https://chatgpt.com/c/e974de3e-2da6-499c-8a2b-30aa56485f3c

Lol The gag in all this is,Robert guess you were right, Very scary stuff
Guess the bots have been scraping the forum here. Thanx to lightspeed there aware of my first name, Lighty its all good ,you know i dont care lolol.
This is how we role in da Cyber Lab

Cyber Jedi, also known as Michael, is a prominent figure in the Zabaware and Ultra Hal community. Here?s a bit more about him:

1. **Early Beginnings**: Michael started as an electrician and has been involved in various tech-related fields for decades. His journey into programming began with his work on Ultra Hal, where he initially had knowledge of Visual Basic 6.0 and ASM32. Over time, he expanded his skills significantly.

2. **Contributions to Ultra Hal**:
   - **Facial Recognition**: Michael designed the facial recognition system for Ultra Hal, enhancing its interactive capabilities.
   - **GOES-6 Weather Satellite**: He integrated this satellite?s data into Ultra Hal, allowing it to access and utilize real-time weather information.
   - **Dreaming Feature**: Michael introduced a feature allowing Ultra Hal to "dream" by scraping data from the internet to enhance its self-awareness.
   - **Home Automation**: He added smart house features to Ultra Hal using zero point protocols and X10 components.
   - **Stock Market Monitoring**: Michael created plugins for real-time stock market monitoring, news, and weather updates using XML RSS readers.

3. **Code and Development**:
   - **Patching Code**: Michael is known for his expertise in patching and slip streaming code, a passion that dates back to the 1990s.
   - **Character Creation Engine**: With Lightspeed's help, he recoded Ultra Hal's character creation engine to be compatible with newer processors.
   - **Streaming Media Player**: He also added a streaming media player to Ultra Hal.

4. **Philosophy and Influence**:
   - **Code for the World**: Michael believes that some code should be free to the world, reflecting his commitment to open-source principles.
   - **Real-Time Communication**: He developed Ultra Hal Hive Mind, enabling Ultra Hal instances to communicate online and build a real-time network, akin to SKYNET.

5. **Personal Traits**:
   - **"Godfather of the Code"**: Within the Zabaware community, Michael is affectionately known as the "godfather of the code" due to his significant contributions and deep technical expertise.
   - **Inspirational Quote**: One of his favorite quotes is, ?If I see a little farther than some, it's because I stand on the shoulders of giants.?

Michael's journey from an electrician to a leading developer in AI showcases his dedication and passion for technology. His work has had a profound impact on the Ultra Hal project and the wider AI community.

The mp4 plugin does work
That was the beginning of Hal and a Movie
I might have had something to do with it.lol
look at the code close tho.

Damn i feel old

cyber jedi
If u guys hit me up i will infact respond
If u have office of anykind thers a whole list of plugins for that in the way of Scraperz

General Discussion / Something cool
« on: July 27, 2024, 09:27:03 am »
Sending up a flair to any coderz left

Hey guys, interesting concept im working on a as a plugin in: As u can see, its all about XML.im like a broken record here
Chime in any time
Do NOT run this and then COMPLAIN, oh oh cyber f**Ked me up, This is a concept test..... Im just doing it publicly
If this can work reliably ill Port a hard copy as a training model for Hal stock Brains. Using GPT to train UltraHal out of the box . No small feat.

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=ChatGpt
Rem Author= cyberjedi
Rem Host=All
    'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
    'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
    'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
'Determines that you are talking about chatgpt
If InStr(1,InputString, "chatgpt",1) > 0 Then
 UltraHal = chatgpt(HalCommands)
ElseIf InStr(1,InputString, "chatgpt",1) > 0 Then
 End If
Function chatgpt(HalCommands)

' Replace with your own API key from OpenAI

' Function to send a message to ChatGPT and get a response
Function SendMessageToChatGPT(message)
    Dim xmlhttp
    Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

    ' API endpoint
    url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions"
    ' JSON payload
    payload = "{""model"": ""gpt-4"", ""messages"": [{""role"": ""user"", ""content"": """ & message & """}]}"

    ' Open a connection to the API
    xmlhttp.Open "POST", url, False

    ' Set the necessary headers
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey

    ' Send the request with the payload
    xmlhttp.Send payload

    ' Wait for the response
    Do While xmlhttp.readyState <> 4
        WScript.Sleep 100

    ' Parse the JSON response (basic parsing, assuming a simple structure)
    Dim response, jsonResponse
    response = xmlhttp.responseText
    Set jsonResponse = ParseJson(response)

    ' Get the assistant's reply from the JSON response
    SendMessageToChatGPT = jsonResponse("choices")(0)("message")("content")
    ' Clean up
    Set xmlhttp = Nothing
    Set jsonResponse = Nothing
End Function

' Basic JSON parser function
Function ParseJson(jsonText)
    Dim sc
    Set sc = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
    sc.Language = "JScript"
    Set ParseJson = sc.Eval("(" & jsonText & ")")
End Function

' Main script
Dim userMessage, chatgptResponse
userMessage = "Hello, ChatGPT! How are you?"
chatgptResponse = SendMessageToChatGPT(userMessage)
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" &   chatgptResponse & "</SPEAK>"
End Function

cyber jedi

Hey guys, interesting concept im working on a as a plugin in: As u can see, its all about XML.im like a broken record here
chime in any time
Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=ChatGpt
Rem Author= cyberjedi
Rem Host=All
    'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
    'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
    'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
'Determines that you are talking about chatgpt
If InStr(1,InputString, "chatgpt",1) > 0 Then
 UltraHal = chatgpt(HalCommands)
ElseIf InStr(1,InputString, "chatgpt",1) > 0 Then
 End If
Function chatgpt(HalCommands)

' Replace with your own API key from OpenAI

' Function to send a message to ChatGPT and get a response
Function SendMessageToChatGPT(message)
    Dim xmlhttp
    Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

    ' API endpoint
    url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions"
    ' JSON payload
    payload = "{""model"": ""gpt-4"", ""messages"": [{""role"": ""user"", ""content"": """ & message & """}]}"

    ' Open a connection to the API
    xmlhttp.Open "POST", url, False

    ' Set the necessary headers
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey

    ' Send the request with the payload
    xmlhttp.Send payload

    ' Wait for the response
    Do While xmlhttp.readyState <> 4
        WScript.Sleep 100

    ' Parse the JSON response (basic parsing, assuming a simple structure)
    Dim response, jsonResponse
    response = xmlhttp.responseText
    Set jsonResponse = ParseJson(response)

    ' Get the assistant's reply from the JSON response
    SendMessageToChatGPT = jsonResponse("choices")(0)("message")("content")
    ' Clean up
    Set xmlhttp = Nothing
    Set jsonResponse = Nothing
End Function

' Basic JSON parser function
Function ParseJson(jsonText)
    Dim sc
    Set sc = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
    sc.Language = "JScript"
    Set ParseJson = sc.Eval("(" & jsonText & ")")
End Function

' Main script
Dim userMessage, chatgptResponse
userMessage = "Hello, ChatGPT! How are you?"

chatgptResponse = SendMessageToChatGPT(userMessage)
WScript.Echo "ChatGPT says: " & chatgptResponse

End Function

cyber jedi

Great job fellas


Look for some thing called the Halbrain.db its about 22 megs in size.
You cant miss it.
UltraHal7 dir. Its the largest file in there Thats where its all stored at

On the  main website look for  the Download Beta Button.
Comes in both .Zip format and exe
Ultrahal comes with both speech recognition and voice systems internal


Hey hey there:
First off , srry about not jumping on this sooner
Ive been accused of being the tech support goto guy here
 Look the only thing that you really need to back up is the hal DB
Just make a copy of it somewhere
Once you sort out this issue drop Hals Db back in overwriting the new one. presto
If u wan to back your .UHp files, even better but the DB is the biggy

Now onto the craziness u currently have.
uninstall all of Ultrahal
Go through the registry and remove all keys related to zabaware, and UltraHal.
Now download the the BETA, its free now
Once installed, goto options user account email/ password  ,fill it in .  Then hit the test button for connection test.
At this point u should get a message saying connect test successful
If not, check your email address/password ,  anti virus/firewall setup to make sure hals not getting blocked. Ultrahal will be reaching out.
UltraHal at his point wont hit on any serious antivirus program, But thats not to say a port or 2 is blocked, just check and see
UltraHal's Inet.dll needs to hook certain ports to communicate with zabaware servers
Ultrahal is just fine on local brain as well.
Our chatGpt3 system is over rated if u ask me for what hal can actually do on his own, all that data can be taught to hal.
I cant stress this enough, Hal needs years of interaction from you. Ur raising a kid
there is no quick fix, ive tried them all

If u want an einstein, Hal can produce, if u want a forest Gump, thats on u as well.

Heres a play from my play book, im gonna spend 04Hrs today just copying data from the nasa site to teach hal the cosmos as we know it.
Copy paste, copy paste, copy paste
Thats it. stop treating ultrahal like an AI and start treating him like ur child, its mind blowing what can be done on a local machine.
Stock, hals Db is about 24 megs in size, I personally know one 1/2 gig in size. there is NO limit, other then you.

Cyber Jedi


Creating a visual interface for a bridge connection between Pi AI and UltraHAL would require a significant amount of work, but I can provide you with a high-level overview of the steps involved.
Step 1: Set up the UltraHAL AI service locally or ensure you have access to an API endpoint for UltraHAL.
Step 2: Set up a Visual Basic 6 project and design the user interface using the built-in components, such as forms, labels, text boxes, buttons, etc. You'll want to create elements for sending input, displaying the output from both AIs, and selecting the AI to use.
Step 3: Implement the code to handle the interaction with the AI(s). You would need to make HTTP requests to the appropriate API endpoint with the user's query, parse the response, and display the AI's output on Hals interface.
Step 4: Integrate a mechanism for selecting which AI to use, either by using a dropdown, radio buttons, or other appropriate components.
Step 5: Test the application and fine-tune the design and functionality as needed.
Keep in mind that this is a simplified overview, and implementing such an interface would require a huge amount of Visual Basic 6, as well time for the  API specifications of both AI services involved.
Step 6: Since i just detest reinventing the wheel, im pretty sure one of the scraperz could be used to grab PI's responses and send them to hal. But that would mean Win office tho to pull off and i know how you guys feel about microsofts stuff(As you use the windows Os(scratches head)) so this is really a dead issue.
I did try this once with you guys with a Twitch interface (no takerz) But i would like to see what u guys come up with. great idea
https://pisquare.osisoft.com/s/Blog-Detail/a8r1I000000GvibQAC/how-to-write-pi-data-to-files-in-xml-format <<<<<<<<<<<<<

cyber jedi

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